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Fil:Georges Pompidou 1969 (cropped).jpg

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Opprinnelig fil (430 × 645 piksler, filstørrelse: 94 KB, MIME-type: image/jpeg)


Kilde [1]
Opphavsperson Farabola
(Gjenbruk av denne filen)
Public domain
Public domain
The country of origin of this photograph is Italy. It is in the public domain there because its copyright term has expired. According to Law for the Protection of Copyright and Neighbouring Rights n.633, 22 April 1941 and later revisions, images of people or of aspects, elements and facts of natural or social life, obtained with photographic process or with an analogue one, including reproductions of figurative art and film frames of film stocks (Art. 87) are protected for a period of 20 years from creation (Art. 92). This provision shall not apply to photographs of writings, documents, business papers, material objects, technical drawings and similar products (Art. 87). Italian law makes an important distinction between "works of photographic art" and "simple photographs" (Art. 2, § 7). Photographs that are "intellectual work with creative characteristics" are protected for 70 years after the author's death (Art. 32 bis), whereas simple photographs are protected for a period of 20 years from creation.
This may not apply in countries that don't apply the rule of the shorter term to works from Italy. In particular, these are in the public domain in the United States only if:

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image extraction process
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: Georges Pompidou and Antoine Pinay 1969.jpg
original file


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96 348 byte

645 piksel

430 piksel



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nåværende13. jan. 2022 kl. 05:02Miniatyrbilde av versjonen fra 13. jan. 2022 kl. 05:02430 × 645 (94 KB)FMSkyFix
13. jan. 2022 kl. 05:01Miniatyrbilde av versjonen fra 13. jan. 2022 kl. 05:01430 × 645 (90 KB)FMSkyFile:Georges Pompidou and Antoine Pinay 1969.jpg cropped 58 % horizontally, 50 % vertically using CropTool with lossless mode.
13. jan. 2022 kl. 05:00Miniatyrbilde av versjonen fra 13. jan. 2022 kl. 05:00505 × 661 (124 KB)FMSkyReverted to version as of 18:24, 28 March 2020 (UTC)
13. apr. 2020 kl. 16:58Miniatyrbilde av versjonen fra 13. apr. 2020 kl. 16:581 424 × 1 822 (1,09 MB)Lennox Theodore AndersonHigher Resolution. {{PD-France}}
28. mar. 2020 kl. 19:39Miniatyrbilde av versjonen fra 28. mar. 2020 kl. 19:39434 × 568 (97 KB)CheepCropped 14 % horizontally, 14 % vertically using CropTool with precise mode.
28. mar. 2020 kl. 19:24Miniatyrbilde av versjonen fra 28. mar. 2020 kl. 19:24505 × 661 (124 KB)CheepFile:George Pompidou and Antoine Pinay 1969.jpg cropped 51 % horizontally, 49 % vertically using CropTool with precise mode.

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