- "You ain't telling the D.A nothing!!"
- —Big D, Mater Private Eye
Big D is the biggest crime lord 'downtown'.
In Mater Private Eye, Big D is the mastermind of a counterfeit tire traffic, which produced counterfeit Lightyear tires (labeled Lite Yeer) that caused blowouts on those who were equipped with them. He had carnapped Tia's sister Mia.
He was first mentioned by Tia when she said that she last saw Mia working for Big D at his nightclub. Then at the nightclub, Mater asks Carmen if she's seen Mia anywhere, and Carmen says she saw her a few days ago with Big D, but with the smell of salt like the ocean.
When Mater investigated the docks, he was uncovered by a crane and captured by Big D's henchmen. Big D then reveals himself. Mater said that he will tell the DA. Big D replies he won't tell the DA anything. Upon seeing Lieutenant Lightning McQueen and the other police cars arrive, he tried to flee, but Mater moved the crane with his tow hook and made it drop a crate of tires on Big D, which were revealed to be counterfeits. Lightning and the police then arrested Big D.
Big D's real paint colors remains unknown, as he was only seen during the black and white part of Mater Private Eye.
According to the copyright information of the Mater Private Eye book, Big D is a Packard modeled vehicle. But it is unknown the exact model.
Short Films[]
Names in other languages[]
- Lithuanian: Didysis D
- Ukrainian:
- Великий Д
- Великий Ді
- His name is a reference to his model. As such, the D in his name may stand for Duesenberg.
- While is model is confirmed as a Packard, this could still be true.
- Big D is shown to have a slang way of speaking, in contrast with his wealthy appearance.
- His appearance looks a bit like Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost Kegresse (Santa Car).
- Or just the combined model elements of 1953 Royalcraft Mark Il (The Queen).