Onmyoji Wiki

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Onmyoji Wiki
Onmyoji Wiki


Level 1
Level 40
ATK 140 3216 +3076
HP 854 10254 +9400
DEF 69 397 +328
SPD 102 112 +10
Crit 10% 10% +0%
Crit DMG 150% 150% +0%
Effect HIT 0% 0% +0%
Effect RES 0% 0% +0%


Black Flame (黑焰/黒炎)

Type: Normal Onibi:0 Cooldown: 0
This should be enough to finish you off!

Ibaraki Douji focuses his energy into fierce black flames and attack a single target, dealing damage equal to 100% of his ATK.

Level Effect
Damage increases to 105%.
Damage increases to 110%.
Damage increases to 115%.
5 Damage increases to 125%.

Rage Outlet (迁怒/八つ当たり)

Type: Passive Onibi:0 Cooldown: 0
You dare hurt my friends? Prepare to pay for what you've done!

When Ibaraki Doji KO's a non-summoned enemy, he inflicts 50% of the excess damage to all enemies and consumes all Fury Fire stacks. If he fails to perform a KO, he gains a stack of Fury Fire, max of 3 stacks.

Evolution Effect
He now inflicts 100% of the excess damage to all enemies.
Fury Fire (怒りの炎)
Buff, Status: Increases damage dealt by 33%.

Infernal Hand (地狱之手/地獄の腕)

Type: Special Onibi:3 Cooldown: 0
You should have been watching my other hand!

Exclusive effect.
Ibaraki Douji summons his hand from hell with a demonic power to attack 1 enemy, dealing damage equal to 263% of his ATK and he gains 3 Demonic Arm stacks. After using this skill, each Fury Fire stack he has recovers 1 onibi.

Demonic Arm (鬼の手)
Buff, Mark: Whenever another non-summoned ally uses a special skill on a single target, consumes 1 Demonic Arm stack to inflict damage equal to 171% of his ATK on that enemy.
Fury Fire (怒りの炎)
Buff, Status: Increases damage dealt by 33%.

Level Effect
Damage increases to 276% and Demonic Arm's damage increases to 176%.
Damage increases to 289% and Demonic Arm's damage increases to 181%.
Damage increases to 302% and Demonic Arm's damage increases to 186%.
5 Damage increases to 315% and Demonic Arm's damage increases to 191%.

During the month of August, this Blessing will become active.
Note: This feature is currently only for CN servers.

Stat Improvement: Crit DMG is increased by 40%.

Biography Unlock[]

No. Unlock Conditions Rewards
1 Evolve Ibaraki Douji.
2 Team Ibaraki Ddouji with another player's Shuten Douji and clear any zone 10 times.
3 With Ibaraki Douji clear stage 9 of any Evo zone (solo).


Skins Info[]

Image Name Artist Obtained
Demon Hand
MichiHanaSkin Shop
Maple Memories
雅アッシュSummon Circle Event
Skin Shop
Winter Bamboo
大白Skin Shop
Hellfire Warlord
Skin Shop
Crimson Demon
昨夜星辰面条子Skin Shop
Searing Performer
浮川Talisman Pass
Flame Forged
Free on release day
Skin Shop: S-Jade Only

Biography Accessories[]

Image Name Bio No. Type Obtained
Dark Snowball
4 Visual Effect1000 Affection
Hand of the Abyss
5 Skill Animation1200 Affection
6 Visual Effect购买茨木童子手办「地狱之握」解锁


Biography 1

The beings of the six realms and all the living creatures are nothing more than droplets in the vast ocean of the world. It’s the same for spirits.
Once they get complacent, they are teased, bullied and even killed by other races.
So they need a leader to guide them.
When it’s survival of the fittest, kneel at the feet of the most powerful!

Biography 2

He is a bright beacon in the chaos.
His strength, intellect, composure, and foresight are astonishing!
He is my best friend, Shuten Douji!
A man riding high at the pinnacle of the spirit world.
What is frustrating is that he is now obsessed with only two things:
Wine, and women.

Biography 3

Thanks to a female spirit by the name of Momiji, Shuten Douji has become pathetic and docile.
I need to help him find himself again, but where do I start?
I know! Abe no Seimei!
That human onmyoji has some kind of connection to Momiji. If I can find him, Shuten Doji will surely regain his power! The anger and hatred he once had will come back!

File:.ogg Biography 4

Unlocks the accessory Dark Snowball.
"I'm Ibaraki Doji, your good friend."
Shuten Doji, the demon boss of Mt. Oe, finally opened his eyes. But he seemed to have forgotten everything he remembered. He asked me who I am.
I want him to recall what a powerful demon he was, I want to challenge the demon who stood at the pinnacle of the spirit world. So I told him that I'm his good friend. He looked doubtful, but didn't care to prove me wrong.
Damn it! He should be standing on the pinnacle of the spirit race rather than stepping down like this. I have to stay with him before he's fully restored.

File:.ogg Biography 5

Unlocks the skill-casting effect Hand of the Abyss.
The bell on my ankle started ringing. He knew it was me again. He's starting to get accustomed to this. I always visit him when he's having his drink. And that's why I'm frustrated. A drunk Shuten Doji doesn't look like a boss at all. But on second thoughts, the fact that he loves drinking so much is what made him the true Shuten Doji. He hasn't changed a bit.
"What is this? You want to challenge me again?"
"Not today..."
"Not here to challenge me? Then why are you here?"
"I'm here to have a swelling drink with you, my good friend!"


  • As part of a collab, Ibaraki was the spokesperson for the Toyota YARiS-L 致炫 edition and there was also this Ibaraki-branded Itasha.

Character Background[]

  • In some variations of Onmyoji lore, Ibaraki is said to have followed Shuten Douji since he was a child due to his 'great strength and leadership'. Other references, such as Ibaraki Douji's Biography from Onmyoji Arena; depicts Shuten Douji meeting Ibaraki Douji in his younger years before the two had become friends.
  • Prior to the current storyline of Onmyoji, It is stated in the memory scrolls belonging to Onikiri that Shuten Douji was defeated, and his head was taken by the Minamoto Clan as proof of Shuten Douji's death. In response to this, Ibaraki Douji takes on a form resembling that of a young woman. In an attempt to trick the Minamoto clan and revive Shuten Douji, Ibaraki Douji succeeds and is able to steal back the head of his beloved friend. However, the already mind-controlled Onikiri catches on, and severs Ibaraki Douji's left arm.
  • In Onikiri's memory scrolls, It is also depicted that Ibaraki Douji attempts to revive Shuten Douji. His efforts prove successful, but Shuten Douji's memory is completely gone following his death. Ibaraki re-introduces himself to his one and only friend with the line "I am Ibaraki Douji, your best friend." upon being asked who he was.
