- "Or will you prove your worth in the Thundercone?"
- —Chieftess, Road Rumblers
The Chieftess is the leader of the Road Rumblers, a group of cars who had turned their desert camping group into a post-apocalyptic society. She was carried on the roofs of four Volkswagen Beetles.
Following their capture by Cap'n Long Leggy, Lightning McQueen and Mater were taken to the Road Rumblers' base to meet the Chieftess. The Chieftess sentenced the two to fight in the Thundercone, planning to have the winner join their ranks to fight their opposition. Before the fight had concluded, the Chieftess and other Road Rumblers left to go to battle against a faction of electric cars.
The Chieftess and her Road Rumblers charged forward against their enemies, but Lightning and Mater attempted to stop them with a speech, explaining why they have no need to fight. Unfortunately, this didn't work, and the battle continued. However, Lightning's words eventually resonated with the Road Rumblers, and they befriended the electric cars and joined them for a drink at a gas station..
Physical description[]
The Chieftess is a 1944 Piedmont Hauser painted gold. She is covered in spikes on her hood and wheels, and wears an elaborate headdress, signifying her status as leader.
Names in other languages[]
- Afrikaans: Offerhoofd
- Hungarian: Fönök
- Norwegian: Høvding
- Polish: Szefowa
- Russian: Чифtecc (transcription: Chiftecc)
- Swedish: Krigshövding
- Turkish: Şefiçe
- Ukrainian: Отаманша (transcription: Otamansha)