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Onmyoji Wiki
Onmyoji Wiki


Level 1
Level 40
ATK 121 2814 +2693
HP 939 11165 +10226
DEF 65 428 +363
SPD 110 120 +10
Crit 10% 10% +0%
Crit DMG 150% 150% +0%
Effect HIT 0% 0% +0%
Effect RES 0% 0% +0%


Forest Vines (森之力/森の力)

Type: Normal Onibi:0 Cooldown: 0
The forest itself will punish you!

Shishio summons vines to attack a single target, dealing damage equal to 100% of his ATK and has a 50% base chance of inflicting them with Forest Vines, lasts for 2 turns.

Forest Vines (森の力)
Debuff, State: Decreases RES by 20%.

Level Effect
Damage increases to 105% and base chance increases to 60%.
Damage increases to 110% and base chance increases to 70%.
Damage increases to 115% and base chance increases to 60%.
5 Damage increases to 120% and base chance increases to 100%.

Circle of Life (复仇怒火/復讐の炎)

Type: Passive Onibi:0 Cooldown: 0
The forest provides shelter for all life.

At the end of Shishio's turn, gains a layer of Circle of Life if the status has not been consumed.
When he is inflicted with a control effect, has a 10% of reflecting the effect back to a random enemy.
His move is increased by 20% when an enemy uses an onibi using skill.

Circle of Life (生生流転)
Buff, Status: Max of 3 layers. An aura rich with the essence of the forest. Grants Shishio great power.
(Unlocks additional effects for the skill Gore.)
Control Effect
Freeze, Sleep, Confuse, Taunt, Silence, Bind, Morph, Daze, Provocation, Deep Freeze, Frostbound, Shadowbound, Fettered, Ruined, and Rest in Ice are considered to be control effects. The final 9 cannot be dispelled. Frostbound cannot be dispelled or removed.

Level Effect
Chance increases to 12%.
Chance increases to 14%.
Chance increases to 16%.
5 Chance increases to 20%.

Gore (鹿角冲撞/角で突進)

Type: Special Onibi:3 Cooldown: 0
My antlers are unbreakable!

Shishio channels his energy into his antlers and charges into 1 enemy, dealing damage equal to 158% of his ATK.
When he has Circle of Life, also decreases their move bar by 40%. Also has a 100% base chance of inflicting Daze on them if they are already at the bottom of the move bar, lasts for 1 turn.
Inflicting Daze consumes a layer of Circle of Life.

Circle of Life (生生流転)
Buff, Status: Max of 3 layers. An aura rich with the essence of the forest. Grants Shishio great power.
(Unlocks additional effects for the skill Gore.)
Unable to take actions, cannot be dispelled.

Level Effect
Damage increases to 166%.
Damage increases to 174%. If he has 2 layers of Circle of Life, he can attack an extra random enemy and damage is decreased by 40% for each attack on the same target.
Damage increases to 182%.
5 Damage increases to 191%. If he has 2 or more layers of Circle of Life, he can attack an extra random enemy for each layer and damage is decreased by 40% for each attack on the same target.

During the month of April, this Blessing will become active.
Note: This feature is currently only for CN servers.

Stat Improvement: All allies' RES is increased by 30%.

Biography Unlock[]

No. Unlock Conditions Rewards
1 Have Shishio gain 50000 Realm or Entrust EXP.
2 Wish for 10 Shishio shards in the guild.
3 Increase Shishio's skills 8 times.


Skins Info[]

Image Name Artist Obtained
Violet Snow
sheepSkin Shop
Sea Dragon
sheepSecret Zone: Shishio's Wake
Gilded Forester
Skin Shop
Prodigy Painter
CYAMISkin Shop

Kagura is terribly sorry!
This article is under construction or incomplete. Please, help us by filling out missing information.

Biography 1

その後も一族は、放浪の日々の中で一人減り、また一人減り、最後には僕だけが残った……。 小川に映る自分の姿を見て言い聞かせる。もっと強く、もっと強くならなきゃ! 「一太郎兄さん!あちらにはぐれた小鹿がおりますぞ!手はず通り、三太郎が足を狙って転ばせた後、俺が……」

I was an orphan. Soon after I was born, my parents were killed by strange-looking creatures that walked upright on two legs.
After that, all I had was my herd. We migrated from place to place, but the herd gradually thinned out as we lost more and more of our companions at the hands of those creatures, until one day I was the only one left. I was alone and afraid. But every time I came to drink by the stream, I would look at my reflection and tell myself that I must become stronger.
“Ichitaro, there’s a deer here all by itself! Same rules; Santaro, you trip it, then I’ll stab it.”

Biography 2

“Hold on, Nitaro! Don’t you remember our family’s second rule?!”
“Don’t bully the weak!”
“Oh, you actually remember! I’m glad to see you haven’t let down our father, grandfather, great-grandfather, great-great-grandfather, great-great-great-grandfather…”
“Ichitaro! He’s looking at us!”.

Biography 3

As a matter of fact, I noticed them right from the start, and heard everything they said. I had enough time and confidence to run away, or to attack them head-on… But I didn’t do either. Instead, I walked towards them. I could see the beady little eyes hidden under the cloak, looking uneasily at me. I firmly believe that this meeting will change my life.


  • The targets that Shishio hits are predictable: he hits the shikigami with the next highest move bar after the initial target


  • His model was the 79th batch to completed
  • The 3rd skin was partially outsourced, on 2016.12.17


  • Shishio befriended the Kamaitachi brothers due to overhearing their conversation, and being touched by their "adherence to house rules," "not bullying the weak," so they can't be bad people
  • Shishio says that all of his clan's joys are sorrows are carried by him because he's the only one left. He has to become stronger, and inherit everything, like their honour and glory
  • The drum was fashioned from a gift of the forest before it was destroyed
  • Shishio gradually gets angrier in battle as he recalls the forest getting damaged, resolving to protect it
