Pirates of the Caribbean Wiki


Pirates of the Caribbean Wiki
Pirates of the Caribbean Wiki

"Please, invite our guests over."
"Would be nothin' but my pleasure, Captain.
Laura Smith and Silverback[src]

Silverback was a pirate during the early 18th century. He had a peg leg and a tooth that were made of crystal which he used to do magic. Unlike many pirates, Silverback both dressed and spoke like a gentleman. Using magic, Silverback was able to move people and objects, as well as read minds.


Not much was known about Silverback's early life. When Tim Hawk was still young, Silverback stole the Silver bullet from Tim's family and burned their house, killing Tim's parents.

Later on, he joined Captain Laura Smith's crew aboard the Fleur de la Mort. He was later joined by Left-Foot Louis. Together, they became the ring leaders of a mutiny, but acted as if they hated each other to keep their plan a secret. Their mutiny was thwarted by Smith, Jack Sparrow, and the crew of the Barnacle.

Silverback retreated to New Orleans with Louis and the two formed an alliance with Madame Minuit. He later combined with Louis and Minuit to form a giant three-headed serpent which was defeated by Jack.

Silver, Jack, and Arabella


Personality and traits[]

Silverback was a very greedy pirate, becoming enraged when he lost the silver gem and attacking the Hawk residence for the medallion. Despite being a capable fighter, he could be quite aloof and simply watch others fight, as shown by the fight at New Orleans.

Equipment and skills[]

Silverback possesed a crystal peg leg, that allowed him to read minds, teleport himself and others, and levitate objects. He was also noted by Jack to be a highly skilled swordsman.



Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Jack Sparrow: Silver
  2. Although there is no official date of Silverback's death, the timeline established in the film series and its tie-in materials sets the events of Pirates of the Caribbean: Jack Sparrow circa 1705-1707.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Jack Sparrow: City of Gold
vdeCrew of the Fleur de la Mort
Captain: Laura Smith
Left-Foot LouisReeceSilverback
Captain: Laura Smith
Fleur de la Mort
Constance MaglioreJean MaglioreReeceArabella SmithTumenBilly Turner