Together we discover more! Donate

Support our platform

At we are dedicated to making it easy and fun to learn more about nature. By saving your observations in our database, you contribute to our knowledge of biodiversity. Thank you for being part of our community! and our apps like ObsIdentify are free to use, but developing and maintaining them is not. To keep the platform running we depend on external funding. If you enjoy and want to support us, please consider making a one time, monthly or annual donation!

You can make a donation using the form on this page. Alternatively, if you want to donate money directly from your bank account to ours, you can use the following account information:

  • Name: Stichting Observation International
  • Address: Oostkanaalweg 5, 2445 BA, Aarlanderveen, The Netherlands
  • IBAN: NL10 TRIO 0254 7046 89

Observation International has non-profit status by being designated as a Public Benefit Organization (ANBI) by the Netherlands Tax Administration.

Together we discover more!

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