One Piece Wiki

Sebuah senjata api adalah senjata berbentuk tabung yang dirancang untuk meluncurkan proyektil dengan kecepatan tinggi melalui penyalaan bubuk peledak. Mereka terkenal tidak hanya karena kekuatan penghancurnya, tetapi juga karena lebih mudah digunakan, dibawa, dan disembunyikan daripada kebanyakan senjata jarak dekat.

Di dunia One Piece, senjata api adalah senjata yang sangat populer, nomor dua setelah pedang. Pejuang yang berspesialisasi dalam penggunaan senjata api dalam pertempuran umumnya dikenal sebagai Penembak. Orang-orang bersenjata yang sangat terampil cenderung menjadi Penembak Jitu juga.


Kau mempertaruhkan hidupmu dengan mengarahkan itu ke aku... tidak aman untuk mengarahkan senjata.
— Shanks[3]

Flintlock Infobox

Diagram mekanisme flintlock dari Volume 9 SBS.

At the world's current technological level, the typical firearm is a flintlock (フリントロック, Furintorokku?), consisting of a single tube—commonly called the "barrel"—tapering into a wooden handle at one end. This tube is rigged with four external mechanisms:

  • A flashpan (or firegrate), which holds the powder that launches the projectile
  • A serpent, which holds a shard of flint that ignites the powder
  • A frizzen, which keeps the powder in the flashpan from spilling out and provides a steel surface for the flint to spark against
  • A trigger, which allows a single pull of the finger to move the serpent into igniting position

Most often, flintlocks are loaded with round shot—solid spherical projectiles made of metals such as iron or lead. In normal circumstances, these can easily break flesh and bone, and cause immediate death if launched against a vital organ.[3] Additionally, more advanced models may utilize pointed (also known as "conical") or explosive shot for increased power. Unlike in real-life, flintlocks in One Piece world are much more advanced as they can be shot semi-automatically like modern pistols.

However, these advantages are not absolute, and may be counteracted by any number of defenses, from armor[4] to Devil Fruit abilities[5] to simply well-honed reflexes.[6] In addition, particularly durable, determined, and/or lucky individuals have been known to survive even multiple shots at point-blank range without any of these measures.[7] Finally, like all projectile weapons, flintlocks can only hold a limited number of shots at any given time, and are not easily reloaded.[8]

(It remains unknown whether flintlocks also become ineffective in the rain or otherwise damp conditions, as their real-life counterparts—even when users took measures to keep the flashpan dry—frequently did.)

Despite these drawbacks, flintlocks and firearms in general continue to be widely used by civilians, outlaws, and professional soldiers of every standing, and are heavily associated with power even by combatants who favor other (or no) weapons. Some—particularly Monkey D. Luffy—have been known to name their attacks after various makes and models.


The basic technology behind firearms has been used to craft many distinct weapons, of widely varying size, power, and capabilities.


A pistol (ピストル, Pisutoru?), in the broadest sense, is any firearm designed to be held and operated in one hand. More technical definitions tend to identify them (in contrast to revolvers) with internal ammunition chambers, fully integrated with the firing barrel.

Pistols are the smallest, lightest, and simplest type of firearm, and correspondingly the type most often seen in civilian hands. However, they are far from unknown to seasoned combatants (who often wield specialized models, such as dual-barrels that fire two shots at once).

Named Pistols[]

  • Yellow Gun (黄色い銃, Kīroi Jū?): A pistol shaped like the number "7", and is designed to fire dice-shaped bullets that explode on impact. Used by Mr. 7.[9]
  • Gero Gero Gun (ゲロゲロ銃, Gerogero Gan?): A pistol with a muzzle shaped like a frog's head, and fires frog-shaped bullets that explode on impact. Used by Miss Father's Day.[9]
  • Flash Guns (閃光銃フラッシュガン, Furasshu Gan?): Dual-barreled flintlocks with ornate design, and Flash Dials installed within to hide the shots with a flash. Braham uses two of them.[10]

Other Notable Pistols[]

  • Helmeppo threatened to shoot Koby with a pistol during the Romance Dawn Arc.
  • Yasopp wielded a pistol during Luffy's childhood, and often demonstrated his sharpshooting to the young would-be pirate.[11]
  • Kaya's mansion staff—particularly Merry—carried pistols to ward off intruders.[12]
    • Kaya herself took one to confront Kuro with, after learning of his true intentions, but was easily disarmed.
  • Don Krieg wields two dual-barreled pistols to supplement the ten gun barrels installed directly in his armor.[13]
  • Gin used a dual-barreled, shotgun-like pistol to take Zeff hostage.[14][15]
  • Arlong used a pistol to execute Bell-mère.
  • Dr. Hiriluk regularly carried a pistol in his "medical" bag. While he identified it as a tranquilizer gun[16], this may have been a lie, as he drew blood when firing it at Tony Tony Chopper.[17]
  • Nero wielded a pair of Derringer-esque pistols to compensate his lack of Shigan.[18]
  • World Nobles wield gold-plated single-barreled pistols. Aside from its more grandiose-color, it functions no different than the standard flintlock gun. Saint Charlos wielded such firearm,[6] and (in the anime) so did Saint Mjosgard.[19]
  • Caesar Clown wielded a double-barreled pistol on Punk Hazard.[20]
  • Donquixote Doflamingo wields a single-barreled, obsidian black pistol with luxurious gold plating. He loaded it with lead bullets to inflict lead poisoning.[21]
  • Capone Bege used a flintlock pistol to execute Pekoms at Whole Cake Island.
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Helmeppo threatening Koby with a standard pistol.
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Yasopp holding a flintlock pistol, with a wide-flared muzzle.
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Gin's shotgun-esque pistol.
Krieg revealing his two dual-barreled pistols, along with his armor's built-in guns.
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The pistol Arlong used to kill Bell-mère.
Miss Father's Day's Gero Gero Gun.
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Mr. 7's Yellow Gun.
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Braham's Flash Guns.
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Nero's derringer guns.
Saint Charlos's gold-plated pistol.
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Caesar Clown's double-barreled pistol.
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Donquixote Doflamingo's ornate flintlock pistol.


A revolver (リボルバー, Riborubā?) closely resembles a pistol in size and shape, but carries its ammunition in an external cylinder with multiple chambers. To fire, a loaded chamber must individually align with the barrel; after a chamber has expended its shot, the cylinder is rotated (either manually or by trigger pull, depending on the specific design) until the next chamber aligns.

Though more internally complex—and thus, more difficult to maintain and repair—than most pistols, revolvers are also sturdier, and able to carry more powerful shots.

Named Revolvers[]

  • Flintlock .44 Caliber 6 Shot Revolver (フリントロック式44口径6連発リボルバー, Furintorokku Shiki Yonjūyon Kōkei Rokurenpatsu Riborubā?): A new model from the South Blue, capable of rapid-fire with six chambers. Used by Mr. 5, who provides ammunition via his Devil Fruit powers.[22]
  • Walker .36 Caliber Percussion Revolver (?): A powerful handgun. One is owned by Charlotte Pudding, who loaded hers with "candy-jacketed bullets"

Other Notable Revolvers[]

  • Vito wields a pair of large, black revolver flintlocks.[23]
Mr. 5's Flintlock .44 Caliber 6 Shot Revolver.
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Vito's revolver flintlock.
Charlotte Pudding's Walker 36 Caliber Percussion Revolver.


A rifle (ライフル, Raifuru?) is a long-barreled firearm designed for more accurate long-distance shooting. Due to their size, rifles are typically operated with two hands, and mounted on the shoulder (or some other stable surface) when in use.

(It should be noted that "rifle" technically refers to a specific type of barrel design that fits the barrel's interior with spiral grooves, producing a spinning and stronger shot. However, common parlance has accepted it as a generic term for almost any long-barreled firearm, including "smoothbore" designs.)

Rifles are standard-issue weapons for most military forces, particularly Marine infantrymen. They are also favored by a number of individual snipers.

Named Rifles[]

  • Senriku (千陸?): Van Augur's special rifle, possessing tremendous range.[24]

Other Notable Rifles[]

Van Augur's rifle, Senriku.
Benn Beckman with a rifle resting on his shoulders.
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Yasopp with a rifle resting on his shoulders.
Hammond's trawl net rifle.
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One of Rock and Scotch's rifles.
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Orochi holding a rifle.


A bazooka (バズーカ, Bazūka?) is a large, shoulder-mounted weapon designed to launch explosive or other specialized missiles. They are typically used against enemies or vehicles too large or well-armored for other firearms to penetrate.

(The term "bazooka", much like "rifle", once referred to a specific make of weapon, but has long since become a generic term for many different weapons sharing only a few common traits. Those of One Piece, in particular, often bear a closer resemblance to the hand-mortars of the 17th and 18th centuries.)

Named Bazookas[]

  • Shokuatari Meatball (食あたり砲弾ミートボール, Shokuatari Mītobōru?): Patty's lobster-shaped bazooka, wielded against especially dangerous visitors to the Baratie.
  • Lassoo (ラッス, Rassū?): Mr. 4's main firearm, designed to shoot baseball-themed time bombs. At some point it was "fed" a Zoan-class Devil Fruit.[31]
  • Burn Bazooka (燃焼砲バーンバズーカ, Bān Bazūka?): A Skypiean weapon that can launch both conventional shells and (if equipped with a properly-charged Breath Dial) huge columns of flame. Wyper is the best-known user of this weapon, though Conis also managed to acquire one by unknown means.
  • KX Launcher (KXランチャー, Kē-Ekkusu Ranchā?): A weapon designed to launch needle-tipped missiles carrying ultra-lethal poison, developed by Caesar Clown.
  • Eagle Launcher (イーグル・ランチャー, Īguru Ranchā?): the latest and greatest portable bazooka developed by the Marine Headquarters. (non-canon)
  • Alpacacino (アルパカチーノ, Arupakachīno?): a bazooka that "ate" an unnamed Zoan Devil Fruit, allowing him to turn into a white alpaca. (non-canon)

Other Notable Bazookas[]

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Lassoo in his cannon-gun form.
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Wyper's Burn Bazooka.
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Absalom's arm-mounted bazooka.
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Rindo's bazooka, equipped with a giant harpoon as ammunition.
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Curiel's various bazookas and guns.
Jalmack's bazooka-styled rifle.
Mounblutain's bazooka, one of the smallest seen thus far.
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The KX Launcher.
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The Eagle Launcher.
Berkas:Alpacacino Half Bazooka.png
Alpacacino in his hybrid alpaca-bazooka form.[35]

Gatling Guns[]

A Gatling gun (ガトリング銃, Gatoringu-jū?) is a multi-barreled firearm that can, through a combination of internal rotating mechanisms and gravity-fed ammunition, fire (and reload) hundreds of shots within a minute.

Due to its complex design and high capacities, the typical Gatling gun is usually even larger and bulkier than a bazooka. As a result, many of their wielders possess either Devil Fruit abilities (e.g. Caribou's Numa Numa no Mi) or prosthetics that can physically integrate them.

Notable Examples[]

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Coribou's Gatling gun (manga).
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Coribou's Gatling gun (anime).
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Caribou's Gatling gun.
Baby 5's Gatling gun.
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Gotti's right arm weapon.
Berkas:Queen's Gatling Gun.png
Queen's Gatling gun.

Uncategorized Types[]

Certain firearms are thus far too unique or unorthodox to be classified with the above.

Notable Examples[]

  • Don Krieg's Wootz steel armor boasts two gun barrels under each shoulder shield, and six lining the main carapace. Through unknown means, he can fire all of these at once while wielding his dual-pistols.[13]
    • His left shoulder shield also contains many built-in projectile launchers: a large one in the center for his infamous MH-5 shell, and a dozen smaller ones along the rim for shooting spears.[42]
  • As "Mr. 8", Igaram wielded a saxophone with a built-in shotgun.[43] He also installed multiple gun-barrels into his hair curls, loaded with explosive shot and activated by his necktie.[44]
  • Franky's cyborg body incorporates several built-in firearms, presumably fueled by Cola:
    • His "BF-36" model incorporated a bazooka in his left arm ("Weapons Left"), an explosive pellet-launcher in his left wrist ("Beans Left"), a pistol in his left index finger ("Ouch Finger"), and mini-cannons in his shoulders ("Franky Destroyer Cannon").
    • His current "BF-37" model incorporates multiple gun barrels in his left knuckles ("Weapons Left"), as well as cannons and rocket launchers in his shoulders ("Franky Rocket Launcher/Cannon").
  • Duval's harpoon gun, which shoots harpoons laced with scorpion venom.
  • Saint Rosward possesses a cane gun, presumably for self-defense.
  • Jigoku Benten of the Orochi Oniwabanshu fights with a concealed gun that is hidden inside a biwa instrument.
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Franky's Beans Left using the BF-36.
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Franky's Weapons Left using the BF-37.
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Krieg's shoulder shield, with MH-5 launcher ready.
Igaram installed flintlock barrels into his hair curls.
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Duval's harpoon gun (larger version).
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Rosward's cane gun.
Jigoku Benten's biwa-concealed gun.

Non-Canon Firearms[]

Notable firearms wielded by non-canon characters or characters that are not shown wielding them in the manga.

Notable Examples[]

  • Prescorraci Rifle (消化作銃, Shōka Sakujū?): is Scorpion's personal weapon, and a backpack weapon that can shoot acid from its target hose.
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Scorpion's Prescorraci Rifle[45]
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A three-barreled flintlock used by the Marines.
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A Whitebeard Pirate member wielding a revolver (left hand) and a Luger pistol (right hand).
Bear King's drill-bullet firing pistol.
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Corto's two, five-barreled guns.
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Ain's two, large-barreled guns.
Berkas:Dick's Bazooka.png
Dick's bazooka, which takes the appearance of a giant flintlock.[46]


Artillery refers to heavy military ranged weapons. They're not usually meant for handheld purposes, unlike firearms.


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A defense cannon used in Marineford.

A cannon (, ?) is an often large, heavy piece of artillery that uses explosive material, such as gunpowder, to launch projectiles of considerable size compared to bullets, such as cannonballs or bombshells. Cannons can be mobile or stationary, and may vary in size, sometimes requiring the operation of more than one individual to work properly. Cannons predated portable firearms for several years, having been an indispensable weapon in military and naval warfare through centuries due to their power and range.

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Long-range cannons utilized by the Beasts Pirates, made in Wano.

Cannons also see widespread use throughout the series, as practically every ship is equipped with at least one cannon as a defensive measure, be they Pirate or Marine ships. Most crews have one or many people whose jobs are to maintain and operate the cannons. These people have been referred to as Cannoneers. Crews may have at least one or multiple cannoneers, depending on the the size of the crew and the numbers of cannons available on a ship. The number of ships under a crew's control plays a factor too, with examples including Marine Fleets and pirate fleets who have several members operating the cannons. Marine cannons appear to be more technologically advanced as they can function like gun turrets, allowing for better aiming. The Beasts Pirates, meanwhile, have special long-ranged cannons that can fire precise shots from afar. Cannons are also commonly found in other military structures such as Marineford.

Named Cannons[]

  • Royal Drum Crown 7-Shot Bliking Cannon (ロイヤルドラムクラウン7連散弾ショットブリキング大砲キャノン, Roiyaru Doramu Kuraun Nana-ren Shotto Burikingu Kyanon?): A multi-barreled cannon owned by Wapol, having been stored somewhere in his former castle.
  • Demi Cannon (デミ・キャノン, Demi Kyanon?): A cannon meant to be installed onto ships, used as a handheld cannon by Tilestone.
  • Gaon Cannon (ガオン砲, Gaon Hō?): A cannon that fires a powerful air blast.
  • King Cannon (キング砲, Kingu Hō?): A non-canon cannon mounted on a four-wheeled tank, capable of firing devastating shells.


Mortars are weapons that function very similarly to cannons, the major difference being that mortars require a supporting bipod and an aiming device to properly work.

The Marines stationed in the Sabaody Archipelago have access to mortars, which they attempted to use on the three pirate captains identified as the perpetrators of the incident involving the World Nobles in the Human Auctioning House. The mortars ended up ineffective, however, as the captains were able to counter the explosives fired at them with their own Devil Fruits.[47]


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Chopper riding the Brachio Tank V.

A tank is an armoured vehicle usually equipped with a mounted cannon and treads that allow it to traverse rough terrain.

The Brachio Tank V is an example of a tank. Plated with Wapometal, it can form the Iron Pirate General Franky, a combat robot, when docked together with the Kurosai FR-U IV.

There are land outposts on Whole Cake Island known as Tarte Tanks, variations of the Tartes ships.


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Kid's Damned Punk is based on a railgun.

A railgun is a weapon that utilizes electromagnetic forces instead of gunpowder to fire a high velocity projectile.

Eustass Kid, thanks to his devil fruit abilities, is capable of forming fully functional railguns through his Damned Punk technique, using scrap metal to build the actual device and charging it with the electromagnetic energy of his fruit to launch forward a devastating shot.[48].

Translation and Dub Issues[]

Due to the heavy controversy surrounding gun ownership—and media depiction—in the United States, 4Kids Entertainment has used a number of different censorship methods on the many firearms featured in the anime:

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Arlong gun is censored.

  • Those that inflicted no story-significant violence (e.g. Don Krieg's pistols and most Marine rifles) were usually recolored and/or modified to seem more toy-like, but allowed to fire uncensored.
  • Those used in story-significant threats but not fired (e.g. Kaya's pistol) were usually replaced with "lesser" weapons such as slingshots.
  • Those that inflicted story-significant violence (e.g. Arlong's pistol) were usually removed entirely, and the corresponding scenes rewritten to reduce or avert the violence.

Dialogue was also thoroughly censored to remove most explicit mentions, and firearms-themed attacks often renamed. Luffy's Gomu Gomu no Pistol, for instance, was changed to Gum Gum Blast.



Oda's rendition of the iconic Colt Single Action Army revolver, from the afterword to Wanted!'s titular story.

  • Guns and gunplay have fascinated Eiichiro Oda from a young age, tying into his love of Westerns. Indeed, his debut work Wanted! (predating One Piece by nearly five years) starred an outlaw gunslinger as the protagonist.
  • Several attacks, such as Luffy's Gomu Gomu no Grizzly Magnum, are named after models and concepts introduced long after flintlocks became obsolete in real life. Whether this means models like the LAR Grizzly Mag pistol (or some in-story equivalent) exist in the world of One Piece remains to be seen.


  1. Manga One PieceVol. 1 Chapter 1, Flintlocks digunakan oleh anak buah Higuma dan Bajak Laut Rambut Merah (serta direferensikan dalam salah satu kebanggaan Luffy). Perhatikan bahwa anime memindahkan kejadian ini ke Episode 4, akhir dari Arc Romance Dawn.
  2. Anime One PieceEpisode 1, Alvida—antagonis pertama yang digambarkan di anime—memakai pistol di ikat pinggangnya, meskipun dia tidak terlihat menggunakannya.
  3. 3,0 3,1 Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 1 Chapter 1 (p. 31) dan Episode 4, Salah satu anak buah Higuma menahan Shanks yang tak gentar di bawah todongan senjata, hanya untuk ditembak mati oleh Lucky Roux—kematian senjata pertama yang digambarkan dalam serial ini.
  4. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 39 Chapter 368 (p. 15) dan Episode 258, A Cipher Pol agent attacks Franky with pointed "heavyweight shot" (重量弾, Jūryō-dan?), to no avail against Franky's steel cyborg chest.
  5. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 1 Chapter 5 (p. 17-18) dan Episode 2, Morgan's men fire a half-dozen rifles at Luffy, only for Luffy's rubber body to bounce the shots away. Luffy would repeat this tactic several times in later adventures, though never against pointed shot.
  6. 6,0 6,1 Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 51 Chapter 499 (p. 15) dan Episode 393, Saint Charloss fires his pistol at Zoro, who easily dodges every shot.
  7. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 2223 Chapters 197211 dan Episodes 120127, Koza is shot from behind by Baroque Works infiltrators, but within an hour recovers enough to vocally address his troops.
  8. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 59 Chapter 576 (p. 13) dan Episode 485, Blackbeard finds his pistol has run empty.
  9. 9,0 9,1 Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 22 Chapter 205 dan Episode 124, Mr. 7 and Miss Father's Day prepares their pistols.
  10. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 27 Chapter 249 dan Episode 163, Braham using dual Flash Guns.
  11. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 3 Chapter 25 (p. 16) dan Episode 9, Luffy reminisces about Yasopp's shooting skills. Note that the anime moves this reminiscence to his first meeting with Usopp, before the introductions of Kaya and Kuro.
  12. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 4 Chapter 27 dan Episode 11, Usopp unsuccessfully tries to flee with Kaya, and is shot at by the mansion staff for his troubles.
  13. 13,0 13,1 Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 6 Chapter 47 (p. 14-15) dan Episode 22, Krieg unleashes his entire gun array against the Baratie chefs.
  14. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 7 Chapter 55 (p. 19) dan Episode 25, Gin holds his pistol on Zeff.
  15. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 7 Chapter 56 (p. 5) dan Episode 25, Sanji explicitly calls Gin's firearm a "pistol" (ピストル, Pisutoru?).
  16. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 16 Chapter 141 (p. 12) dan Episode 85, Hiriluk unveils his "tranquilizer gun" (麻酔銃, Masui-jū?) in the home of a terrified "patient". In the manga, Hiriluk uses it on the man's wife to stop her from calling Wapol's soldiers; this does not occur in the anime.
  17. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 16 Chapter 142 (p. 19) dan Episode 85, Hiriluk fires at a heartbroken Chopper, inflicting a shallow wound on Chopper's cheek.
  18. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 39 Chapter 372 (p. 4) dan Episode 260, Nero pulls out a pair of derringers against Franky.
  19. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 63 Chapter 625 dan Episode 545, Mjosgard wielding a normal flintlock in the manga and a gold-plated one in the anime.
  20. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 67 Chapter 666 (p. 4) dan Episode 592, Caesar pulls out a dual-barreled pistol to threaten Law.
  21. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 73 Chapter 729 dan Episode 661, Doflamingo firing his lead bullets loaded pistol at Law.
  22. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 14 Chapter 124 dan Episode 76, Mr. 5 pulls out the Flintlock .44 caliber 6 shot revolver.
  23. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 81 Chapter 813 (p. 9) dan Episode 763, Monster Gun Vito wielding dual revolvers.
  24. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 24 Chapter 222 dan Episode 146, Van Augur using his Senriku to shoot down seagulls at very far ranges.
  25. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 1 Chapter 1 (p. 35-36) dan Episode 4, Beckman clubs a dozen of Higuma's men unconscious with his rifle, before cocking the weapon at Higuma himself.
  26. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 59 Chapter 579 (p. 16) dan Episode 488, Beckman cocks his rifle at Kizaru, who hesitates.
  27. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 27 Chapter 252 (p. 10) dan Episode 165, Raki lands several shots on Holy with her rifle.
  28. Manga One PieceVol. 32 Chapter 305, Foxy shoots Shelly
  29. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 62 Chapter 609 (p. 14) dan Episode 528, Hammond firing his Utase Ami at the Straw Hat Pirates.
  30. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 64 Chapter 633 dan Episode 553.
  31. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 18 Chapter 160 dan Episode 113, Lassoo is revealed to be a giant gun that has eaten the Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Dachshund.
  32. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 48 Chapter 464 (p. 6) dan Episode 359, Absalom using his bazookas for his "Shisha no Te" technique.
  33. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 53 Chapter 517 (p. 3) dan Episode 411, Rindo wielding a bazooka with modified ammunitions.
  34. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 60 Chapter 588 dan Episode 502, Jalmack shoots down Sabo's ship with his bazooka-rifle.
  35. Anime One PieceEpisode 578, Alpacacino is a bazooka that "ate" a Zoan-class Devil Fruit.
  36. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 19 Chapter 169 (p. 15-16) dan Episode 106, Pell flies in with dual Gatling guns.
  37. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 66 Chapter 652 (p. 11) dan Episode 572, Caribou using Numa Numa no Gatling Gun against Pekoms.
  38. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 62 Chapter 604 dan Episode 503, Coribou preparing a Gatling gun that differs in design between manga and anime.
  39. Manga One PieceVol. 15 Chapter 127.
  40. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 70 Chapter 692 dan Episode 618, Baby 5 carrying a Gatling gun with her.
  41. Manga One PieceVol. 98 Chapter 991, Queen fires a machine gun at X Drake
  42. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 7 Chapters 6162 dan Episode 27, Krieg fires a barrage of spears to drive Luffy back so he can fire the MH-5 unobstructed. While this "technique" is unnamed in the manga and anime proper, many promotional materials call it the "needle machine gun" (ニードルマシンガン, Nīdorumashingan?).
  43. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 12 Chapter 107 (p. 18-19) dan Episode 63, Igaram using "Igarappa" against Zoro (and several Baroque Works agents aiming at them both). Shortly after, Zoro identifies the weapon as a shotgun (散弾銃, Sandan-jū?).
  44. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 13 Chapter 109 (p. 18) dan Episode 63, Igaram using "Igarappappa" against Zoro.
  45. Anime One PieceEpisode 101, Scorpion wielding his Prescorraci Rifle against Ace.
  46. Anime One PieceEpisode 135, Dick wielding his flintlock-bazooka against Zoro.
  47. Manga One PieceVol. 52 Chapter 504 (p. 17).
  48. Manga One PieceVol. 103 Chapter 1039 (p. 17).

Navigasi Situs[]
