I am making one of these. -Not Copying! it's just The Hunger games Is the best Movie ever, in my opinion.
Pin (Being reaped in District 2)
Leafy (Being reaped in District 3)
Firey (Being reaped in District 3)
Eraser (District not represented)
Pen (District not represented)
Match (Being reaped in District 1)
Pencil (Being Reaped in District 1)
Coiny (District not represented)
David (District not represented)
Bubble (Being Reaped in District 1)
Icecube (Being Reaped in District 1)
Woody (District not represented)
Teardrop (District not represented)
Snowball (District not represented)
Golfball (Being reaped in District 3)
Tennisball (Being reaped in District 3)
Blocky (District not represented)
Needle (District not represented)
Spongy (District not represented)
Flower (Being reaped in District 4)
Rocky (District not represented)
Dora (District not represented)
Gelatin (District not represented)
Yellowface (Being reaped in District 1)
Ruby (Being Reaped in District 1)
Fries (Being reaped in District 2)
Bomby (District not represented)
Puffball (District not represented)
Nickel (District not represented)
Donut (District not represented)
Salt (District not represented)
Pepper (District not represented)
OJ (Being reaped in District 3)
Apple (District not represented)
Marshmallow (District not represented)
Pickle (District not represented)
Balloon (District not represented)
Paintbrush (District not represented)
Lightbulb (Being reaped in District 3)
Knife (District not represented)
Taco (District not represented)
Paper (District not represented)
Baseball (District not represented)
Bomb (Being reaped in District 8)
Bow (Being reaped in District 8)
Book (Being Reaped in District 1)
Soap (Being reaped in District 5)
Trophy (Being reaped in District 2)
Tissues (District not represented)
Cherries (District not represented)
Cheesy (District not represented)
Yin-Yang (District not represented)
Clammy (Being reaped in District 6)
Pocket Knife (District not represented)
Seed (District not represented) -Blubluboy199
Wrench (District not represented) -Blubluboy199
Yoyleberry (Being reaped in District 2)
Clover (Being reaped in District 2)
Reversal Token (Being reaped in District 3)
Test tube (Being reaped in District 3)
Ivy (Being reaped in District 6)
Filey (Being reaped in District 3)
Strawberry (District not represented)
Tip Jar (District not represented)
Bucket (District not represented)
Fan (Being reaped in District 6)
Box (District not represented)
Suitcase (District not represented)
Microphone (Being reaped in District 5)
Calculator (District not represented)
Asteroid (District not represented)
Snowglobe (Being reaped in District 5)
Globe (OO) (District not represented)
Pearly (Being reaped in District 5)
Spade (District not represented)
Present (Being reaped in District 1)
Trophy (TSFTM) (Being reaped in District 2)
Boxing Glove (Being reaped in District 6)
Soccer Ball (Being reaped in District 5)
Ping Pong Ball (Being reaped in District 5)
Disc (Being reaped in District 5)
Ice Cream (District not represented)
Ice Cream (OM) (District not represented)
Fly Swat (Being reaped in District 5)
Dusty (Being reaped in District 5)
Syringe (Being reaped in District 4)
Roundel (Being reaped in District 4)
Puppet (Being reaped in District 6)
Acorn (Being reaped in District 4)
Balancing ball (Being reaped in District 4)
Big Ben (Being reaped in District 4)
Peacy (Being reaped in District 4)
Street light (Being reaped in District 4)
Storm (Being reaped in District 4)
Ferris Wheel (Being reaped in District 2)
Macaroni (Being reaped in District 6)
Thread (Being reaped in District 6)
Toolbox (Being reaped in District 6)
Peapod (Being reaped in District 6)
Dollary (Being reaped in District 8)
Meatball (Being reaped in District 12)
Globe (OT) (District not represented)
Rules: All these objects will live together in each district. (A district isn't a group) The reaping happens in each district. Number 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 and 12. They will each have 2 objects in the district. It will show all of them in slideshow. When the game starts there will be 24 Objects running for weapons and surviving in the wild fighting to the death. There will be weapons. At the end there will be 23 Dead, and 1 Alive. That very 1 will be crowned winner of the Object Hunger games. The things in the wild are: Moking jays,Nightlock and Wolfmuts (Will not be shown because i can't make a wolfmut).
(It WIll say closed when a district is full, each district can only have 9 in the reaping!)