"No Place Like Home" is an episode of the Nickelodeon animated series Rugrats, featuring a story based on that of The Wizard of Oz. It was originally aired on October 2, 1999.
Official Synopsis[]
Susie (voiced by Cree Summer) is in the hospital to have her tonsils removed. When she is put under anesthesia, she has a dream that she goes to "Lots O Tots Land". There, her sister Alisa (Kath Soucie) is the good witch, Angelica (Cheryl Chase) is the wicked witch, and Susie's slippers aren't ruby ones, but they are pink and fluffy. She travels down to Hopscotch Road to meet the Magic Lizard (Tara Strong) in hopes that he will help her find her mommy (Cheryl Carter). Along the way, Susie meets up with the other Rugrats: Tommy (EG Daily) is The Scarecrow, who's looking for his screwdriver and has straw in his diapers. Phil (Kath Soucie) and Lil (Kath Soucie) (who are in a trash can) are The Tin Woodsmen and Chuckie (Christine Cavanaugh) is The Cowardly Lion.
- Dorothy Gale - Susie Carmichael (Cree Summer)
- Toto - Spike (Unknown Voice Actor)
- Glinda - Alisa Carmichael (Kath Soucie)
- Scarecrow - Tommy Pickles (EG Daily)
- Tin Woodman - Phil and Lil DeVille (Kath Soucie)
- Cowardly Lion - Chuckie Finster (Christine Cavanaugh)
- Wicked Witch of the West - Angelica Pickles (Cheryl Chase)
- Wicked Witch of the East - Cynthia (No Voice Actor)
- The Wizard - Dil Pickles (Tara Strong)
Other Differences with The Wizard of Oz[]
- Susie flies her hospital bed to "Oz", instead of getting caught in a tornado.
- Susie meets Tommy at a petting zoo instead of a cornfield.
- Phil and Lil want worms instead of a heart, and Chuckie wants something to help him face his fear of the dark, instead of courage.
- Angelica tries to trap Susie and the babies in a ball pit, instead of a Poppy Field.
- Alisa helps Susie and the babies escape the ball pit by vacuuming up all the balls, instead of creating a snow shower.
- The Lizard lives in a castle resembling the one in Susie's snowglobe, instead of the Emerald City.
- The babies face Angelica in the Lizard's castle, instead of one that she lives in.
- Angelica gets sprayed with milk instead of doused with water, and runs away instead of melts.
- The Lizard gives the babies a screwdriver, gummy worms, and a flashlight, instead of a makeshift brain, heart, and courage potion (like in the book) or a diploma, watch, and medal (like in the MGM movie).
- Susie uses her bunny slippers to phone home, instead of tapping them three times and wishing to go home.