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Dyskusja:Zamieszki w Kosowie w 2004 roku

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Wrong Section

Sorry for writing in English, but I thought you should know that the Plik:Serbenviertel Altstadt Prizren.jpg was taken in 2002, which means it is in the wrong section of the article. I presume it should be somewhere in the Tło wydarzeń section. Regards, Radu Gherasim (dyskusja) 14:14, 27 sty 2013 (CET)[odpowiedz]

The picture was moved to the indicated section. Thanks for your comment. Loraine (dyskusja) 19:05, 27 sty 2013 (CET)[odpowiedz]

Info z KFOR Szwecji i Norwegii

Czesc. Moja polszczyzna nie jest tak dobra abych mogl przekladzic ten text do polskiego artykulu, ale tutaj jest, jesli ktos chce to zrobic. Dziekuje. - Anonimski (dyskusja) 20:57, 9 maj 2014 (CEST)[odpowiedz]

In Čaglavica, 12000 Kosovo Albanian rioters tried to storm the Serb-populated areas. Norwegian peacekeepers from KFOR created a blockade by using tear gas, rubber bullets, and stun grenades, in order to keep the two groups apart. A truck was driven by a Kosovo Albanian at full speed towards the barricade in an attempt to penetrate the line. After firing warning shots at the truck, the Norwegians had to use deadly force to avoid friendly casualties, and shot the driver. 16 Norwegian peacekeepers were injured, and 13 of them had to be evacuated. Two Norwegians were seriously wounded.[1] Another KFOR unit consisting of mostly Swedish soldiers also participated in defending Čaglavica that day, supported by people from the barracks who normally worked with non-military tasks. Lieutenant Colonel Hans Håkansson, who commanded 700 people during the unrest, reported that the fighting went on for 11 hours, and that many collapsed due to dehydration and broken limbs while struggling to fend off waves of rioters.[2] In total, 35 people were injured while defending the town.[2]


  1. Szablon:Cite AV media
  2. a b Maciej Zaremba: Mandom, mod och landstingstossor. 15 June 2007. [dostęp 9 May 2014].