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Black Hole BFB

"Well, yeah, but like, Mace (Object Invasion)'s already inf-infinitely small, being a singularity-" — Black Hole, "Getting Teardrop to Talk" (altered), Battle for Dream Island series
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Mace is a male major character who made his debut in Never The Same. He resembles a big grey spike ball with white eyes. He's the Main Antagonist of Never The Same.


  • Episode 5: When Dollar says that he is good to be back and he hopes that his team doesn't lose again, Mace is seen behind Dollar and slowly disappears into thin air.
  • Episode 6: When Lego says that it sucks to lose another member of his team, Mace is seen behind Lego and Coffee.


  • Mace's name was revealed in episode 4 credits.
  • He is currently the only character who has different eye shapes.

