Durkon and Minrah reunite with the Order, and together they decide on a strategy.
- Panel 1, Page 1
The Order rush down the cliff.
Vaarsuvius: I would simply like to reiterate that the thunderous explosion we heard might not have been a direct result of our wayward dwarves' actions���
Vaarsuvius: —and also yes, now that I say that aloud I do recognize how unlikely that is to be the case.
- Panel 2, Page 1
Roy: If Durkon is fighting Xykon right now, we need to go help him, regardless of how stupid giving away our presence here was.
Roy: I can get mad at him later, if we live through all this.
- Panel 3, Page 1
Durkon and Minrah run into view.
Roy: On the other hand, there's something to be said for instant gratification.
Roy: What the hell were you thinking?!?
Roy: You put this entire operation in jeapardy by--
Durkon: Aye, lad, yer abs'lutely right, but ye need ta yell quiet'r!
Minrah: The bad guys are gonna hear you!
- Panel 4, Page 1
Roy: They're coming this way? They're right behind you??
Durkon: Mebbe. Na sure.
Durkon: We manag'd ta send 'em tha wrong way fer a minute, but they'll be back on our trail soon.
Minrah: Cure Serious Wounds.
- Panel 5, Page 1
Roy: Damn it! We are not prepared!
Roy: But I guess it was foolish to think we were ever going to be.
- Panel 6, Page 1
Roy: OK, then. We fight. Let's get Death Ward up on everyone and--
Haley: Can I just offer a quick alternative?
Haley: We hide.
- Panel 7, Page 1
Minrah: We tried that already. It barely worked, and it'll be a lot harder to make them fall for it a second time.
Haley: We don't need it to be foolproof, we just need to stall.
Haley: We cast our buff spells on the other side of one of those doors so when the jig is up, we're ready.
- Panel 8, Page 1
Vaarsuvius: Unfortunately, this would also give our enemies more time to prepare for our eventual conflict.
Blackwing: And they have stronger magic than we do.
Vaarsuvius: Indeed. A swift engagement would reduce their capacity to conjure additional forces, for example.
Durkon: Heal.
Haley: All the more reason to draw this out! Every short-term spell of theirs that expires before they find us is a win.
Belkar: Eh, I'm with the elf on this one. None of our plans ever work anyway, let's just get this over with.
- Panel 9, Page 1
Belkar: What's the worst that could happen?
Haley: We all die horribly.
Belkar: Sure, but that's the worst case for your plan, too, so why not cut to the chase?
- Panel 1, Page 2
Durkon: If'ne we're gonna stand, we need ta start castin' now.
Durkon: I mean, we can hope tha wolf's havin' ta do charades, but they'll prob'bly just dispel the Silence.
- Panel 2, Page 2
Roy: Elan! What do you think?
Elan: Whuh?
Roy: Do we stand and fight or not?
Elan: How should I know, Roy? You're the leader!
- Panel 3, Page 2
Roy: And you're the bard.
Roy: Is this it? Is this the climactic scene that everything's been building toward, or not?
Roy: Are we at the final battle, right here in this canyon?
- Panel 4, Page 2
Elan: I don't...think so?
Elan: Feels kinda sudden. And there are still a lot of loose ends, right?
Elan: Way too many for a post-credits scene, even a really indulgent one.
- Panel 5, Page 2
Roy: Haley, your plan, then. You want to choose a door or should I?
Haley: I had a few picked out before I suggested it. This way!
- Panel 6, Page 2
Minrah: I love how this team listens to each other and works together.
Belkar: That's only 'cause we tried every other option first.
Elan: Wait, has anyone experienced dramatic catharsis in the last five or ten minutes? That would change my answer!
D&D Context[]
- Cure Serious Wounds is a 3rd level cleric spell which heals 3d8 damage +1 point per caster level. This appears insufficient to heal Minrah's wounds taken during their battle with Redcloak, Oona, and Xykon, plus the fall from the ledge.
- Heal is a more powerful 6th level cleric spell which heals 10 points per caster level, to a maximum of 150 hit points. This appears to be sufficient to fully heal Durkon.