Object Shows Community
Object Shows Community

PowerPointninja's Object Camp is the first camp ever created by Satanchu. It consists of 48 characters. Signups for this camp are closed, and the competition has started.

Note that the character’s names are suffixed with the three tags:

N: Normal

H: Happy

U: Unhappy


Character User Old user list Tokens (up to 5 can be held)
Pin isubtoeveryone Gold Token
Leafy PolskieFrytki
Ice Cube Theelementalraccoon
Evil Leafy Slowking205
Blocky Paris Vids
Teardrop theyoylecakestudios
Nickel Spongy317 TheACTUALBFDIfantoeverexist101 Productions
Coiny USERLESS Elijah ROCKZ, Sonicblaster203
Rocky Kobe Fish (Google Plus)
Eraser USERLESS JRP14ization
Bubble WhaiJay gogo67ify
Pen Cody Nutt No Token
David BOTIMaker1212 Abderahmane Ait Small Win Token
Bomby GelatinStar
Ruby BuildermanVSNotch Anwar Green
Yellow Face KirbyRider1337
Book Retro Guy jacob mengi Win Token
Apple Pablokas248

Tennis Ball

(formerly Baseball)

Reviloja2 Immunity Token
Knife bladethe blade Small Revenge Token
Lightbulb BFDIBOYERSFTW Small Win Token
Marshmallow e-s-purr/Killahkatz 95mikemc1
Cherries JRP14ization FeroKaiAnimations
Propeller Hat USERLESS
Globe (Old) USERLESS
Slurpy SirenRabbid1687 Florian Bruss
Announcer Nathanael Cameron Revenge Token
Trophy USERLESS Sonicblaster203
Tether Ball Objectdude73 Win Token
Challengey USERLESS
Boat Cobi Miller
Clammy Sandi Wescott
Spade Cedricblocks
Box Million Mayhem TheInanimateFight Small Revenge Token
Redstone Teh Best Fan of BFDI and BFDIA
Cato NeonGrenades
Melony taopwhn6427
Pizza Kalini Houdini
Remote YearsAnimations
Globe (New) TardisTheTardis
Sylveon Nazrininator

Elimination Table[]

Contestant Place Eliminated by Reason
Trophy (Sonicblaster203) 38th Quitting

He quit the game after an argument with the camp owner

Rocky (Kobe Fish) 37th Elimination Tag (Eraser) Either his user was unpopular, or he had a Google Plus username.
Clammy (Sandi Wecott) 36th Elimination Tag (Broke the chain) He was hated amongst the contestants due to his inactivity.
Eraser (JRP14iztion) 35th Elimination Tag (Broke the chain) Probably for being an unpopular contestant. Later in the camp, Cherries' user (FeroKaiAnimations) gave Eraser's user to Cherries.
Redstone (Teh Best Fan of BFDI and BFDIA) 34th Viewer Vote People said he was boring in the confessionals, and accused him of stealing alliance members.
Pen (Cody Nutt) 33rd Evil Window's Evil Event Evil Window doubled his votes. People voted him possibly for being negative or dramatic.
Coiny (Sonicblaster203) 32nd Quitting His user was the same as Trophy's, but this time he quit because he lost intrests in object shows, and/or the character he is playing as.
Teardrop (theyoylecakestudios) 31st - 24th Octo Elimination Was not picked to be safe in the Octo Elimination.
Tennis Ball (Reviloja2) 31st - 24th Octo Elimination Was not picked to be safe in the Octo Elimination.
Ice Cube (Theelementalraccoon) 31st - 24th Octo Elimination Was not picked to be safe in the Octo Elimination.
Leafy (PolskieFrytki) 31st - 24th Octo Elimination Was not picked to be safe in the Octo Elimination.
Nickel (Spongy317) 31st - 24th Octo Elimination Was not picked to be safe in the Octo Elimination.
Pin (isubtoeveryone) 31st - 24th Octo Elimination Was not picked to be safe in the Octo Elimination.
Ruby (BuildermanVSNotch) 31st - 24th Octo Elimination Was not picked to be safe in the Octo Elimination.
Evil Leafy (Slowking205) 31st - 24th Octo Elimination Was not picked to be safe in the Octo Elimination.
Box (Million Mayhem) 23rd - 20th Final Elimination Tag (Disqualified) Did not tag anyone, resulting in disqualification because it's the finale.
David (BOTIMaker1212) 23rd - 20th Final Elimination Tag (Disqualified) Did not tag anyone, resulting in disqualification because it's the finale.
Sylveon (Nazrininator) 23rd - 20th Final Elimination Tag (Disqualified) Did not tag anyone, resulting in disqualification because it's the finale.
Marshmallow (e-s-purr/Killahkatz) 23rd - 20th Final Elimination Tag (Disqualified) Did not tag anyone, resulting in disqualification because it's the finale.
Announcer (Nathanael Cameron) 19th Final Elimination Tag (Yellow Face)
Pizza (Kalini Houdini) 18th Final Elimination Tag (Tune)
Cato (NeonGrenades) 17th Final Elimination Tag (Book)
Melony (taopwhn6427) 16th Final Elimination Tag (Spade)
Remote (YearsAnimations) 15th Final Elimination Tag (Deadly Enemy) Tagged a deadly enemy while only having 1 life.
Lightbulb (BFDIBOYERSFTW) 14th - 9th Final Challenge Failed to be the first to PM the host
Spade (Cedricblocks) 14th - 9th Final Challenge Failed to be the first to PM the host
Tack (NINJAxxSNIPER) 14th - 9th Final Challenge Failed to be the first to PM the host
Knife (bladethe blade) 14th - 9th Final Challenge Failed to be the first to PM the host
Blocky (Paris Vids) 14th - 9th Final Challenge Failed to be the first to PM the host
Cherries (JRP14ization) 14th - 9th Final Challenge Failed to be the first to PM the host
Tether Ball (Objectdude73) 8th Host's Mistake Forgot to be added in the challenge, resulting in an unfair elimination.
Bomby (GelatinStar) 7th Final Challenge Failed to be the first to PM the host
Boat (Cobi Miller) 6th Final Challenge Failed to be the first to PM the host
Globe (NEW) (TardisTheTardis) 5th Final Challenge Failed to be the first to PM the host
Bubble () 4th Final Challenge Failed to be the first to PM the host
Book (Retro Guy) 3rd Final Challenge Failed to be the first to PM the host
Slurpy (SirenRabbid1687) 2nd Final Challenge Failed to be the first to PM the host
Yellow Face (KirbyRider1337) 1st - Managed to be the first to PM the host






Some Assets that I got, made, or improved[]



Yoyle Metal Bodies[]


<poll> Which objects should I make Yoyle bodies of next? Inanimate Insanity (2) Object Universe/Twoniverse (I may forget some objects from OU) Object Overload Brawl Of The Objects BFDI RCs
