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"Luffy's Anger! A Dirty Trick in a Sacred Battle" is the 72nd episode of the One Piece anime.

Short Summary[]

Dorry, injured by the alcohol that exploded inside him, blames the Straw Hat Pirates. Luffy states that none of his crewmates nor Brogy did it, and he is enraged that someone would pull such a dirty trick to sabotage the giants' honorable duel.

Long Summary[]

Usopp, who is immensely impressed with the giants' fight, decides to strive to be like them and starts calling Brogy, "Master." After their fight, which, like thousands before it, ends in a draw, Dorry receives two barrels of alcohol from Brogy, which he obtained from Nami and Usopp. When Dorry later drinks it and it badly injures him from within, he accuses the Straw Hats. Left with no choice, Luffy fights the weakened giant and knocks him out. Unbeknownst to the crew and giants, the contents of one of the barrels has been rigged to explode. However, by the time of the next eruption of the center volcano, Dorry gets back up and heads into battle, knowing his chances to be low.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]

Anime Notes[]

  • This is the second time we see Luffy entrusting his straw hat to another, the first being Nami in Arlong Park Arc and this time, Vivi when he decides to fight Dorry.
  • This is the episode where Usopp has first showed interest in visiting Elbaph. This goal has not changed throughout the series as he still wants to visit the land of the giants.
  • The following scenes are shown in the anime which are not in the manga:
    • In the anime, Miss Valentine and Mr. 5 are shown observing the fight between the giants.
    • The competition between Sanji and Zoro is expanded in the anime, showing scenes in the forest which are not in the manga.
    • Jokingly, Dorry recalls that there was one person who actually did try to leave the island before the log pose was set but doesn't know if they survived. This was not stated in the manga.
    • In the anime, Vivi is shown to be annoyed at Luffy and Dorry for laughing at the thought of sailing out of Little Garden without a log pose.
    • Miss Goldenweek has Mr. 3 serve her some tea, which is a scene not found in the manga.

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Little Garden Arc
Manga Chapters
115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125
126 127 128 129
Manga Volumes
13 14 15
Anime Episodes
70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77