One Piece Wiki
For other uses of the name, see Homey (Disambiguation).

Homey is a young woman who appeared in One Piece Film Z.[1]


Homey is an average-sized woman, with short blond hair under a dark blue hat, decorated with a flower. She sports a white sleeveless shirt that shows her stomach, and shorts that go down to her thighs, with an orange polka-dotted bandana tied to them. She also has brown shoes, a green backpack, and a necklace.


Homey was terrified by the molten rocks that almost hit her, Marin, and Zomino. When Kuzan saved them, she was very thankful.[1]

Abilities and Powers[]

As a nurse, it can be assumed Homey has some medical skill.



Sometime in the past, Homey and Zomino's father died young. When their mother went to work at sea, the two girls moved in with their grandmother, Marin.[3]

Dressrosa Saga[]

One Piece: Film Z[]

Homey was first seen arriving on Secon Island, via the Sea Train.

When Z activated the Dyna Stone on Secon Island, Kuzan saved Homey, Marin, and Zomino from being hit by a molten rock. The trio thanked him and fled to the Sea Train.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 One Piece Movie — One Piece Film: Z, Homey, Marin, and Zomino make their debut and are saved by Kuzan.
  2. One Piece Film: Z Official Movie Guide (p. 61), Miho Tanaka's profile credits her as "Homey (16-years-old)"
  3. 3.0 3.1 Volume 1000 "Z" (p. 61).

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