Object Shows Community

Sticky (labeled The Opportunistic Advertiser) is a male contestant in Double Down. He competed on Team I before getting eliminated first in "Take the Leap" alongside Lemonade, making him the first boot of the show.

He's also the host of PillowPepper's Discord object camp titled Sticky's Gameshow.


Sticky appears to be a wad of orange-yellow-colored paper adhesive sticky notes. His front note has a forward fold on the top left corner, hiding Sticky's left eye. He's also wearing a dark grey-colored top hat and bowtie, and is always holding on to a dark-grey colored cane. Unlike the clothes, the cane doesn't have an outline.

Uniquely from the other males (and characters from the cast), Sticky has two rectangular-shaped, downward-facing eyelashes that are detached from his eyes. He has both arms and legs for limbs.


Sticky is a classy advertiser who is full of himself. He actively jumps the gun too early, and makes a fool of himself when trying to gain the upper hand in many situations. For what it's worth, his advertising skills are unmatched.


  • Intelligence: ★★★☆☆
  • Strength: ★☆☆☆☆
  • Adaptability: ★★★★☆
  • Empathy: ★★☆☆☆
  • Sociability: ★★★★★


  • Due to being the host of an object camp, this makes Sticky the only Double Down character that was a host before becoming a contestant.
  • He's canonically a millionaire.
  • He decided to hide his left eye behind a fold simply because he finds it fashionable.
  • At 30 years old, Sticky is the oldest character on the show.
  • He's one of the three canonically panromantic characters. The other two being Poker Chip and Starfruit.
    • He's however the only panromantic who's gendered male.


Double Down
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