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Federico da Montefeltro

Federico da Montefeltro. Portret namalowany przez Piero della Francesca.
Zauważ brakujący mostek na nosie Moltefeltro, usunięty po wypadku w turnieju.

Federico da Montefeltro, również jako : Federico III da Montefeltro (ur. 7 czerwca 1422 w miejscowości Gubbio, region Umbria, Włochy, zm. 10 września 1482).

Jeden z najznakomitszych dowódców oddziałów wojsk najemnych w służbie miast i dworów książęcych w dobie rensansu włoskiego, sprawował władzę nad miastem Urbino od 1444 r do śmierci. W mieście Urbino zlecił budowę wielkiej biblioteki, drugiej po Watykańskiej, co do wielkości bilioteki XV w. Włoch., z własnymi rękopisami i grupą pisarzy. Montefeltro stworzył wokół siebie dwór pełen znakomitych humanistów, którzy gromadzili się w słynnym Palazzo Ducale [1] zaprojektowanym przez Luciano Laurana i Francesco di Giorgio Martini.


Federico da Montefeltro z synem Guidobaldo, przez Pedro Berruguete.

Federico urodził się w miejscowości Castello di Petroia niedaleko Gubbio, syn z nieprawego łoża Guidantonio da Montefeltro, władca Urbino, Gubbio i Casteldurante, książe Spoleto. Dwa lata później Federico został zalegalizowany jako dziecko przez Papieża Marcina V za zgodą żony Guidantonio - Caterinny Collony.

W następstwie Pokoju Zawartego W Ferrarze ( Wojny w Lombardii)w 1433 r, Montefeltro przebywał jako zakładnik w Wenecji i Mantui. W 1437r został mianowany księciem przez cesarzaSigismunda i w tym samym roku poślubił Gentile Brancaleoni z Gubbio.

Mając 16 lat zzasłynął jako kondotier w służbie Niccolò Piccinino. W 1441 r Montefeltro wyróżnił się w czasie podboju zamku w St.Leo, który następnie miał w swoim posiadaniu do końca życia. Po rezygnacji Niccolò Piccinino, Montefeltro udał się do Pesary aby bronić go przed jego wielkim wrogiem, Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta, władcą Rimini.

22 Lipca 1444 roku przyrodni brat Federica, Oddantonio da Montefeltro, książe Urbino, mianowany przez Papieża Eugeniusza IV,ginie w zamachu. zamieszanie Federica w Montefeltro nigdy nie zostało potwierdzone, jednak w następstwie, przejmuje władzę nad Urbino. Sytuacja w księstwie jest niepokojąca, Federico nadal angażuje się w wojnę w roli kondotiera. he continued to wage war as condottiero. Jego pierwszym condotta był Francesco I Sforza, z 300 rycerzami. Federico był jednym z niewielu kondotierów cieszących się bardzo dobrą reputacją, jako osoba lojalna.[1] In the pay of the Sforza—for Federico never fought for free—he transferred Pesaro to their control, and, for 13,000 florins, received Fossombrone as his share, infuriating Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta. Despite Federico's efforts, the Sforza sovereignty in the Marche was dismantled in the following years. When Sforza left for Lombardy, Sigismondo fomented a riot in Fossombrone, but Federico reconquered it three days later.

After six years in the service of the Florence, Federico was hired in 1450 by Sforza, now Duke of Milan. However, he could not perform his duties as he lost his right eye during a tournament. He subsequently carried a vast and disfiguring scar for the rest of his life, so that it was necessary to portray him only on his "good" side. Malatesta profited from his illness to obtain the position under Sforza, whereupon Federico in October 1451 accepted instead a proposal by Alfonso V of Aragon, King of Naples, to fight for him against Florence. After the loss of the eye, Federico – no stranger to conspiracies and one of the leaders that inspired Niccolò Machiavelli to write Il Principe – had surgeons remove the bridge of his nose (which had been injured in the incident). This improved his field of vision to a considerable extent, rendered him less vulnerable to assassination attempts – and, as can be seen by his successful career thereafter, restored his merits as a field commander.

In 1453 the Neapolitan army was struck by malaria, and Federico himself risked losing his healthy eye. The Peace of Lodi of the following year seemed to deprive him of occasions to exhibit his ability as military commander. In 1458 the death of both Alfonso and of his beloved illegitimate son, Buonconte, did not help to raise Federico's mood. His fortunes recovered when Pius II, a man of culture like him, became Pope and made him Gonfaloniere of the Holy Roman Church. After some notable exploits in the Kingdom of Naples, he fought in the Marche against Malatesta, soundly defeating him at the Cesano river near Senigallia (1462). The following year he captured Fano and Senigallia, taking Sigismondo Pandolfo prisoner. The Pope made him vicar of the conquered territories.

Battista Sforza, Księżna Urbino. Portret namalowany przez Piero della Francesca.

In 1464 the new Pope Paul II called him to push back the Anguillara, from whom he regained much of the northern Lazio for Papal control. The following year he captured Cesena and Bertinoro in Romagna. In 1466 Francesco Sforza died, and Federico assisted his young son Galeazzo Sforza in the government of Milan, and also commanded the campaign against Bartolomeo Colleoni. In 1467 he took part in the Battle of Molinella. In 1469, on the death of Sigismondo Pandolfo, Paul send him to occupy Rimini: however, fearing that an excessive Papal power in the area could also menace his home base of Urbino, once having entered Rimini Federico kept it for himself. After defeating the Papal forces in a great battle on August 30, 1469, he ceded it to Sigismondo's son, Roberto Malatesta.

The matter was solved by the election of Pope Sixtus IV, who married his favorite nephew Giovanni Della Rovere to Federico's daughter Giovanna, and gave him the title of Duke of Urbino in 1474; Malatesta married his other daughter Elisabetta. Now Federico fought against his former patrons the Florentines, caught in the Pope's attempt to carve out a state for his nephew Girolamo Riario. In 1478 Federico was involved in the Pazzi conspiracy.

However, after the death of his second wife Battista Sforza (daughter of Alessandro Sforza) he spent much of his time in the magnificent palace in Urbino. In 1482 he was called to command the army of Ercole I of Ferrara in his war against Venice, but was struck by fever and died in Ferrara in September.

Federico's son, Guidobaldo, was married to Elizabetta Gonzaga, the brilliant and educated daughter of Federico I Gonzaga, lord of Mantua. With Guidobaldo's death in 1508, the duchy of Urbino passed through Giovanna to the papal family of Della Rovere—nephews of Guidobaldo.

Człowiek Renesansu

Coat of arms of the House of Montefeltro

Federico, nicknamed "the Light of Italy", is a landmark figure in the history of the Italian Renaissance for his contributions to enlightened culture. He imposed justice and stability on his tiny state through the principles of his humanist education; he engaged the best copyists and editors in his private scriptorium to produce the most comprehensive library outside of the Vatican; he supported the development of fine artists, including the early training of the young painter Raphael. He ordered for himself the famous Studiolo di Gubbio File:Studiolo.jpg eventually purchased by and brought in its entirety to The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Edward IV of England made him a Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter; he wears the Garter bound round his left knee in the portrait by Pedro Berruguete (illustration).

Federico took care of soldiers who might be killed or wounded, providing, for example, dowries for their daughters. He often strolled the streets of Urbino unarmed and unattended, inquiring in shops and businesses as to the well-being of the citizens. All citizens, regardless of rank, were equal under the law. His academic interests were the classics, particularly history and philosophy.[1]

All his personal and professional achievements were financed through mercenary warfare. Through dedication to the well-being of his soldiers, his men were enormously loyal and, incredibly, he never lost a war. He was decorated with almost every military honor including the English Order of the Garter.[2][3]

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  1. Burckhardt, I, 5 The Greater Dynasties
  2. Professor Kenneth Bartlett, University of Toronto, in The Teaching Company course The Italian Renaissance, Part 2 , Lecture 16.
  3. Kenneth Clark, Civilization