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Onmyoji Wiki

Orbs, or Onibi (鬼火), are the blue will o' the wisps that a majority of shikigami consume in order to use their special skills, the number consumed varies based on the skills and active effects in certain content.


At the bottom of the battle interface is the orb bar, or onibi bar, which can hold a maximum of 8 orbs. By default, players start with 4 orbs. Orbs are gained by filling up the orb bar and it fills up by 1 bar each turn. To the right of bar is a number with a plus sign that shows how many orbs will be obtained when the bar is filled. The number of orbs that can be gained from orb bar increases from 3 to 4 and then to a maximum of 5 after it has been filled 3 times.


Example: When this bar fills up, 3 orbs will be gained.

The starting number of orbs can be increased by Azure Basan, Zashiki Warashi and active effects in events.

How quickly the orb bar fills up can be increased by shikigami such as Oitsukigami and SP Oitsukigami.

Outside of natural orb generation with the orb bar, some shikigami and souls can grant additional orbs. Similarly, some can also remove/steal/replace or increase the cost to use skills for enemy teams.

Types of Orbs[]

Type Mechanism
Onibi / Orbs
Default type.
Mechanism used to activate most special skills.
Wish Power
Unique to SP Kaguya.
When there isn't enough onibi to use a special skill, an equal number of Wish Power can be used instead.
Faux Orbs
Unique to Kotodama.
Replaces an enemy team's onibi. When an enemy attempts to use a special skill, an equal number of Faux Orbs will be used instead. Faux Orbs take priority over onibi.