One Piece Wiki

Template-info Template Documentation (sometimes hidden or invisible)

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This template hide a text or an element, like another template.


This template uses the following JavaScript codes: MediaWiki:Common.js/elementClass.js and [[MediaWiki:Common.js/togglers.js]]. The codes must be placed or imported in MediaWiki:Common.js.


Type {{Hide|text}} where you want to show/hide the text. If the text to be hidden is a table, it is advisable to use the two-part version of the template:

…some complex text, e.g. a table…
  • text: the text to be hidden - free.
  • 1= text to be hidden, if contains the equal sign "=" - free.
  • mode= can be equal to start or end.
  • showbutton= the text on which one must click to show. Defaults to [show].
  • hidebutton= the text on which one must click to hide. Defaults to [hide]

{{Hide|Text to be hidden}} results in:

Text to be hidden

{{Hide|1=Text with the equal sign "="}} results in:

Text with the equal sign "="
{| class=wikitable
| tata || titi

results in

tata titi

{{Hide|showbutton=+|hidebutton=-|Text to be hidden}} results in:

Text to be hidden


Visit Template:Hide/doc to edit this text! (How does this work?) (Refresh this text - why?)