Kuja adalah suku dari semua petarung wanita yang ditemukan di pulau Amazon Lily. Rupanya, sampai mereka menemukan Luffy di pulau mereka, kebanyakan dari mereka belum pernah melihat manusia sebelumnya.[1]
Mereka biasanya terlihat mengenakan pakaian gaya prajurit yang mereka miliki untuk penggunaan sehari-hari yang minim dan biasanya memiliki tali pengikat, serta celana / pakaian bergaya bikini di bagian bawah atau pakaian pinggang yang sangat pendek. Banyak yang memakai sepatu bot dan stoking setinggi paha atau kaki mereka benar-benar telanjang. Gaya pakaian yang mereka kenakan akan dianggap provokatif bagi orang normal tetapi dikenakan secara bebas oleh para wanita di pulau itu. Di atas pakaian ini, mereka sering mengenakan jubah panjang yang mencapai dari bahu hingga pergelangan kaki yang terlihat seperti jaket seragam angkatan laut. Pekerja terlihat di ladang dan pekerjaan lain tanpa jubah, sehingga ini membuktikan bahwa jubah tidak terpasang secara permanen pada pakaian mereka.[1]
Untuk pakaian malam dan santai terlihat bahwa mereka memiliki selendang bermotif yang menutupi setengah bagian atas tetapi membiarkan bagian bahu terbuka. Mereka tidak memakai apa-apa di bawah selendang ini dan diikat di tengah payudara dengan satu pita dan sering memakai rok mini di bagian bawah untuk mencocokkan ini atau kain bikini/pinggang biasanya sebagai gantinya.
Prajurit terlihat masing-masing membawa ular besar yang melilit mereka. Ketika Kuja mengancam Luffy, terungkap bahwa mereka menggunakan ular sebagai busur.
- Lihat juga kategori terkait: Kuja.
Permaisuri |
Boa Hancock | Shakuyaku ‡ | Gloriosa ‡ | ||
Boa Sandersonia | Boa Marigold | Ran | Daisy | Cosmos |
Rindo | Blue Fan | Marguerite | Sweet Pea | Aphelandra |
Penduduk Pulau |
Kikyo | Belladonna | Enishida | Nerine | Poppy |
Pansy | Kiku | Shion | Dahlia ≠ | ????? ≠ |
Dikatakan bahwa wanita yang meninggalkan Amazon Lily terkadang kembali hamil. Anehnya, mereka selalu melahirkan betina.
Rupanya, permaisuri suku tersebut dapat tertular penyakit yang dikenal sebagai "penyakit cinta", yaitu ketika permaisuri menjadi tergila-gila dengan seorang pria, tetapi cinta itu terus ditekan karena ritual dan adat istiadat suku mereka, yang kemudian sering menyebabkan kematian mereka.
Jika tidak, mereka secara biologis identik dengan manusia perempuan normal, meskipun tersirat bahwa mereka memiliki pemahaman intuitif Haki yang lebih baik.
Hubungan Budaya[]

Suku Kuja heran dengan jenis kelamin Luffy.
Suku Kuja seluruhnya terdiri dari wanita. Karena sebagian besar dari mereka terisolasi di pulau mereka, sebagian besar dari mereka tidak mengenal laki-laki, terutama anatomi mereka.
Sama seperti mereka memiliki pengetahuan yang terbatas tentang laki-laki, begitu pula seluruh dunia tampaknya hanya tahu sedikit tentang mereka. Anak buah Momonga memberi tahu salah satu dari banyak contoh rumor perompak Kuja, menyatakan bahwa mereka mengubah orang menjadi batu.[2] Namun, rumor ini hanya berlaku untuk Boa Hancock.
Suku Kuja selalu hidup dalam isolasi yang damai karena keuntungan alami mereka tinggal di sebuah pulau di Calm Belt, dilindungi dari dunia luar oleh Raja Laut yang mengelilingi mereka. Namun, isolasi ini perlahan terkikis karena kemajuan teknologi Batu Laut telah memungkinkan pemerintah membuat kapal baru yang dapat melewati Calm Belt tanpa campur tangan Sea King. Satu-satunya cara perlindungan bagi mereka adalah aliansi yang dipegang oleh permaisuri mereka sebagai anggota Tujuh Panglima Perang Laut, yang melindungi Kuja dari serangan Marinir tetapi sayangnya mengklasifikasikan semuanya, baik di laut maupun di rumah, sebagai bajak laut. Kuja dan pemimpin mereka harus mematuhi ketentuan pemerintah atau mengambil risiko serangan dan penghancuran semua orang di pulau itu, perdamaian yang nyaris tidak tergantung pada seutas benang pun di dunia yang berubah dengan cepat.[3] Setelah Panglima Perang Laut dibubarkan, perjanjian menjadi batal dan Kuja harus mengandalkan kekuatan mereka sendiri untuk melindungi diri dari ancaman luar.[4]
Overall Strength[]
The Kuja go about their everyday lives.
The women are raised in the ways of the warrior and are often burly and strong, but there are the odd beauties amongst them. Despite being a warrior tribe, the Kuja cultivate a surprisingly peaceful existence within Amazon Lily, and only engage in battle amongst themselves in arranged competitions held in the local arena for the general public's entertainment.
Typically, as there are no men to do the work that they would otherwise do elsewhere in the world, the women do all the chores from farming and hunting to building and smithing.[5]
While the warriors of Kuja may lack information on Devil Fruits, or even know of their existence, most (if not all) seem to be knowledgeable and fairly proficient in the use of Haki. They can imbue their arrows with Busoshoku Haki, mainly to increase the overall impact. This puts the Kuja warriors above most other characters seen in the series, as Haki is not a widely used ability.
Snake Weapons[]
A variety of Kuja snakes.
The Kuja all have snakes which can be used as weapons or other things. When not in use, the snakes wrap themselves around the body of the Kuja who owns them. The serpents' bodies are about as long as the Kuja who use them and they all wear small berets and a scarf. Salome, Hancock's snake, is an exception as its body is exceptionally long compared to the others and it wears a horned skull on its head with some kind of furry scarf around its neck.
When the snakes form into their various shapes, no word is spoken by the Kuja (as seen so far) to instruct the snake to take the shape it does. How the snakes know which form to take is uncertain. They are also useful for tracking people and animals, as Hancock used her snake to find Luffy after the war.
Marguerite drawing her snake bow.
- Bow: The first mode of the Snake Weapon used by the Kuja. The snakes get into a bow-shaped position with strings behind them. They are capable of firing projectiles such as arrows like normal bows.[6] The arrows fired by the snakes are imbued with Busoshoku Haki, increasing the force of impact.[7]
- Staff: Elder Nyon's snake is seen in the formation of a staff, however it has not been seen being used for battle. In Chapter 521, however, it was also used as a stepladder for the small sized elder to speak with Boa Hancock, her sisters and Luffy.
- Chair: Boa Hancock was seen using her over sized snake, Salome, as a throne in her bed.
- Ropes: Small snakes are used to tie up Luffy. Luffy states the snakes are as strong as steel.
- Corkscrew: Boa Hancock's large snake took the form of a spiral, elevating her above the battlefield. Though it had no offensive value it took her out of harms way, from which she could speak to and look down at the Marines much more easily.
The Kuja are a tribe who consider strength as beauty and that there is no room for the greedy and foolish to enter. They seem to have little knowledge about Devil Fruit powers,[8] despite the fact that Boa Hancock and her two sisters have Devil Fruit powers themselves (Marguerite actually believes that Luffy cannot swim because men are "useless").[9] Taking advantage of this, Hancock lied to the rest of the tribe, telling them she and her sisters' powers were from slaughtering a Gorgon in battle, instead of them being fed Devil Fruits during their enslavement at the hands of the World Nobles.[10]
Typically, they seem to have no fear of walking around in skimpy outfits or even bathing naked in public. One would presume this is because of the lack of men that they never develop the associations men have with seeing a woman's naked body. Despite their isolation however, they have some ideas of what is "sexy" and a common fashion opinion (but only have a female view). When Marguerite sewed frills onto Luffy's clothes, they mistake his dread for praise and commented that frills are "sexy". They also acknowledge Hancock's beauty and raise the question "is there no end to her sex appeal?".
Until Luffy came along, no man was allowed to ever set foot on their island, but the Kuja at the time not only brought Luffy to their village (albeit by accident), but allowed an exception to their normal rules of never allowing men onto the island. An extension was later given for the Heart Pirates to temporary dock at the island while their captain healed Luffy. Jinbe was also included in this, being Trafalgar Law's other patient, although none of the men were allowed to go further than the barrier put up around their docking area. Elder Nyon even went so far as to forbid Hancock to see Luffy until he recovered, stressing that their laws have been passed down for generations and must be obeyed, and that this situation is an exception among exceptions.
Because of their limited knowledge, the Kuja have misconceptions of male physiology.
Since Luffy is the first man that the majority of the Kuja have seen, everything he is capable of is thought to be considered the norm for all men. This includes his massive appetite, slow wit, stretchy body, and immense strength, as well as his inability to swim.
The Kuja built their town within the center of the large crater on their island, utilizing the landscape for security. The Kuja themselves have been around for "generations" (exact date unknown) with much of their culture and beliefs remaining mostly unchanged throughout this due to isolation. They apparently have a pirate crew, although it is unknown for how long the crew has existed, and attack others with it to gain supplies from the outside world. Over the centuries, their empress would come into contact with men from the outside world, only to fall prey to the "love sickness" disease and die. Empress Gloriosa however managed to bypass this by apparently leaving her homeland to follow her love, in a move that would see her exiled. After Gloriosa's exile, the tribe was ruled by Empress Shakuyaku. Much like Gloriosa, she succumbed to love sickness but managing to survive, which she gave up the throne and her position as captain of the Kuja Pirate to live in the outside world with her romantic partner, Silver Rayleigh.
After escaping slavery, Hancock returned to her homeland with exiled former Empress Gloriosa, who had led her back to their homeland. Although Gloriosa was pardoned for her departure from the island, she continued her exile from the others by living away from the main town. Hancock proceeded to lie to cover up her slavery and Devil Fruit powers of both her and her sisters then, 11 years before the start of the storyline, she became Empress herself of the tribe. After a pirate raid gained her a bounty of 80,000,000, Hancock made an agreement with the World Government that would protect her homeland, but it came at a price: All Kuja from that point onwards would be classified as "pirate" even if they themselves were not.
Summit War Saga[]
As Hancock, who is enormously popular among the tribe, has fallen in love with a man, Monkey D. Luffy, as well as owing a debt to Silvers Rayleigh for protecting her from slavery, and leniency to Jinbe (possibly due to his relations with the Sun Pirates), the laws about men being forbidden within the tribe was lifted somewhat, temporarily allowing exceptions.
Wano Country Saga[]
After the Seven Warlords of the Sea were disbanded, the island was soon surrounded by a Marine fleet.[4]
Final Saga[]
With the help of two Seraphim, the Marines successfully invaded the island. After the Blackbeard Pirates also arrived, Hancock petrified most of the Marines and the pirates, but was caught by Blackbeard, who sought to kill Hancock and steal her Devil Fruit power. Fortunately, Rayleigh, along with Shakuyaku (the previous Empress of Amazon Lily), arrived and drove off both the Marines and the pirates. However, Amazon Lily was deemed to be unsafe and the Kuja would be in grave danger as long as Hancock stays. Hancock has decided to leave Amazon Lily under both Rayleigh and Shakky's protection for her reunion with Luffy in order to protect her subject's lives.[11]
Translation and Dub Issues[]
Kuja means "Nine Snakes". Fittingly, the tribe's emblem is of nine snakes originating from a skull.
- The Kuja, and the name of their empire, are possibly based on the Amazons from Greek mythology. Like the Kuja, the Amazons were a race of all-female warriors who lived isolated from the rest of the world and had a fearsome reputation for strength. No men were allowed in their territory on pain of death, and once a year, some Amazons left the country in order to get pregnant and preserve the species; although only the female children were kept and raised in the tribe. In some versions of the myth, the Amazonian queen Hippolyta fell in love with Theseus and abandoned the country to follow him, similar to Nyon and Shakuyaku, in some degree, to Boa Hancock.
- Similar to Gloriosa, Shakuyaku can be considered as exiled due to her abandoning her people to be with Rayleigh.
- All known members are possibly named after flowers or other flowering plants: even the island is named after one.
- Many of the Kuja had different colors than their initial introduction in the intro "Share the World".
- Daisy had her top changed from yellow to green.
- Blue Fan had a complete recolor.
- Elder Nyon's jacket was changed from blue to red.
- Nerine's hair color was switched from blonde to brown, her clothes also were recolored.
- In some cases even the height of the Kuja seems to have changed somewhat.
- ↑ 1,0 1,1 1,2 Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 53 Chapter 514 (p. 14-19) dan Episode 408, Suku Kuja muncul pertama kali.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 53 Chapter 516 (p. 8) dan Episode 410, Salah satu anak buah Momonga menyampaikan rumor kepada yang lain.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 53 Chapter 517 dan Episode 411, Hubungan Kuja dengan dunia.
- ↑ 4,0 4,1 Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 95 Chapter 956 (p. 17) dan Episode 957.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 53 Chapter 515 (p. 2-5) dan Episode 409, the Kuja at work.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 53 Chapter 515 (p. 10-14) dan Episode 409, The Kuja warriors use the snakes as weapons.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 53 Chapter 516 (p. 6-7) dan Episode 410, Arrows imbued with Haki are shown to break through rocks.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 53 Chapter 515 (p. 7-8) dan Episode 409, the Kuja thought Luffy's Gomu Gomu no Mi's stretching abilities were part of a man's natural anatomy.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 53 Chapter 516 (p. 17-18) dan Episode 410, Hancock displays her Devil Fruit ability.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 53 Chapter 521 dan Episode 415, Boa Hancock reveals to Luffy that when she, Marigold and Sandersonia were fed Devil Fruits when they were slaves.
- ↑ Manga One Piece — Vol. 105 Chapter 1059.
Tautan Eksternal[]
- Amazons – Artikel Wikipedia tentang suku mitos yang menjadi dasar Kuja.
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