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David Archard [179]D. Archard [23]Dave Archard [3]David Benatar & Archard [1]
  1. (1 other version)Children: Rights and Childhood.David Archard - 1993 - Routledge.
    Whether children have rights is a debate that in recent years has spilled over into all areas of public life. It has never been more topical than now as the assumed rights of parents over their children is challenged on an almost daily basis. David Archard offers the first serious and sustained philosophical examination of children and their rights. Archard reviews arguments for and against according children rights. He concludes that every child has at least the right to the best (...)
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  2. Inequality Re-examined.David Archard & Amartya Sen - 1995 - Philosophical Quarterly 45 (181):553.
    This book develops some of the most important themes of Sen's works over the last decade. He argues in a rich and subtle approach that we should be concerned with people's capabilities rather than their resources or welfare.
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  3. Why moral philosophers are not and should not be moral experts.David Archard - 2011 - Bioethics 25 (3):119-127.
    Professional philosophers are members of bioethical committees and regulatory bodies in areas of interest to bioethicists. This suggests they possess moral expertise even if they do not exercise it directly and without constraint. Moral expertise is defined, and four arguments given in support of scepticism about their possession of such expertise are considered and rejected: the existence of extreme disagreement between moral philosophers about moral matters; the lack of a means clearly to identify moral experts; that expertise cannot be claimed (...)
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    Children, Family and the State.David Archard - 2003 - Routledge.
    This title was first published in 2003. This book critically examines the moral and political status of the child by a consideration of three interrelated questions: What rights if any does the child have? What rights over and duties in respect of a child do parents have? What rights over and duties in respect of a child does the state have? David Archard adopts three areas for particular discussion on the practical implications of the general theoretical issues: education, child protection (...)
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  5. The wrong of rape.David Archard - 2007 - Philosophical Quarterly 57 (228):374–393.
    If rape is evaluated as a serious wrong, can it also be defined as non-consensual sex (NCS)? Many do not see all instances of NCS as seriously wrongful. I argue that rape is both properly defined as NCS and properly evaluated as a serious wrong. First, I distinguish the hurtfulness of rape from its wrongfulness; secondly, I classify its harms and characterize its essential wrongfulness; thirdly, I criticize a view of rape as merely ‘sex minus consent’; fourthly, I criticize mistaken (...)
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  6. The obligations and responsibilities of parenthood.David Archard - 2010 - In David Archard & David Benatar, Procreation and parenthood: the ethics of bearing and rearing children. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Clinical ethics support services during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK: a cross-sectional survey.Mariana Dittborn, Emma Cave & David Archard - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (10):695-701.
    Background Non-adherence to medication is associated with increased risk of relapse in patients with bipolar disorder. Objectives To validate patient-evaluated adherence to medication measured via smartphones against validated adherence questionnaire; and investigate characteristics for adherence to medication measured via smartphones. Methods Patients with BD evaluated adherence to medication daily for 6–9 months via smartphones. The Medication Adherence Rating Scale and the Rogers’ Empowerment questionnaires were filled out. The 17-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, the Young Mania Rating Scale and the Functional (...)
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  8. Procreation and parenthood: the ethics of bearing and rearing children.David Archard & David Benatar (eds.) - 2010 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Procreation and Parenthood offers new and original essays by leading philosophers on some of the main ethical issues raised by these activities.
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  9. The moral and political status of children.David Archard - 2004 - Philosophical Quarterly 54 (216):490-492.
    The book contains original essays by distinguished moral and political philosophers on the topic of the moral and political status of children. It covers the themes of children's rights, parental rights and duties, the family and justice, and civic education.
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  10. Insults, Free Speech and Offensiveness.David Archard - 2013 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 31 (2):127-141.
    This article examines what is wrong with some expressive acts, ‘insults’. Their putative wrongfulness is distinguished from the causing of indirect harms, aggregated harms, contextual harms, and damaging misrepresentations. The article clarifies what insults are, making use of work by Neu and Austin, and argues that their wrongfulness cannot lie in the hurt that is caused to those at whom such acts are directed. Rather it must lie in what they seek to do, namely to denigrate the other. The causing (...)
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  11. (1 other version)Sexual Consent.David Archard - 1999 - Philosophical Quarterly 49 (197):556-557.
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  12. (1 other version)Should We Teach Patriotism?David Archard - 1999 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 18 (3):157-173.
    This article examines a particular debate between Eamonn Callan and William Galston concerning the need for a civic education which counters the divisive pull of pluralism by uniting the citizenry in patriotic allegiance to a single national identity.
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    Challenging misconceptions about clinical ethics support during COVID-19 and beyond: a legal update and future considerations.Joe Brierley, David Archard & Emma Cave - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (8):549-552.
    The pace of change and, indeed, the sheer number of clinical ethics committees has accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic. Committees were formed to support healthcare professionals and to operationalise, interpret and compensate for gaps in national and professional guidance. But as the role of clinical ethics support becomes more prominent and visible, it becomes ever more important to address gaps in the support structure and misconceptions as to role and remit. The recent case of Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children (...)
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  14. Wrongful life.David Archard - 2004 - Philosophy 79 (3):403-420.
    I argue that it is wrong deliberately to bring into existence an individual whose life we can reasonably expect will be of very poor quality. The individual's life would on balance be worth living but would nevertheless fall below a certain threshold. Additionally the prospective parents are unable to have any other child who would enjoy a better existence. Against the claims of John Harris and John Robertson I argue that deliberately to conceive such a child would not be to (...)
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  15.  48
    Children.David Archard - 2003 - In Hugh LaFollette, The Oxford Hndbk of Practical Ethics. New York: Oxford University Press UK.
    Whether children have rights is a debate that in recent years has spilled over into all areas of public life. It has never been more topical than now as the assumed rights of parents over their children is challenged on an almost daily basis. David Archard offers the first serious and sustained philosophical examination of children and their rights. Archard reviews arguments for and against according children rights. He concludes that every child has at least the right to the best (...)
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  16. Introduction.David Benatar & Archard & David - 2010 - In David Archard & David Benatar, Procreation and parenthood: the ethics of bearing and rearing children. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  17. Informed consent: Autonomy and self-ownership.David Archard - 2008 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 25 (1):19–34.
    Using the example of an unconsented mouth swab I criticise the view that an action of this kind taken in itself is wrongful in respect of its being a violation of autonomy. This is so much inasmuch as autonomy merits respect only with regard to ‘critical life choices’. I consider the view that such an action is nevertheless harmful or risks serious harm. I also respond to two possible suggestions: that the action is of a kind that violates autonomy; and, (...)
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  18.  89
    The Moral and Political Status of Children.David Archard & Colin M. Macleod (eds.) - 2002 - Oxford University Press.
    The book contains original essays by distinguished moral and political philosophers on the topic of the moral and political status of children. It covers the themes of children's rights, parental rights and duties, the family and justice, and civic education.
  19.  75
    Philosophical Advice.David Archard - 2021 - Philosophy 96 (4):603-623.
    Philosophers who publish articles that make practical ethical recommendations are thereby offering advice. I consider what obligations they incur in advising. I analyse the giving of advice as a communicative act whose defining and characteristic aim is to secure acceptance of what is advised. Such advice need not be solicited or taken up. I distinguish advice from incitement and threats and specify the scope of the adviser's responsibility for others acting upon the advice. I explore how advice can be bad (...)
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  20. Dirty Hands and the Complicity of the Democratic Public.David Archard - 2013 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 16 (4):777-790.
    The alleged problem of the dirty hands of politicians has been much discussed since Michael Walzer’s original piece (Walzer 1974). The discussion has concerned the precise nature of the problem or sought to dissolve the apparent paradox. However there has been little discussion of the putative complicity, and thus also dirtying of hands, of a democratic public that authorizes politicians to act in its name. This article outlines the sense in which politicians do get dirty hands and the degree to (...)
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  21. Paternalism defined.David Archard - 1990 - Analysis 50 (1):36-42.
  22. Freedom not to be free: The case of the slavery contract in J. S. mill's on liberty.David Archard - 1990 - Philosophical Quarterly 40 (161):453-465.
  23. Children, multiculturalism and education.David Archard - 2004 - In The moral and political status of children. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 150--158.
    There are three possible justifications of the claim cultural communities make for their right to transmit an identity to their children. A group strategy and a parenting strategy are both defective. More promising is the view that there is value to children in the sharing of a familial life. But parental authority is limited by the requirement that children acquire sufficient autonomy. Some multicultural policies are thus not ruled out by the recognition of the need to accommodate children's interests.
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  24. Child Abuse: parental rights and the interests of the child.David Archard - 1990 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 7 (2):183-194.
    I criticise the ‘liberal’view of the proper relationship between the family and State, namely that, although the interests of the child should be paramount, parents are entitled to rights of both privacy and autonomy which should be abrogated only when the child suffers a specifiable harm. I argue that the right to bear children is not absolute, and that it only grounds a right to rear upon an objectionable proprietarian picture of the child as owned by its producer. If natural (...)
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  25. Balancing a Child's Best Interests and a Child's Views.David Archard & Marit Skivenes - 2009 - .
  26. Children's rights.David Archard - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Children are young human beings. Some children are very young human beings. As human beings children evidently have a certain moral status. There are things that should not be done to them for the simple reason that they are human. At the same time children are different from adult human beings and it seems reasonable to think that there are things children may not do that adults are permitted to do. In the majority of jurisdictions, for instance, children are not (...)
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  27.  90
    The Child’s Right to a Voice.David Archard & Suzanne Uniacke - 2020 - Res Publica (4):1-16.
    This article provides a philosophical analysis of a putative right of the child to have their expressed views considered in matters that affect them. Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 is an influential and interesting statement of that right. The article shows that the child’s ‘right to a voice’ is complex. Its complexity lies in the problem of contrasting an adult’s normative power of choice with a child’s weighted views, in the various (...)
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  28. How should we teach sex?David Archard - 1998 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 32 (3):437–450.
    In the face of differences about how sex should be taught to young persons, and consistent with a liberal principle of neutrality, educationalists can adopt one of two strategies. The ‘retreat to basics’ consists in teaching only a basic agreed code of sexual conduct, or a set of agreed principles of sexual morality. The ‘conjunctive–disjunctive’ strategy consists in teaching the facts of sexual activity together with the various possible evaluations of these facts. Both strategies are beset with significant and insuperable (...)
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    Introduction.David Archard & Susan Mendus - 2009 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 26 (3):217-218.
  30.  59
    Teaching good sex: The limits of consent and the role of the virtues.David Archard - 2022 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 56 (5):645-653.
    I offer an account of sexual ethics, and thus of an education in sexual morality, that tries to make some sense of how a view of consent as central to those ethics might be combined with an education in certain virtues. I do so by exploring what some see as the shortcomings of a standard of consent, namely, how it can deal with instances of prima facie bad sex. I consider and reject various attempts to show that consensuality is sufficient (...)
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    Self-justifying paternalism.David Archard - 1993 - Journal of Value Inquiry 27 (3-4):341-352.
  32.  96
    For our own good.David Archard - 1994 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 72 (3):283 – 293.
  33.  38
    A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy.David Archard, Robert E. Goodin & Philip Pettit - 1995 - Philosophical Quarterly 45 (178):111.
  34.  55
    Filial Morality.David Archard - 2017 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 77 (3):179-192.
    Filial regard is the special consideration that children, even as adults, show their parents and filial morality the demonstration that such a regard is demanded of them. The three main accounts of filial morality, based upon ideas of gratitude, role obligations, and friendship, are shown to be unsatisfactory. The article explores the idea, found in traditional Chinese thinking, that filial regard is the ‘root’ of goodness, and suggests that the Chinese model has been viewed unsympathetically due to an understanding both (...)
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  35. What's blood got to do with it? The significance of natural parenthood.David Archard - 1995 - Res Publica 1 (1):91-106.
  36.  19
    Pathologien des Sozialen: die Aufgaben der Sozialphilosophie.Axel Honneth & David Archard (eds.) - 1994 - Frankfurt am Main: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag.
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  37.  23
    The Methodology of Applied Philosophy.David Archard - 2016 - In Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Kimberley Brownlee & David Coady, A Companion to Applied Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley. pp. 18–33.
    The methodology of applied philosophy may consist in its mode of application; or it may serve applied philosophy's purpose of speaking to practical matters. There may be no single method that is shared by all sub‐fields of applied philosophy; applied ethics, the dominant form of applied philosophy, should be thought of as neither “top‐down” nor “bottom‐up” in its methods. The use of far‐fetched examples is arguably in tension with the concerns and intended audience of applied philosophy. Finally, applied philosophers may (...)
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  38.  86
    The ethics of patriotism.David Archard - 2016 - Contemporary Political Theory 15 (2):e1-e3.
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    Ethical expertise: The good agent and the good citizen.David Archard - 2020 - Zeitschrift Für Ethik Und Moralphilosophie 3 (2):337-344.
    I consider whether political deference by a citizen within a liberal democracy to moral experts is morally problematic. I compare and contrast deference in the political and personal domains. I set to one side consequentialist worries about political deference and evaluate its possible intrinsic wrongness, expressed as a worry that deference is inconsistent with the grant to individuals of the power exercised in a democratic vote, just as personal deference is inconsistent with the grant of a power of moral choice. (...)
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  40.  44
    Introduction.David Archard - 1996 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 40:1-5.
    As befits a volume devoted to the topic of pluralism the contributing pieces collected here are varied. Their concern is with very different kinds of difference, and their conclusions range from an insistence that pluralism is both inevitable and desirable to a belief that it is unsustainable and perhaps remediable. The starting point for any discussion of pluralism is a recognition that we inhabit a world of differences. These differences are exhibited in moral outlooks, cultural identities, ways of life, religious (...)
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    Moral Partiality.David Archard - 1995 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 20 (1):129-141.
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    Mary Warnock and ‘Public Philosophy’.David Archard - 2024 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 41 (5):751-766.
    This article responds to the familiar characterisation of Mary Warnock as someone whose major achievements as a public intellectual, such as the Report on human fertilisation and embryology, were at the expense of philosophical rigour and integrity. I explicate her lifelong commitment to practical morality, and her understanding of ethics and of the role of feelings in moral judgments, before analysing her important distinction between the private and public moral attitude. ‘Public philosophy’ is what she believes is necessary for those (...)
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    Consciousness And The Unconscious.David Archard - 1984 - La Salle, Ill.: La Salle: Open Court.
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    Apply within.David Archard - 2007 - The Philosophers' Magazine 39 (39):50-52.
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  45. Good Sex: Perspectives on Sexual Ethics.David Archard & Raymond A. Belliotti - 1995 - Philosophical Quarterly 45 (180):407.
  46. Moral Compromise.David Archard - 2012 - Philosophy 87 (3):403-420.
    A moral compromise is a compromise on moral matters; it is agreement in the face of moral disagreement but where there is agreement on the importance of consensus -namely that it secures a morally desirable outcome. It is distinguishable from other forms of agreement, and an important distinction between moral compromise with public agreement and moral compromise with public disagreement is also made. Circumstances in which the former might be permissible are outlined, and the sense in which it is allowed (...)
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  47. Ethical perspectives on advances in biogerontology.Jean Woo, David Archard, Derrick Au, Sara Bergstresser, Alexandre Erler, Timothy Kwok, John Newman, Raymond Tong & Tom Walker - 2019 - Aging Medicine 2 (2):99-103.
    Worldwide populations are aging with economic development as a result of public health initiatives and advances in therapeutic discoveries. Since 1850, life expectancy has advanced by 1 year for every four. Accompanying this change is the rapid development of anti‐aging science. There are three schools of thought in the field of aging science. One perspective is the life course approach, which considers that aging is a good and natural process to be embraced as a necessary and positive aspect of life, (...)
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  48. Exploited consent.David Archard - 1994 - Journal of Social Philosophy 25 (3):92--101.
    The article considers whether a professional's sexual relations with a client are wrong, even if the client's consent is not coerced, incapacitated or manipulated, the impartial conduct of professional affairs is not interfered with, and there are no damaged third parties. It argues that consent may be ``exploited'' if it is forthcoming only due to the occupancy of respective positions within an unequal relationship whose scope excludes such intimacy. The article explains the use of the term, exploited', and exposes those (...)
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    Just rules?David Archard - 2001 - Res Publica 7 (2):207-215.
  50. Political disagreement, legitimacy, and civility.David Archard - 2001 - Philosophical Explorations 4 (3):207 – 222.
    For many contemporary liberal political philosophers the appropriate response to the facts of pluralism is the requirement of public reasonableness, namely that individuals should be able to offer to their fellow citizens reasons for their political actions that can generally be accepted.This article finds wanting two possible arguments for such a requirement: one from a liberal principle of legitimacy and the other from a natural duty of political civility. A respect in which conversational restraint in the face of political agreement (...)
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