Object Shows Community
Battle for Groink Island is cancelled.

"But I have unfortunate news. Battle for Groink Island is cancelled." — Announcer, "SOS (Save Our Show)", Battle for Dream Island
Battle for Groink Island is cancelled. Be aware that future updates on this subject are unlikely to be seen, and additional information should be accompanied by a source to confirm it.

Battle for Groink Island is a BFDI camp started by GatlingGroink57. It holds 32 competitors. The host is Remote, a recommended character who didn't make it into BFDI or BFDIA, But later joined BFB. This camp has most of the BFDI and BFDIA characters. There are also 3 recommended characters, Clock, Eggy, and Nonexisty.


Blocky* - SuperCDLand X

Bomby - RingoBingo1510

Book - CyberHydro96

Bubble* - VideoGamePlanMan

Clock - goldenzoomi

Coiny - Crazybirds202

David - BuildermanVSNotch

Donut* - bronygamingnerd Er

Eggy - SalamenceJacketJeans

Eraser* - waliugifreak789

Firey - 2000Mrpie X

Flower* - PSI Pikmin X

Fries* - xCrazyFilmmaker

Gelatin - Trelonbarrett123

Golf Ball - Kalasi97

Ice Cube - taopwnh6427

Leafy* - Jack Orange X

Match - challengerobjects163

Needle* - Jeelhu77

Nickel** - livingpyramid

Nonexisty* - monstergamer20 X

Pin - tBlizzi

Pencil* - theminecraftwolf9

Pen* - pwndyourfaceoff

Puffball - Tacoburger22

Rocky* - chimchar279 X

Ruby - jairmorales21

Snowball* - Matthew Nguyen

Spongy* - DaKillahBunnyz

Teardrop* - TheSwoobatNinja

Tennis Ball** - ThegreenskyofBFDI

Woody - ScienceStorm1

  • = This contestant has been re-signed up once.

Challenges/Results/Elimination (WIP)[]

Challenge 1: BFDI Trivia[]

The competitors had to answer 15 questions that involved basic BFDI knowledge.

Results 1A: BFDI Trivia[]

Ice Cube got the highest score and got an Immunity Token, and Eggy got the secodn highest and got a Win Token. Ice Cube was put in charge of picking 8 people to be up for elimination.

Results 1B: BFDI Trivia[]

Ice Cube picked Bomby, Book, Firey, Nickel, Pen, Snowball, Teardrop, and Tennis Ball to be up for elimination.

Challenge 2A: The Name Game[]

Contestants had to make team names that would impress Remote. The three best would all get Win Tokens.

Challenge 2B: Easy Pickings[]

The three team captains had to choose 9 players on each of their teams while one player would be on any team therefore eliminated.

Challenge 3: Cake'n Make'n[]

Contestants had to send a recipe of a cake they made themselves which had to include a title and at least ten ingredients.

Challenge 4: Trick or Treat[]

A Halloween-themed challenge; the competitors must choose a spot they think hides the most candy, with one being a dud.

Challenge 5: DODGE-BALL!!![]

Competitors compete in 5 separate rounds, throwing dodgeballs while trying to get the other teams out. First team to lose all of its players is up for elimination.

Challenge 6: P.M. Me[]

A completely unoriginal challenge where the competitors must PM me in a race to get immunity. Teams are temp. divided and last 6 to finish are up for elimination.

Challenge 7: Pimp My T.L.C![]

Contestants have to build a new T.L.C for the eliminated contestants and send it through video response. The old T.L.C. was destroyed due to Firey burning it down.

Challenge 8: Sandcastle Hastle[]

Contestants built sandcastles and tried to keep them out of harm's way.

Elimination Table[]

Contestant Team Reason Placing Votes
Firey - 2000Mrpie None He did not do the first challenge. 32nd 5
Pin - tBlizzi She was dubbed teamless. REJOINED Teamless
Nonexisty - 111PenBFDIFan The Unbreakable Walls He was not participating in the first team challenge. Also, he could not be trusted. 31th 5
Blocky - SuperCDLand The Unbreakable Walls He was eliminated due to the previous user having 2 contestants, Blocky being one of them. 30th 6
Flower - The Equestrian Renegadez The Fire-Breathing Rubber Duckies

Reasons why she was eliminated include her user being a brony and also her past in BFDI.



Leafy - mcsideways The Fire-Breathing Rubber Duckies

Leafy was a floater, she barely interacted with anyone and did par on challenges.

28th 4
Pin Rejoins The Unbreakable Walls People voted her back in due to the viewers feeling sympathy for her since she was teamless. Rejoined 8
Rocky - chimchar279 The Fire-Breathing Rubber Duckies Rocky started to slow down in challenges and eventually stopped doing them altogether. 27th 10
Bomby - RingoBingo1510 The Advantages and Scholars NOT ELIMINATED YET Tied for 1st N/A

Bubble - VideoGamePlanMan

The Advantages and Scholars NOT ELIMINATED YET Tied for 1st N/A
Clock - goldenzoomi The Advantages and Scholars NOT ELIMINATED YET Tied for 1st N/A
Coiny - Crazybirds202 The Advantages and Scholars NOT ELIMINATED YET Tied for 1st N/A
Dictionary - CyberHydro96 The Advantages and Scholars NOT ELIMINATED YET Tied for 1st N/A
David - BuildermanVSNotch The Unbreakable Walls NOT ELIMINATED YET Tied for 1st N/A
Donut - bronygamingnerd Er The Fire-Breathing Rubber Duckies NOT ELIMINATED YET Tied for 1st N/A
Eggy - SalamenceJacketJeans The Unbreakable Walls NOT ELIMINATED YET Tied for 1st N/A
Eraser - waliugifreak789 The Unbreakable Walls NOT ELIMINATED YET Tied for 1st N/A
Fries - xCrazyFilmmaker The Fire-Breathing Rubber Duckies NOT ELIMINATED YET Tied for 1st N/A
Gelatin - trelonbarrett123 The Fire-Breathing Rubber Duckies NOT ELIMINATED YET Tied for 1st N/A
Golf Ball - Kalasi97 The Advantages & Scholars NOT ELIMINATED YET Tied for 1st N/A
Ice Cube - taopwnh6427 The Advantages and Scholars NOT ELIMINATED YET Tied for 1st N/A
Match - challengerobjects163 The Fire-Breathing Rubber Duckies NOT ELIMINATED YET Tied for 1st N/A
Needle - Jeelhu77 The Unbreakable Walls NOT ELIMINATED YET Tied for 1st N/A
Nickel - colbyits The Fire-Breathing Rubber Duckies NOT ELIMINATED YET Tied for 1st N/A
Pen - ShinyStoutland The Advantages and Scholars NOT ELIMINATED YET Tied for 1st N/A

Pencil - theminecraftwolf9

The Fire-Breathing Rubber Duckies NOT ELIMINATED YET Tied for 1st N/A
Pin - tBlizzi The Unbreakable Walls NOT ELIMINATED YET Tied for 1st N/A
Puffball - Tacoburger22 The Fire-Breathing Rubber Duckies NOT ELIMINATED YET Tied for 1st N/A
Ruby - jairmorales21 The Unbreakable Walls NOT ELIMINATED YET Tied for 1st N/A
Snowball - Matthew Nguyen The Unbreakable Walls NOT ELIMINATED YET Tied for 1st N/A
Spongy - DaKillahBunnyz The Unbreakable Walls NOT ELIMINATED YET Tied For 1st N/A
Teardrop - TheSwoobatNinja The Unbreakable Walls NOT ELIMINATED YET Tied for 1st N/A
Tennis Ball - ThegreenskyofBFDI The Advantages and Scholars NOT ELIMINATED YET Tied for 1st N/A
Woody - ScienceStorm1 The Advantages and Scholars NOT ELIMINATED YET Tied for 1st N/A


Intro Poses used Elimination 4 - Rejoin 1[]

Intro Poses used Results 8 - Present[]

BFGI Debuter Poses[]





BFGI Debuter Idles[]

Bucket and Portal Gun can be found on the BFCK wiki page, Grenade can be found on the Recommended Idles page.

Credit to SalamenceJacketJeans, SuperCDLand, goldenzoomi, and ThegreenskyofBFDI for helping me make some of the bodies.

BFGU Debut Paper Roll[]

Season 2[]

A second season has been considered, however, it is still undecided.


  • The debuters Apricot, Creamy, Flaggy, Food Coloring, Jelly, and Popsicle Stick would eventually become contestants in GatlingGroink57's later series, Animated Inanimate Battle. However, Food Coloring was placed onto the show as two contestants: Yellow Food Dye and Orange Food Dye.