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Uit Wikipedia, de vrije encyclopedie

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English: The Buenos Aires Aires Cricket Club's game field, located in Palermo neighborhood of Buenos Aires. The first association football (1867) and rugby union (1873) matches in Argentina were played there. The field was shared by BACC and Buenos Aires Football Club until 1948, when a fire destroyed it completely.
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Auteur OnbekendUnknown author


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This image is in the public domain in Argentina because the copyright of this photograph, registered in Argentina, has expired. According to Law 11.723, Article 34, photographs are protected for 20 years after publication. (Note that Law 25.140 promulgated in 1999 that implements the Paris Act of 1971 explicitly dismisses in Article 9 the minimum protection duration for photographic works required by Berne Convention, Article 7 (4))

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Dit werk bevindt zich in het publiek domein in de Verenigde Staten omdat het gepubliceerd werd (of geregistreerd bij de U.S. Copyright Office) voor 1 januari 1930.

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161.872 byte

830 pixel

1.181 pixel


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huidige versie31 okt 2011 00:41Miniatuurafbeelding voor de versie van 31 okt 2011 00:411.181 × 830 (158 kB)Fma12Much better quality, scanned from the original BACRC's library.
31 okt 2011 00:17Miniatuurafbeelding voor de versie van 31 okt 2011 00:171.494 × 1.029 (377 kB)Fma12

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