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Object Shows Community
Battle For a Million Dollars And Imagination Palace is cancelled.

"But I have unfortunate news. Battle For a Million Dollars And Imagination Palace is cancelled." — Announcer, "SOS (Save Our Show)", Battle for Dream Island
Battle For a Million Dollars And Imagination Palace is cancelled. Be aware that future updates on this subject are unlikely to be seen, and additional information should be accompanied by a source to confirm it.

Reason: Unknown.
This page was last edited on November 22, 2023 at 23:59:11.

Battle For a Million Dollars And Imagination Palace (BFAMDAIP) is a lost and cancelled object show released in December 30, 2020 by ignolorfus(found by Random boi wineer. As of now supposedly 7 episodes have released, with the latest one releasing in July 30, 2021. The show's 1st season is over halfway done now. It was cancelled on March 11th, 2022.

Episode 1

Episode 3

