Pair of Kings Wiki

"I am Kaita! Master of Darkness and Destroyer of Kings!"

- Kaita to King Boz and Boomer

Kaita The Bat-Rider
Biographical information



Deceased (killed by The Kinkow Kings and Tribes)


Master of Darkness
Destroyer of Kings
The Mummy





Family information
Family members
Played by
First seen

Revenge Of The Mummy

Last seen

Long Live The Kings


Kaita the Bat-Rider, aka The Mummy, is the tertiary antagonist of Pair of Kings. However since Kaita was only seen in three-four episodes in the series, and, since he was in the first episode of the series, it could be said that he was always meant to be the main antagonist of the show, not Lanny or Yamakoshi, as many thought.


Katia is a feared Kinkowan warrior and villain, tied with Zadoc and King Kalakai (in human form). He is shown to be extremely arrogant, greedy, obsessed with his goals and very ruthless, cruel, and barbaric to his pet and to his minions, despite their loyal service to him, as he seemly destroyed/killed the rest of his tribe the Tarantula People by turning them all back into tarantulas because they took 10,000 years to resurrect him. He is arguably the darkest villains of the show, as he killed King Kunu, and presumably, Queen Annabella was also killed by Kaita. This makes Kaita did what Zadoc and King Kalakai couldn't; he actually killed a king. Zadoc lost to a king, Kalakai never saw his brother Malakai after being turned into a fish, but Kaita actually murdered King Kunu. This makes him the only villain on the series to have actually succeeded in killing a king. Despite being a dark villain he has several comedy moments as when Boomer and Boz kelp correcting him he would repeat what he says.


Kaita killed King Kunu and Queen Annabella and was later killed and turned into the mummy. (Long Live the Kings)

As the Mummy

The Tarantula People gave the Mummy the Bat Medallion after taking it from the kings. (Return of the Kings) The Mummy almost returned, but did not due to the requirement of king saliva. (Revenge Of The Mummy) He made a mean smoothie for Mikayla. (Bond of Brothers) The Tarantula People tried to revive him, and continuously searched for the Bat Medallion, that would bring him back to life, along with the saliva of a King. Eventually, Kaita's bat, Kutamungo brought them the medallion. (Long Live the Kings)

As Kaita the Bat-Rider

After being sneezed on by Boz, Kaita was brought back to life. He seemingly destroyed all of the Tarantula People. He later summoned an army of zombies to attack Kinkow. Boomer and Boz learned that he killed their parents. He later fought them on air with his bat. but the kings use their King Rings to make his bat fell into the ocean. He fought them one last time at The Castle and when it looked like he had won, all the tribes of Kinkow came together with their tribe gems and shot a laser which blasted him into Mount Spew, killing him, restoring the Light Side, and fulfilling the prophecy. (Long Live the Kings)


  • Dark Magic: While it implied he had great power in his mortal life, his powers seem to come from the Bat Medallion. When wearing it in his true form Katia has incredible Dark Magic to control the Dark Side of Kinkow, making the entire island for a thousand years (but according to legend it is limited to only 1,000 years). The Bat Medallion also gave him the ability to control the Tarantula People and ride his giant bat-dragon Kutamungo. He killed the Tarantula people by turning them into spiders, and rose an army of undead zombies to help him in his fight against Kinkow. He can also channel his powers into his glowing red sword to fire them as flaming projectiles. In his mummy form, the medallion seemed to only be limited to wake him up, meaning power of action and brain power and volition.
  • Hand-to-hand combat: Katia is a skilled warrior in hand-to-hand combat and Swordsmanship. He somehow killed King Kunu when he was in his mummy form. He fought Boomer in an almost equal hand-to-hand combat skill. He also capable of throwing a spear at his targets. In his mummy form he shown a little hand-to-hand combat able to battle Brady and Mikayla.


Season 1

Season 2

Season 3


  • Season 1's story of the Mummy was somewhat changed from the final story; as it was said that the Mummy was killed by Mason in the first episode. In Revenge Of the Mummy, it was said that a King killed him "hundreds of years ago," by Mikayla. By the series finale, it is implied that Kaita killed King Kunu. When Mason said he killed Kaita, he could have meant that he took the Bat Medallion from Kaita (much like how the Mummy comes to 'life' with the Bat Medallion). Since Kaita was killed hundreds of years ago, it is likely that King Kunu was killed by Kaita's Mummy form or Katia was somehow brought back to human form and it took all of Kunu life to return him back into a mummy. This is also explains how Mason was able to 'kill' the mummy (by stealing the Bat Medallion) years after King Kunu's death.
  • Given that Katia said that evil would never leave the island it assuming that Katia somehow meet with Zadoc (after the Dark Side nearly swallows the Light Side) and they formed a Plan B to restore the Dark Side and it would be a plot in The Pair of Kings Movie. It also assuming Zadoc hid in a cave because he would be turned to stone if the Light Side touched him. If it true Zadoc would also wait for the right time to retrieve Kalakai, the creator of the Dark Side, to recreate it once again. This made people think there was going to be another season, but Adam Hicks revealed there wasn't a Season 4. So it unknown if this or the other mysteries would be solved.

See Also[]
