Once Upon a Time Wiki
Once Upon a Time Wiki

This page is a protected file or template
This template is used to place icons at the top-right of a page. It should be used on every page.
Type {{Icons|...}} somewhere, with parameters as explained further below. The order in which you add each parameter is the order they will appear on the page.
Follow the following order:
Protection (all articles will have "MProtection", unless they are more protected. If so, use the proper icon)
FA (if applicable)
OUAT (if applicable)
OUATW (if applicable)
Books (if applicable)
Real (if applicable)
Type of article (character, object, cast, transcript, etc) ("Gallery" should come before "Episode" or "Character")
Gender (if applicable)
Any species type (if applicable)
Child (if applicable)
Locations involved (where they're from or visit. Please, put these in chronological order. Henry Mills, for example, would have "LWM", and then "Storybrooke")
Magic (if applicable)
Royal (if applicable)
Dead (if applicable)
Wiki (if applicable)
Seasons involved - Use the character's primary show first, then the other, if applicable
Sample output
Indicate that an article is a featured article:
{{Icons|FA}} gives... This article has been featured on the main page and adds Category:Featured Articles.
Indicate that a page is permanently fully protected:
{{Icons|FProtect}} gives... This page is permanently fully protected and adds Category:Protected Pages.
Indicate that a page is temporarily fully protected:
{{Icons|TProtect}} gives... This page is temporarily fully protected and adds Category:Protected Pages.
Indicate that a page is semi protected:
{{Icons|SProtect}} gives... This page is protected from being edited by new users and adds Category:Protected Pages.
Indicate that a page is move protected:
{{Icons|MProtect}} gives... This page is move protected and adds Category:Protected Pages.
Indicate that a page is a protected file or template:
{{Icons|FTProtect}} gives... This page is a protected file or template and adds Category:Protected Files and Templates.
Indicate that an article is about the real world:
{{Icons|Real}} gives... This article's subject is from the real world
Indicates that the subject of an article is a cast member:
{{Icons|Cast}} gives... This article is about a cast member and adds Category:Cast.
Indicate that the subject of an article is a crew member:
{{Icons|Crew}} gives... This article is about a crew member and adds Category:Crew.
Indicate that the subject of an article is involved with Season One of Once Upon a Time:
{{Icons|S1}} gives... This article's subject is involved with Season One of Once Upon a Time
Indicate that the subject of an article is involved with Season Two of Once Upon a Time:
{{Icons|S2}} gives... This article's subject is involved with Season Two of Once Upon a Time
Indicate that the subject of an article is involved with Season Three of Once Upon a Time:
{{Icons|S3}} gives... This article's subject is involved with Season Three of Once Upon a Time
Indicate that the subject of an article is involved with Season Four of Once Upon a Time:
{{Icons|S4}} gives... This article's subject is involved with Season Four of Once Upon a Time
Indicate that the subject of an article is involved with Season Five of Once Upon a Time:
{{Icons|S5}} gives... This article's subject is involved with Season Five of Once Upon a Time
Indicate that the subject of an article is involved with Season Six of Once Upon a Time:
{{Icons|S6}} gives... This article's subject is involved with Season Six of Once Upon a Time
Indicate that the subject is involved with a book:
{{Icons|Books}} gives... This article's subject is involved with a book
Indicate that the subject of an article is a character:
{{Icons|Character}} gives... This article's subject is or relates to a character
Indicate that the subject of an article is female:
{{Icons|Female}} gives... This article's subject is female
Indicate that the subject of an article is male:
{{Icons|Male}} gives... This article's subject is male
Indicate that the subject of an article is a creature:
{{Icons|Creature}} gives... This article's subject is or relates to an animal or creature
Indicate that the subject of an article is a child:
{{Icons|Child}} gives... This article's subject is a child and adds Category:Children.
Indicate that the subject of an article is a company:
{{Icons|Company}} gives... This article's subject is a company and adds Category:Companies.
Indicate that the subject of an article is a curse:
{{Icons|Curse}} gives... This article's subject is or relates to a curse
Indicate that the subject of an article is deceased:
{{Icons|Dead}} gives... This article's subject is deceased and adds Category:Deceased Characters.
Indicate that the subject of an article is involved with the Enchanted Forest:
{{Icons|EF}} gives... This article's subject is involved with the Enchanted Forest
Indicate that the subject of an article is involved with Camelot:
{{Icons|Camelot}} gives... This article's subject is involved with Camelot
Indicate that the subject of an article is an episode:
{{Icons|Episode}} gives... This article's subject is or relates to an episode
Indicate that an article is a gallery:
{{Icons|Gallery}} gives... This article is a gallery page
Indicate that the subject of an article is an item:
{{Icons|Item}} gives... This article's subject is an item and adds Category:Items.
Indicate that the subject of an article is an event:
{{Icons|Event}} gives... This article's subject is an event and adds Category:Events.
Indicate that an article is a list page:
{{Icons|List}} gives... This article is a list page and adds Category:List Pages.
Indicate that the subject of an article is a location:
{{Icons|Location}} gives... This article's subject is or relates to a location
Indicate that the subject of an article is involved with the Land Without Magic:
{{Icons|LWM}} gives... This article's subject is involved with the Land Without Magic
Indicate that the subject of an article is involved with the Land Without Color:
{{Icons|LWC}} gives... This article's subject is involved with the Land Without Color
Indicate that the subject of an article is involved with Neverland:
{{Icons|Neverland}} gives... This article's subject is involved with Neverland
Indicate that the subject of an article is involved with Agrabah:
{{Icons|Agrabah}} gives... This article's subject is involved with Agrabah
Indicate that the subject of an article is involved with Arendelle:
{{Icons|Arendelle}} gives... This article's subject is involved with Arendelle
Indicate that the subject of an article is involved with Oz:
{{Icons|Oz}} gives... This article's subject is involved with Oz
Indicate that the subject of an article is capable of using magic:
{{Icons|Magic}} gives... This article's subject is magical or capable of using magic
Indicate that the subject of an article is a member of a royal family:
{{Icons|Royal}} gives... This article's subject is a member of a royal family and adds Category:Royalty.
Indicate that the subject of an article is a television show:
{{Icons|Show}} gives... This article's subject is a television show and adds Category:Shows.
Indicate that the subject of an article is involved with Storybrooke:
{{Icons|Storybrooke}} gives... This article's subject is involved with Storybrooke
Indicate that an article is a transcript:
{{Icons|Transcript}} gives... This article is an episode transcript
Indicate that the subject of an article is involved with Underworld:
{{Icons|Underworld}} gives... This article's subject is involved with Underworld
Indicate that an article uses material from Wikipedia:
{{Icons|Wiki}} gives... This article uses material from Wikipedia
Indicate that the subject of an article is involved with Wonderland:
{{Icons|Wonderland}} gives... This article's subject is involved with Wonderland
Indicate that an article's subject is a world:
{{Icons|World}} gives... This article's subject is or relates to a world
Indicate that an article's subject is a fairytale, myth or story:
{{Icons|Story}} gives... This article's subject is a fairytale, legend, fable, or story
Indicate that an article's subject is a film:
{{Icons|Film}} gives... This article's subject is a film
Indicate that an article is a timeline:
{{Icons|Time}} gives... This article is a timeline page and adds Category:Timelines.
Indicate that an article's subject is related to the Wiki itself:
{{Icons|Once}} gives... This page is involved with the Once Upon a Time Wiki
Indicate that an article's subject is related to Once Upon a Time:
{{Icons|OUAT}} gives... This article's subject is involved with the Once Upon a Time
Indicate that an article's subject is related to Once Upon a Time in Wonderland:
{{Icons|OUaTW}} gives... This article's subject is involved with Once Upon a Time in Wonderland
Indicate that an article's subject is merchandise:
{{Icons|Merch}} gives... This article's subject is a Once Upon a Time product
Indicate that an article's subject is a plant:
{{Icons|Plant}} gives... This article's subject is a plant
Indicate that an article's subject is a fungus:
{{Icons|Fungus}} gives... This article's subject is a fungus
Indicate that a page is a category:
{{Icons|Category}} gives... This page is a category

Multiple icon parameters may be used. Example of all parameters together:
Underworld|Wiki|Wonderland|World|Story|Film|Time|Once|OUAT|OUaTW|Merch|Plant|Fungus|Spoiler|Category}} gives...
This article has been featured on the main page This page is permanently fully protected This page is temporarily fully protected This page is protected from being edited by new users This page is move protected This page is a protected file or template This article's subject is from the real world This article is about a cast member This article is about a crew member This article's subject is involved with Season One of Once Upon a Time This article's subject is involved with Season Two of Once Upon a Time This article's subject is involved with Season Three of Once Upon a Time This article's subject is involved with Season Four of Once Upon a Time This article's subject is involved with Season Five of Once Upon a Time This article's subject is involved with Season Six of Once Upon a Time This article's subject is involved with a book This article's subject is or relates to a character This article's subject is female This article's subject is male This article's subject is or relates to an animal or creature This article's subject is a child This article's subject is a company This article's subject is or relates to a curse This article's subject is deceased This article's subject is involved with the Enchanted Forest This article's subject is involved with Camelot This article's subject is or relates to an episode This article is a gallery page This article's subject is an item
This article's subject is an event This article is a list page This article's subject is or relates to a location This article's subject is involved with the Land Without Magic This article's subject is involved with the Land Without Color This article's subject is magical or capable of using magic This article's subject is involved with Neverland This article's subject is involved with Agrabah This article's subject is involved with Arendelle This article's subject is involved with Oz This article's subject is a member of a royal family This article's subject is a television show This article's subject is involved with Storybrooke This article is an episode transcript This article's subject is involved with Underworld This article uses material from Wikipedia This article's subject is involved with Wonderland This article's subject is or relates to a world This article's subject is a fairytale, legend, fable, or story This article's subject is a film This article is a timeline page This page is involved with the Once Upon a Time Wiki This article's subject is involved with the Once Upon a Time This article's subject is involved with Once Upon a Time in Wonderland This article's subject is a Once Upon a Time product This article's subject is a plant This article's subject is a fungus This page is a category