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Mosin-Nagant from (it was named izzy.jpg)

The Mosin Nagant comes in various forms but the two most popular versions are the Mosin Nagant 91/30 which is the full length "rifle" while the second is the M44 which is a carbine. All versions fire the 7.62x54R, a rimmed cartridge. It is the oldest cartridge (1891) still in use up to this day. The actual caliber varies from .311 to .316, depending on the arsenal in which they were made. Of all the battle rifles used in World War Two. The Mosin Nagant was the crudest built with various barrel calibers which made some of them very inaccurate and others not. The M44 was produced in 1944 until the end of the War and was replaced by the AK 47 in 1947. There are millions of these rifles on the market which makes for cheap selling prices, some under $100. This is a bargain especially if it turns out to be a .311 caliber, which makes it an accurate rifle. There is also a glut of military surplus ammunition available to the target shooter and even for a serious hunter which can only buy an inexpensive hunting rifle. Most of them come with a shellac finish, 5 shot box magazine, and steel butt stock. The use of steel cartridges causes the bolt to move hard as the steel shells has a lacquer finish which gets into the action which makes the bolt hard to move.

Jeanp1948 contributed the above in 2012


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