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"The Potato Heads, Mr. and Mrs. You've gotta keep 'em together, 'cause they're madly in love."
Andy shows Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head to Bonnie.

Mr. Potato Head is one of the main characters in the Toy Story franchise. He is a moody, crabby toy based on the famous Mr. Potato Head toy from Hasbro and Playskool.

Though he can be sarcastic, cynical, jealous, and sometimes unfriendly and rude, he has a heart of gold deep down and is prepared to go to limitless lengths to save his friends.

Mr. Potato Head is partners with Hamm as they are seen high-fiving each other whenever something exciting or triumphant happens.

Mr. Potato Head demonstrates the unique ability to separate his body parts from his plastic body. He has eyes, pink ears, white arms with gloves, two pairs of blue shoes (one extra), a red mouth, an orange nose, black eyebrows, a black mustache, a black bowler hat and a pair of angry eyes.

Toy Story


Mr. Potato Head's parts scattered around the floor in Toy Story

Mr. Potato Head first appears in Toy Story playing One-Eyed Bart. After Andy leaves his room, Potato Head wakes up to find a number of his parts scattered to the floor (Molly has earlier drooled on him, and also smashed him apart), also expressing irritation that Andy has had to place him in Molly's crib during their "playtime" since he is supposed to be only playable for children of ages three and up. He then shows Hamm his messed-up face (with all his facial pieces (except the mustache) in wrong slots), pretending to be Picasso, but Hamm has no idea and Mr. Potato Head berates him for being uncultured.

When Woody holds a staff meeting, Mr. Potato Head asks if they have to hold hands when Woody tells everyone to get a moving buddy. Mr. Potato Head points out that Woody is, of course, not worried when he tells everyone not to panic when Andy's birthday has been moved to that day, only for Slinky to speak up to Potato Head when he has complained about that. When Slinky is not looking, Mr. Potato Head takes off his mouth and "kisses" his butt while Slinky keeps talking. When Woody sends Sarge and his Green Army Men, Potato Head prays for Andy to get a Mrs. Potato Head.

During most of the first film, Mr. Potato Head is very rude, unfriendly, and mean to Woody mostly because he is jealous of Woody being Andy's favorite toy. For example, when he becomes fascinated with all the features of the Buzz Lightyear action figure that Andy has received for his birthday, Mr. Potato Head also makes fun of Woody by accusing him of not having a laser like Buzz, describing Woody's sampled voice "like a car ran over it," and suggesting an attic as a special place Andy will have for Woody.

Threat MrPotato Head

Mr. Potato Head threatening Woody

One evening, after Woody accidentally knocks Buzz out the window, Mr. Potato Head is quick to accuse Woody of being a jealous "toy killer", and interrogates him if he will do the same to Mr. Potato Head if Andy started playing with him more, and leads a mutiny with most of the other toys to attack Woody by stringing him by his pull-string. But before the toys can do so, they all retreat when they hear Andy approaching the room. While Andy searches the room for Buzz, Mr. Potato Head quietly gets Woody's attention and has Etch draw a hangman noose, threatening to hang Woody for trying to kill Buzz. However, Andy, after failing to find Buzz, takes Woody along instead to Pizza Planet, foiling this threat (temporarily, as Woody realizes later on that he will be dead meat if he doesn't come back without Buzz).

That night, when Andy and his mother return home, Mr. Potato Head, alongside Hamm, is feeling somewhat content when he learns about Woody's disappearance, taking it as an establishment of his guilt in the window incident.

Later the next day, Woody throws a string of Christmas lights from Sid's house to Andy's house; Slinky catches them, but Mr. Potato Head snatches the lights away, and labels Woody a liar. Woody then tries to convince the toys to let him get back by pretending that Buzz is with him (using Buzz's severed left arm), but Mr. Potato Head remains suspicious of what Woody is actually doing. When Woody accidentally blows his cover by showing Buzz's arm, Mr. Potato Head snaps at Woody, calls him a "murdering dog," and tells him he hopes Sid will rip his voice box out before the toys back away from and close the window, leaving Woody and unknown to them, a still-alive Buzz, depressed and stranded in Sid's house.

On the night before the moving day, it was shown that Rex was his moving buddy, but only because everyone else was picked. Rex sticks his head out of the box to gasp for air, making Mr. Potato Head annoyed and wondering why they became moving buddies.

The next day, during the move to Andy's new house, Woody tosses RC out of the moving truck onto the street to rescue Buzz, and Mr. Potato Head, thinking that Woody is trying to kill another toy, rallies the other toys to ambush Woody and toss him overboard. During the ambush, Woody hits Mr. Potato Head with RC's remote, causing his left ear and entire face parts to fall off, and his mouth yells, "Toss him overboard!" However, when Bo Peep reveals that Woody was "telling the truth," Mr. Potato Head realizes his mistake, and is terrified and guilty at what he had done. He attempts to compensate by holding onto Slinky's tail so Slinky can help Woody, Buzz and RC back into the truck. It fails however, but Woody and Buzz use Sid's rocket and toss RC back to the van; the toys move out of the way as RC crashes into Mr. Potato Head, sending his pieces flying in all directions, most likely in an derisive payback for having led the mutiny against Woody in the first place.

SurprisedMrP tato

Mr. Potato Head surprised

At the end of the film, Mr. Potato Head is overjoyed to hear Molly receiving a Mrs. Potato Head as her Christmas present. When the toys congratulate Mr. Potato Head, he remarks that he better shave, so he takes off his mustache.

Toy Story 2

In Toy Story 2, he is first seen having found Mrs. Potato Head's missing ear. Mr. Potato Head, along with the other toys, witnesses Woody going down to the yard sale with Buster to rescue Wheezy from being sold, and is shocked when Woody gets stolen. After Woody is kidnapped, he and Hamm set up a crime scene, where Mr. Potato Head operates Exhibit F, in which he details the kidnapper's escape route, although he later snaps at Rex after the latter, when asking for the phone number for the FBI, inadvertently destroys his crime scene. He indirectly, and inadvertently, helps Buzz come up with the answer to LZTYBRN (the license plate on the car of the man who has stolen Woody) when he sarcastically tells the others to "leave Buzz to play with his toys". As Buzz orders Etch to "draw that man in a chicken suit," Potato Head, along with the other toys, is horrified to learn that the man who has kidnapped Woody is the "chicken man", Al McWhiggin, who also happens to be the owner of Al's Toy Barn.

Later, Mr. Potato Head goes on a mission with Buzz, Hamm, Rex and Slinky to rescue Woody, showing him in a much more positive light and suggesting that his relationship with Woody has greatly improved. At one point, when the toys are reprimanded by Buzz for requesting a rest, Buzz mentions the time when Potato Head had Woody thrown "out of the back of that moving van,". The others react with shock, still feeling bad about it (Mr. Potato Head feeling the worst, as he led the mutiny), even though Woody has long since forgiven them. When the toys cross the street to Al's Toy Barn, they indirectly cause a semi to jackknife, and the chains securing a large pipe on the semi break, freeing the pipe that subsequently rolls down the street, during which Potato Head gets one of his feet stuck on a piece of chewing gum on the pavement. He manages to pull his foot off the gum and narrowly escapes getting squished by the pipe. Upon making it to the other side of the road, he commented on how well that went, just as the pipe rolls into and causes a lamppost to fall down onto the street.

While the toys search Al's Toy Barn, they encounter a Barbie aisle, where Tour Guide Barbie hops into the car, right next to Mr. Potato Head, who remarks that he is a married potato, prompting Hamm to switch seats with him. He seems to be the most suspicious of a arrogant attitude of the newer Buzz Lightyear action figure that the toys take with them from Al's Toy Barn. After the toys break into Al's apartment, Mr. Potato Head tries to scare Jessie by reaching into his back compartment for his angry eyes, but attaches his spare pair of shoes by mistake (especially after Mrs. Potato Head has given him his shoes and his angry eyes).

When the toys leave the apartment after Al leaves with Woody, Potato Head throws his hat like a frisbee to jam the apartment lobby's closing doors (similar to Oddjob in Goldfinger), letting the toys pass through. Outside, he is the first to spot an idling Pizza Planet delivery truck nearby, and is assigned by Buzz to operate the levers and knobs with Hamm. To make the truck accelerate, Potato Head shifts the lever of the truck while Slinky presses down the pedals. While the toys chase Al in the truck, Mr. Potato Head saves three alien toys from flying out the window. He becomes increasingly annoyed at the aliens' repeated expression of their gratefulness towards him. At Tri-County International Airport, he, Hamm, Rex and the Aliens aim for a luggage, only to find a flash camera instead, but they use that camera to stun Stinky Pete the Prospector before he can finish Woody off with his pick ax.

After the toys return home, Mrs. Potato Head, upon hearing that her husband has saved the aliens, decides to adopt them as their children, much to his dismay. Finally, he and his wife are seen standing together as they watch a fixed Wheezy sing (in a deep voice) "You've Got a Friend in Me."

Toy Story 2 ABC Interstitials

Mr. Potato Head appears in multiple of the shorts including Good Morning America, Remote Daytime and Remote Nighttime.

Toy Story 3

"Don't you get it? We're done! Finished! Over the hill!"
—Mr. Potato Head

In Toy Story 3, Mr. Potato Head is still annoyed when the Aliens continue to express their gratefulness toward him. When a teenage Andy enters his room to do something about the toys, he puts Mr. Potato Head and all the other toys, except Woody, into a trash bag. He intends to put the bag in the attic, but leaves to help his sister Molly. However, Andy's slightly-aged mother mistakes the bag for trash, and puts it on the curb. Mr. Potato Head was partly responsible for saving the toys from death when he pointed out what's the point to get out if Andy doesn't want them, making Buzz see Rex's pointy tail. The toys manage escape and sneak into a box bound for Sunnyside Daycare. Woody tries to clear up the misunderstanding, but the toys do not believe him and go to the daycare. There, they are greeted by Lotso, who assigns them to the Caterpillar Room.

After Woody bails, the toys experience a rather rough playtime with the toddlers, with Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head's parts being scattered on the floor and being chewed on, once even having Mr. Potato Head's parts inside a toddler's nose. While Buzz ventures out of the room to go find Lotso so he could ask him to transfer them to the Butterfly Room, Mrs. Potato Head, through her other eye that has been left behind in Andy's room, notices that Andy is searching for them, making Mr. Potato Head and the other toys shocked to realize that Woody has been right about Andy's intention to store the toys into the attic. However, just then, Lotso and his henchmen, now with a reset Buzz, lock up all the toys, and when Lotso removes Mrs. Potato Head's mouth to silence her, Mr. Potato Head tries to get his wife's mouth back. As Big Baby imprisons Mrs. Potato Head, Mr. Potato Head tries to stop Big Baby, who then picks up Mr. Potato Head and, under Lotso's instruction, takes him to a sandbox outside for him to "learn himself some manners."

The next day, Mr. Potato Head, covered with sand, describes his night in the sandbox after rejoining with the other toys. After experiencing another rough playtime with the toddlers, Mr. Potato Head and the others are reunited with Woody, who has returned to rescue them. Mr. Potato Head supports Jessie's statement about being wrong about Andy and Woody apologizes to the toys for leaving them behind. That night, Mr. Potato Head is caught by Ken, Buzz and Big Baby while taking a nighttime stroll. He stands up to himself and kicks Ken, who then orders Big Baby to put him back in the sandbox. Immediately thereafter, he pushes his parts out through a hole in the bottom and demonstrates the ability of his parts as they are capable of hopping around on their own.

Mr. Tortilla Head

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Mr. Potato Head in his tortilla body

After Jessie, Bullseye, Hamm, and Rex entrap Buzz in a storage bin, Jessie tosses a tortilla roll for Mr. Potato Head's parts. After his hand grabs hold of the tortilla, he sticks his parts into it, turning himself into "Mr. Tortilla Head". This makes him have a floppy walk. He climbs up onto a trike, and uses a mirror attached to it to direct the moonlight into the Caterpillar Room to signal Mrs. Potato Head to unlock the door. While walking on a windowsill, he is confronted by a pigeon (who is called Feathers by Tortilla Head), who pecks at his tortilla body repeatedly until he finally shoos the pigeon away. However, the tortilla falls apart as he falls from the windowsill. His eye then catches sight of a vegetable garden nearby.

Mr. Cucumber Head

Mr. Cucumber Head: "You would not believe what I've been through tonight!"
Mrs. Potato Head: "Darling! Are you okay?"
Mr. Cucumber Head: "I feel fresh! Healthy! It's terrible!"
Mrs. Potato Head: "You've lost weight. And so tall."
―Mr. Cucumber Head and Mrs. Potato Head, after Mr. Cucumber Head catches up with the gang[src]
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Mr. Potato Head in his cucumber body

While the toys are making their way to the garbage chute (the only escape route as the Chatter Telephone has told Woody about), Mrs. Potato Head warns Jessie and Buzz, the latter being reset to Spanish mode by accident, about someone approaching them from behind. It turns out to be "Mr. Cucumber Head" (parts of Mr. Potato Head using a cucumber for his body), whom Mrs. Potato Head instantly recognizes. He remarks to her that he is feeling fresh and healthy, but terrible in that body, but is relieved when Bullseye gives him back his plastic potato body. Mr. Cucumber Head then transfers all his parts back onto his plastic potato body, changing himself back into Mr. Potato Head.

After putting himself together again, Mr. Potato Head and the others make their way out of Sunnyside through the garbage chute, only to be confronted by Lotso again. The confrontation eventually results in Lotso's henchmen turning on their leader upon being convinced of his deception, and Lotso being thrown into a dumpster by Big Baby. After Lotso pulls Woody into the dumpster, Mr. Potato Head and the others jump onto the dumpster, only to fall into a garbage truck that has just arrived. The truck takes them to the Tri-County Landfill, where the toys escape the shredders, but are dumped into a furnace after Lotso leaves them to die in an incinerator. Mr. Potato Head joins hands with his wife and Rex; when taking Rex's hand, he seems to make amends with Rex by nodding solemnly after years of dismissing him. Just as the toys are about to face their fiery death, they are saved by a giant claw crane that the Aliens are commandeering. Mr. Potato Head was the first of the toys to speak after the rescue. After escaping the unthinkable, Mr. Potato Head expressed a renewed appreciation of life in Andy's attic.


Mr. Potato Head finally accepting the aliens

After the Aliens catch up with the toys outside the furnace, Mr. Potato Head's attitude toward the Aliens changes for the better as he expresses his gratefulness toward them by using the second half of their repeated grateful message, "And we are eternally grateful. My boys!" (following his wife's "You saved our lives.") and gives the aliens a big, proud hug, finally accepting them as his kids. The toys return home, wash themselves off with a garden hose, and climb back to Andy's room. They say goodbye to Woody as they climb into a box destined for the attic, and Mr. Potato Head tells Woody that he should tell Andy to get a haircut. However, with Woody's intervention, he is finally given to Bonnie Anderson, along with his wife and the other toys, when Andy stops at her house while moving out to college. After Andy leaves, Mr. Potato Head is briefly seen tipping his hat to Chuckles, who is shaking hands with Mrs. Potato Head.

In the credits, as he and his wife watch Totoro juggling their "children", the Peas-in-a-Pod cause mischief inside Mr. Potato Head's back compartment, causing many of his parts pop out. As they bounce away, Mr. Potato Head furiously tells them (through his detached mouth) to stay out of his butt. Finally, he and his wife are seen standing together as the toys watch Jessie and Buzz perform a paso doble to Hay Un Amigo En Mi, the Spanish version of You've Got a Friend in Me.

One-Eyed Bart


Mr. Potato Head as "One-Eyed Bart" in Toy Story

When Andy plays with his toys, he often portrays Mr. Potato Head as an evil, nefarious outlaw called One-Eyed Bart, as shown in the opening sequences of Toy Story and Toy Story 3, the latter taking place in real-world imagination. In both films, he summons his "Attack Dog with a Built-In Force Field" (Slinky's role) to protect himself from being arrested by Sheriff Woody.

In Toy Story

In the first film, a reward for "50 bazillion dollars" will be rewarded to a person who captures and turns him in. He appears first as just like regular Mr. Potato Head except that a pretend gun is attached to him. He demands a group of toys, including Bo Peep, not to move, calling it as a stick-up as he orders the group to empty the safe (Andy uses Hamm to portray the safe being emptied by making the coins spill out of his piggy bank). Bo Peep tries to tell Bart to stop, but he threatens to get her sheep run over if she doesn't keep quiet. But then Andy pulls out Woody, who sees that he is One-Eyed Bart, and one of Bart's eyes is detached by Andy. Bart tries to protect himself with a "force field" generated from his "attack dog". After Woody summons his "Dinosaur Who Eats Force Field Dogs" (Rex's role) to destroy Bart's "force field," Bart finally goes to "jail" (Molly's crib) where Molly comes in and drools on him.

In Toy Story 3


"One-Eyed Bart" with "One-Eyed Betty" in Toy Story 3

In the third film, he appears right at the beginning of the film in the very realistic play scene. He has an eye patch in place of his missing eye and a cowboy hat instead of his black hat. He also has an equally evil wife named One-Eyed Betty (Mrs. Potato Head's character).

He is first seen trying to steal money from a train carrying a bunch of orphans, but Woody whips the money bags off Bart and sets his foot on him. When Woody declares Bart to be under arrest for robbing a train, Bart calls to his wife, who drives Woody backwards to the caboose and knocks him off the train, but Woody catches up with the train by riding Bullseye with Jessie. Unwilling to surrender, Bart then explodes a railroad bridge using tons of dynamite, then escapes with his wife and their stolen loot in a Corvette that the aliens are driving. Bart and Betty honor their successful robbery, but then Buzz appears and uses his laser to slice the Corvette into half. Woody catches up with the criminals, but a still persistent Bart tries to protect himself and his henchmen with his "force field" generated from their "attack dog". Just as Woody and his allies call out for their dinosaur to destroy the "force field," a spaceship controlled by Evil Dr. Porkchop (Hamm's character) appears and Dr. Porkchop warps Bart, Betty, the aliens, and their attack dog back into the spaceship. After Dr. Porkchop executes "Death by Monkeys" to capture Woody, Buzz, and Jessie, Bart prepares to blast the three heroes into oblivion. Back in Andy's room, Andy himself brings the scenario to a close by using his fingers to trace Buzz's laser reflecting off Woody's badge to "destroy" the "spaceship", and allowing Woody to arrest Bart and his hooligans.

Toy Story Toons

Hawaiian Vacation

Mr. Potato Head: "Welcome to the Bonnielikeoke Motel."
Ken: "I thought we were staying at the resort."
Mr. Potato Head: (rings bell, which Jessie puts a sticky tag saying "resort") "Welcome to the Bonnielikeoke Resort!"
—Mr. Potato Head acting as a hotel receptionist

In the first episode of Toy Story Toons, as Bonnie leaves for Hawaii, Mr. Potato Head announces that he and his wife are going to enjoy a fun-filled week together, but secretly leaves his left eye and arm to play cards with Hamm, Buttercup, and Chuckles. After Bonnie drops off her school bag and leaves with her mother, Barbie and Ken appear out of the bag, hoping to join her in Hawaii. When told he was in Bonnie's bedroom, Mr. Potato Head calls on Ken's poor thinking that Bonnie would take her school backpack on vacation. As Ken hides in Bonnie's backpack to cry, Barbie shares with the gang their intended outline of their Hawaiian vacation and eventually have their first kiss. Mr. Potato Head remarks that the two have not kissed yet, prompting his wife to knock him down for his rudeness. This inspires Bonnie's toys to recreate various scenarios of Hawaii for the two using whatever they can find around Bonnie's house. Mr. Potato Head acts as the receptionist at a resort Barbie and Ken are "staying" in and later uses a pineapple as his body. Later, he and his best friends watch through the window as Barbie and Ken share their first kiss in the snow at sunrise. Mr. Potato Head predicts they would fall off the deck into the snow, which they do. He later chips at the block of ice Barbie and Ken are frozen in with a screwdriver.

Small Fry

Mr. Potato Head also appeared in Small Fry, even though he had no lines.

When Rex returns with Bonnie from Poultry Palace, everyone finds that Buzz had been swapped with a Mini Buzz. Mr. Potato Head, along with everyone else, watches Mini Buzz skate around the room, eagerly expecting playtime as Woody badly tries to inquire about Buzz's whereabouts.

After Woody subdues Mini Buzz, he and his friends attempt to come up with a plan to infiltrate Poultry Palace. Thankfully, Buzz escaped the restaurant on his own.

Partysaurus Rex

In the third episode, after Rex barges in and pops the bubble Mrs. Potato Head was blowing, Mr. Potato Head and the others poke fun on Rex by calling him "Partypooper Rex." This also led to him being indirectly responsible for Rex holding a party in the bathtub and calling himself "Partysaurus Rex." After the plumber came over due to the water overflowing thanks to Rex (resulting in Mr. Potato Head removing his ears temporarily to let the water inside spill out), Mr. Potato Head was in disbelief that Rex could hold an effective party until the pool toys invited him to cause a rave.

Toy Story OF TERROR!

Mr. Potato Head also returns in the Halloween special. He is the first toy to be taken by Mr. Jones.

Toy Story That Time Forgot

Mr. Potato Head also returns in the Christmas special. He spends Christmas with Bonnie and her toys. His role here was smaller compared to his role in the films and Halloween special.

Toy Story 4

In the fourth film, Don Rickles was about to reprise his role as Mr. Potato Head, but died before recording lines. However, recycled unused lines from the previous three films, video games and other media forms were used. Mr. Potato Head's role in Toy Story 4 is significantly smaller as a result of his limited dialogue, he was mostly seen helping the other toys with their plans.

Mr. Potato Head has fourteen lines of dialogue, which consists of:

  • "Where's my ear!?": When the toys are scrambling around in the closet.
  • “Hehehehehe!” Mr. Potato Head when he pushes one of Buzz's buttons in the closet.
  • "I knew it!": When he finds out Woody snuck to kindergarten with Bonnie.
  • "Look at that!": When he sees Forky for the first time.
  • ”Hello!” Said with the other toys when Forky was introduced.
  • "And then what?": When Buzz tells everyone that he has to go.
  • ”Oh no!” When Buzz jumps out of the window to find Woody.
  • "Oh, how could this get any worse?": Heard amongst chatter from the other toys when Jessie announces that the RV is leaving while Woody, Buzz, and Forky are still out.
  • "Hey watch it, buddy!": Almost immediately after the previous line when Rex accidently knocks out Potato Head's facial parts by accident while in a panic.
  • ”Hey!” After Jessie pops the tire heard in the crowd of toys cheering.
  • "You gotta be kidding!": When Forky tells everyone to meet Woody at the carousel.
  • When the Toys stack themselves up to open the awning you hear Mr. Potato Head gasp.
  • When the Toys hug Woody at the end you hear him laughing .
  • “Go, Go, Go!!” When the toys rush back to the RV before Bonnie parents leave.

Pixar Popcorn

Mr. Potato Head appears in To Fitness and Beyond.


A potato-shaped toy, his patented design allows him to separate his detachable parts from his body by removing them from the holes on his body. He also has a compartment on his lower back to store extra appendages. He is the only toy shown to be capable of retaining control over his parts even if they are several centimeters / inches away from his main body, most likely because his toy is designed to be taken apart, unlike many other types of toys. For example, he can still see if his detachable eyes are removed (through the eyes, of course), as well as being able to move his hands and legs if they are detached.


Mr. Potato Head is a rather cynical Mr. Potato Head toy, of the common design of Hasbro's Playskool. Andy often casts him as a villain in his games, which seems to be the reason he can be so cynical and irritable, being cast as the bad guy so often.

Despite being antagonistic toward Woody in Toy Story, Mr. Potato Head becomes much more amicable and respectful after Mrs. Potato Head's arrival.

Toy Description

From Official Website:

Mr. Potato Head is a wisecracking, hot-headed spud, complete with angry eyes. He's the eternal pessimist with a tough plastic exterior, but his total devotion to his "sweet potato," Mrs. Potato Head, reveals a softer side.


  • Mr. Potato Head's line "What are you lookin' at, ya hockey puck?" is one of Don Rickles' catchphrases.
  • At one point in Toy Story 2, Mr. Potato Head pokes his eye through the vent at Al's apartment. However, this may contradict with his earlier action when he removes his ears while Rex is reading the manual of Buzz Lightyear: Attack on Zurg.
  • Mr. Potato Head's hat-throwing technique to stop the closing doors at Al's Penthouse resembles Oddjob's trademark hat-throwing technique in Goldfinger.
  • The design that Pixar used for Mr. Potato Head is an altered version of the 1980s and 90s design. For instance, in the real world, the toy Mr. Potato Head's eyes are attached to each other with only one hole on the plastic potato to put them in. In the Toy Story films, Mr. Potato Head's eyes are separate, and have one hole for each eye on the plastic body to place them in (this is true for the shoes as well). That is the reason the Toy Story Collection version has connected eyes, in which the eye connection is a "half inaccuracy." The collectors were not pleased.
  • His design is one of the possible combinations from the 1980s Mr Potato Head Bucket of Parts.
  • According to himself in Toy Story, children under three years of age cannot play with him.
  • It is possible Mr. Potato Head comes with over 30 accessories like Mrs. Potato Head, including his angry eyes and spare shoes, even though most of Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head's accessories are unseen throughout the movies.
  • He has helped the toys several of times in each movie from his quotes, like when he sarcastically said, "Let's leave Buzz to play with his toys" or "Andy doesn't want us. What's the point?".
  • In Toy Story, Mr. Potato Head does not have his storage compartment, which he does have in Toy Story 2 and Toy Story 3. No official reason was given as to why. The same happens with the hole on the top of his head, which is absent in the first film.
  • It is unknown how his eyebrows can be separated from his eyes. Mr. Potato Head has removed at least one eye in every movie, and he is seen to have been able to take his eyebrows apart. However, when it shows him with one or no eyes, there is no hole for the eyebrows, but they can separate.
  • In the Dutch version of Toy Story 3, the tortilla that Mr. Potato Head uses as a body is called a pancake.


From Toy Story

"Ages three and up. It's on my box. Ages three and up! I'm not supposed to be baby-sitting Princess Drool."
—Mr. Potato Head, first lines, upon waking up to see his parts scattered to the floor
Mr. Potato Head: "Hey, Hamm! Look, I'm Picasso!"
Hamm: "Uh, I don't get it."
(Hamm, confused, walks away)
Mr. Potato Head: "You uncultured swine!" (turns to hockey puck) "What're you lookin' at, ya hockey puck?"
―Mr. Potato Head shows Hamm his messed-up face[src]
Woody: "I'm not worried. You shouldn't be worried."
Mr. Potato Head: "Of course Woody ain't worried. He's been Andy's favorite since kindergarten!"
Slinky Dog: "Hey, hey! Come on, Potato Head! If Woody says it's all right, then, well, darn it, it's good enough for me. Woody has never steered us wrong before."
―An example of Mr. Potato Head's negative attitude toward Woody[src]
"Mrs. Potato Head! Mrs. Potato Head! Mrs. Potato Head!" (to Rex) "Hey, I can dream, can't I?"
—Mr. Potato Head anxiously awaits his wife's arrival
"Where's my ear? Who's seen my ear? Did you see my ear?"
—Mr. Potato Head, as the toys scurry back to their places
Buzz: "Ah, ah, ah, ah! Please be careful! You don't want to be in the way when my laser goes off."
Mr. Potato Head: "Hey, a laser! How come you don't have a laser, Woody?"
Woody: "It's not a laser! It's a... It's a little light bulb that blinks!"
Hamm: "What's with him?"
Mr. Potato Head: "Laser envy."
―Mr. Potato Head poking fun at Woody for not having a laser like Buzz[src]
(RC makes whirring motor sounds after Buzz falls out a window)
Rex: "Hey, everyone, RC's trying to say something! What is it, boy?"
Mr. Potato Head: "He's saying that this was no accident."
Bo Peep: "What do you mean?"
Mr. Potato Head: "I mean Humpty-Dumpty was pushed...by Woody!"
Woody: "Wait a minute. You...you don't think I meant to knock Buzz out the window, do you? Potato Head?"
Mr. Potato Head: "That's Mr. Potato Head to you, you back-stabbing murderer!"
Woody: "Now, it was an accident, guys. Come on. Now, you, you gotta believe me."
―Mr. Potato Head accuses Woody after Buzz is knocked out of the window[src]
Mr. Potato Head: "Couldn't handle Buzz cutting in on your playtime, could you, Woody? Didn't wanna face the fact that Buzz just might be Andy's new favorite toy. So you got rid of him. Well, what if Andy starts playing with me more, Woody, huh? You gonna knock me outta the window too?"
Hamm: "I don't think we should give him the chance"
―Mr. Potato Head questions Woody's motives after the window incident[src]
Mr. Potato Head: "Let's string him up by his pull string!"
Hamm: "I got dibs on his hat!"
Bo Peep: "Would you boys stop it?"
Hamm: "Tackle him!"
Woody: "No, no, no, no, wait! Wait, I can explain everything..."
―Mr. Potato Head and Hamm prepare to ambush Woody[src]
Bo Peep: "Woody's gone?!"
Hamm: "Well what do you know, the weasel ran away."
Mr. Potato Head: "Huh? Huh? I told you he was guilty."
Rex: "Who would've thought he was capable of such atrocities? "
―Andy's toys learn of Woody's disappearance[src]
Mr. Potato Head: "B-3."
Hamm: "Miss! G-6."
Mr. Potato Head: "Ohhh! You sunk it!"
Hamm: "Heh-heh."
Mr. Potato Head: "Are you peeking?"
Hamm: "Oh, quit your whining and pay up." (Potato Head reaches for his ear) "No, no, not the ear. Give me the nose. Come on!"
Mr. Potato Head: "How 'bout three out of five?"
―Mr. Potato Head and Hamm playing Battleship[src]
Mr. Potato Head: "Son of a building block! It's Woody!"
Hamm: "He's in the psycho's bedroom!"
―Mr. Potato Head and Hamm, upon seeing Woody in Sid's room
Mr. Potato Head: "Wait! Wait! Wait! I got a better idea! How about we don't?"
(Mr. Potato Head snatches the string of Christmas lights away)
Slinky Dog: "Hey!"
Bo Peep: "Potato Head?!"
Mr. Potato Head: "Did you all take stupid pills this morning? Have you forgotten what he did to Buzz? And now you want to let him back over here?"
Woody: "No, no, no! You got it all wrong, Potato Head. Buzz is fine! Buzz is right here. He's with me!"
Mr. Potato Head: "YOU ARE A LIAR!"
Woody: "No, I'm not!"
―Mr. Potato Head refuses to let Woody back in Andy's room[src]
Rex: "Hey, Woody! Where'd you go?"
Mr. Potato Head: "He's lying. Buzz ain't there."
―Rex and Mr. Potato Head, as Woody calls for Buzz in Sid's room[src]
Mr. Potato Head: "Wait just a minute. What are you trying to pull?"
Woody: "Nothing."
(Woody unwittingly exposes Buzz's severed arm; the toys scream in horror)
Hamm: "Oh, that is disgusting."
Mr. Potato Head: "Murderer!!" (Woody: "No! No, no, no, no!") "You murdering dog!"
Woody: "No, it's not what you think! I swear!"
Mr. Potato Head: "Save it for the jury! I hope Sid pulls your voice-box out, you creep!"
Woody: "No! No! Don't leave! Don't leave! You've gotta help us, please! You don't know what it's like over here!"
Mr. Potato Head: "Come on. Let's get out of here."
Hamm: "Go back to your lives, citizens. Show's over."
―Mr. Potato Head flips out after seeing Buzz's severed arm[src]
Rex: "Aah! I need air!"
Mr. Potato Head: "Will you quit moving around?"
Rex: "I'm sorry. It's just that I get so nervous before I travel."
Mr. Potato Head: "How did I get stuck with you as a moving buddy?"
Rex: "Everyone else was picked."
―Rex and Potato Head, just before the moving day[src]
"Toss him overboard!"
—Mr. Potato Head ordering the toys to throw Woody out the moving van.
"Gee, I'd better shave."
—Mr. Potato Head, after the arrival of Mrs. Potato Head is announced

From Toy Story 2

Mr. Potato Head: "I found it!"
Woody: "You found my hat?"
Mr. Potato Head: "Your hat? No. The missus lost her earring." (to Mrs. Potato Head) "Oh, my little sweet potato!"
Mrs. Potato Head: "Oh, you found it? Oh, it's so nice to have a big, strong spud around the house."
—Mr. Potato Head finds his wife's lost earring
Hamm: "All right. Let's review this one more time. At precisely 8:32-ish, Exhibit 'A,' Woody was kidnapped. Exhibit 'B,' a composite sketch of the kidnapper."
Bo Peep: "He didn't have a beard like that."
Hamm: "Fine. Etch, give him a shave."
Slinky Dog: "The kidnapper was bigger than that."
Hamm: "Oh, picky, picky, picky."
Mr. Potato Head: "Let's just go straight to Exhibit 'F.' The kidnapper's vehicle. Now, the vehicle fled the scene in this direction."
Hamm: "Your eyes were in backwards. It went the other way."
Mr. Potato Head: "Hey, put a cork in it."
Rex: "How do you spell 'FBI'?" (destroys the "crime scene")
Mr. Potato Head: "My crime scene!"
Hamm: "Oh, why don't you watch where you're going, 'Godspilla'?"
Rex: "I didn't know there was a crime scene."
—Hamm and Mr. Potato Head's review of Woody's kidnapping
"Okay, fellas! Let's roll!"
—Mr. Potato Head, as he prepares to leave with Buzz
Buzz: "Good work, men. Two blocks down and only nineteen to go."
Rex: "What?!"
Hamm: "Nineteen?"
Mr. Potato Head: "Are we gonna do this all night? My parts are killing me."
Buzz: "Come on, fellas. Did Woody ever give up when Sid had me strapped to a rocket?"
Toys: "No!"
Buzz: "No! And did he give up when you threw him out of the back of that moving van?"
Mr. Potato Head: "Oh, you had to bring that up."
Buzz: "No, he didn't! We have a friend in need, and we will not rest until he is safe in Andy's room! Now let's move out!"
—Buzz Lightyear, as he reprimands the toys for requesting a rest
"You're not turning me into a mashed potato!"
—Mr. Potato Head, after Buzz announces the toys that they are going to cross the street
"Ah, that went well."
—Mr. Potato Head, after the toys cross the street
"Nice going there, Hamm. So how about letting a toy with fingers drive?"
—Mr. Potato Head begs Hamm to let him take the wheel of the car
"Quit clowning around and get in the car!"
—Mr. Potato Head calling to Utility Belt Buzz
"I say we stack ourselves up, push the intercom, and pretend we're delivering a pizza!"
—Mr. Potato Head's suggestion to gain entry into Al's apartment
"Remind me to glue his helmet shut when we get back."
—Mr. Potato Head, on Utility Belt Buzz
Mr. Potato Head: "Buzz, can you see? What's going on?" (Utility Belt Buzz pokes his eye through the vent) "To the left. No, your left. Take it up higher."
Buzz #2: "What's happening?"
Mr. Potato Head: "Oh, it's... it's horrible. They're... they're torturing him!"
—Utility Belt Buzz pokes Mr. Potato Head's eye through the vent to see Woody playing with his Roundup gang
"Prepare to meet Mr. Angry Eyes!"
—Mr. Potato Head reaches for his angry eyes, but accidentally attaches his spare pair of shoes instead
Rex: "How are we going to get him now?"
Mr. Potato Head: "Pizza, anyone?"
—Rex and Mr. Potato Head, as Mr. Potato Head spots an idling Pizza Planet truck nearby

From Toy Story 3

Mr. Potato Head: "It was cold and dark. Nothing but sand and a couple of Lincoln Logs."
Hamm: "Eh, I don't think those were Lincoln Logs."
—Mr. Potato Head and Hamm, after Potato Head has spent the night in a sandbox at Sunnyside
Jessie: "Woody, we were wrong to leave Andy. I - I was wrong."
Mr. Potato Head: "Jessie's right, Woody. She was wrong."
—Mr. Potato Head supports Jessie's apology to Woody
Mr. Potato Head: "You know all that bad stuff I said about Andy's attic? I take it all back."
Slinky: "Ya darn-tootin'!"
Hamm: "You said it!"
—Mr. Potato Head, Hamm and Slinky, after they escape from an incinerator
Mrs. Potato Head: "You saved our lives."
Mr. Potato Head: "And
we are eternally grateful. My boys!"
Squeeze Toy Aliens: "Daaaaaaddy!"
—Mr. Potato Head accepts the Aliens as his children after being saved by them from the incinerator
"He's a good kid. Tell him to get a haircut."
—Mr. Potato Head, to Woody about Andy

From Toy Story 4

"Where's my ear?!"
—Mr. Potato Head when he and the rest of the toys were inside Bonnie's closet
Buzz: "I know that was you, Potato Head!"
Mr. Potato Head: "He he he!"
—Buzz annoyed by Mr. Potato Head sneakingly pushing his speech button as a prank, while they were trying to stay quiet
''Trixie: "He did go to Kindergarten!"
Mr. Potato Head: "I knew it!"
—Mr. Potato Head reacts to Trixie stating the fact that Woody snuck in Bonnie's backpack and went to Kindergarten with her
"Look at that!"
—Mr. Potato Head when Woody introduces Forky to him and the others
—Mr. Potato Head when the toys say hello to Forky
Rex: "The panic is attacking me!"
Mr. Potato Head: "Hey! Watch it, buddy!"
—Mr. Potato Head after Rex accidentally knocks several of his parts out with his tail
Rex: "Where?"
Slinky Dog: "Where you going? Why?"
Trixie: "Should we all go? Are we going?!"
Mr. Potato Head: "And then what?!"
—Mr. Potato Head when Buzz tells everyone he is leaving to find Woody
"You gotta be kidding!"
—Mr. Potato Head when Forky tells the toys that Woody wants them to meet him by the carousel





Toy Story The Musical

Toy Story Midway Mania!


Concept Art

