Object Shows Community
Object Shows Community

"Oh that, that's right... AzUrArInG adopted Pepsi Can!" — Pencil, "Zeeky Boogy Doog" (altered)
Pepsi Can was adopted by AzUrArInG. Henceforth, all rights, continuity, and proper use settings go to AzUrArInG, who now determines what is allowed and what is not in this page. Though everyone can edit this article, AzUrArInG has the final say on their page in accordance to the Object Shows Community rules.

Pepsi Can is a character created by AzUrArInG.


Pepsi Can is known for being lazy and half of the time just sleeps through anything. In addition to being lazy, he also attempts to flirt with female objects and attempt to look cool on multiple occasions, however he often ends up butchering it and failing.

List of Appearances[]


  • I'M DA BEST, AND YOU'RE STOOPID (Debut) (2017)
  • A Mastered Beginning (2018)


  • Pepsi Can is the first OC AzUrArInG made to be created after the original version was cancelled.
  • Pepsi Can's voice sounds similar to Dough from II2 and Tub of Lard from Extraordinary Excellent Entities.
    • He also sounds similar to Baldi from Baldi's Basics in Education and Learning.
  • Pepsi Can was originally made as a joke from his debut, but AzUrArInG decided to make him an official character.

