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Bestand:Austro-hungarian coat of arms 1914.svg

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Deutsch: Mittleres kaiserlich-königlich Wappen von Österreich-Ungarn (1915—1918).
Magyar: Ausztria-Magyarország középső császári-királyi címer (1915—1918).
Polski: Środkowy herb cesarsko-królewski Austro-Węgier (1915—1918).
Русский: Средний императорско-королевский герб Австро-Венгрии (1915—1918).
Українська: Середній цісарсько-королівський герб Австро-Угорщини (1915—1918).
Slovenščina: Osrednji cesarsko-kraljevi grb Avstro-Ogrske (1915-1918).
Hrvatski: Srednji carsko-kraljevski grb Austro-Ugarske (1915-1918).
Српски / srpski: Средњи царско-крaљевски грб Аувстроугарске/Srednji carsko-kraljevski grb Austrougarske (1915-1918).
Italiano: Stemma imperiale-reale media dell'Austria-Ungheria (1915—1918).
English: Or, a pale Gules charged with a fess Argent (for the House of Austria) between dexter a lion rampant Gules, armed, langued and crowned Azure (for Habsburg) and sinister a bend Gules charged with three alerions bendwise Argent (for Lorraine); the whole surrounded by the Order of the Golden Fleece, the Military Order of Maria Theresa, the Order of Saint Stephen and the Austrian Imperial Order of Leopold; for a Crest, the royal crown Proper; dexter escutcheon Or (for the Kingdoms and Lands represented in the Imperial Council), a double-headed eagle displayed Sable, armed and membered Gold, langued Gules, twice royally crowned Proper, grasping in the dexter claw an imperial sceptre and sward, and in the sinister claw an imperial orb, all Proper, charged on the breast with an escutcheon per pale twice per fess thrice with enté en pointe and an inescutcheon, first Azure, a fess Gules between in chief a crow passant Sable and in base three crowns Or (for Galicia and Lodomeria); second Gules, a lion rampant Argent armed, crowned and langued Or (for Bohemia); third Azure, three leopards' heads affrontés crowned Or, langued Gules (for Dalmatia); fourth Or, an eagle displayed Sable armed and membered Or, langued Gules, crowned Or, with a crescent treflée, issuing from the middle thereof a cross pattée Argent (for Upper and Lower Silesia); fifth per pale, dexter Or, a lion rampant Sable, armed and langued Gules; sinister Gules, a fess Sable (for Salzburg); sixth Azure, an eagle displayed chequered Argent and Gules, armed, membered, langued and crowned Or (for Moravia); seventh Argent, the Montfortic banner Gules (for Vorarlberg); eighth Azure, a goat Or, armed and horned Gules (for Histria); ninth Argent, an eagle Gules displayed, armed, membered and crowned Or, langued Gules; the wings charged with trifoiled stems Or (for the Tyrole); tenth per pale Azure and Gules‎, a bull's head Sable, horned Argent, langued Gules, between three six-pointed stars Or (for Bukovina); eleventh per bend, in chief Azure, a lion passant bendwise Or, langued Gules, in base per bend sinister of six, Argent and Gules (for Gorizia); twelfth per fess Or and Azure, a cross surmounting a crescent Argent (for Gradisca); thirteenth Or, the “Arm of God” emboved, sleeved Gules, cuffed Proper, holding a saber Argent, with the hilt Or, emerging from a cloud Argent (for Bosnia and Herzegovina); enté en pointe per fess, in chief Or, a double-headed eagle displayed Sable, armed, membered, and twice crowned Or, langued Gules; in base Gules, a fess Argent surmounted by a sceptre issuing from base and ending in a fleur-de-lis Or (for Triest); inescutcheon per fess with an inescutcheon, in chief per pale, dexter Azure, five eaglets Or armed and langued Gules (for Lower Austria); sinister per pale, dexter Sable, eagle Or, langued Gules, sinister paly of four Argent and Gules (for Upper Austria); base per pale twice, first Vert, a fire-breathing panther Argent, horned and armed Gules (Styria); second Argent, an eagle displayed Azure, armed membered, and langued Gules, crowned Or, with a crescent chequered Or and Gules (for Carniola); third per pale, dexter Or, three lions passant Sable armed and langued Gules; sinister Gules, a fess Argent (for Carinthia); inescutcheon Gules, a fess Argent (for Austria); for a Crest, the imperial crown Proper; sinister escutcheon quarterly with enté en pointe and an inescutcheon (for the Lands of the Crown of Saint Stephen), first Azure, three leopards' heads affrontés crowned Or, langued Gules (for Dalmatia); second chequy of five, Argent and Gules (for Croatia); third Azure on a fess Gules fimbriated Argent a marten Sable courant proper in chief a mullet of six points Or (for Slavonia); fourth per fess Azure and Or, a fess Gules between in chief an eagle issuant from the division Sable flanked by a sun-in-splendour Or and an increscent Argent, and in base seven towers Gules (for Transylvania); inescutcheon per pale, dexter barry of eight Gules and Argent, sinister Gules, on a trimount Vert a crown Or, issuant therefrom a double cross Argent (for Hungary); enté en pointe per pale, dexter Or, the “Arm of God” emboved, sleeved Gules, cuffed Proper, holding a saber Argent, with the hilt Or, emerging from a cloud Argent (for Bosnia and Herzegovina); sinister Gules, a double-headed eagle Sable armed, membered and crowned Or, rousant upon a mount issuant from the sea in base, all proper (for Fiume); for a Crest, the holy crown Proper; for Supporters, dexter a griffin rampant Or and Sable, armed and langued Gules; sinister an angel proper vested Argent wings sashed; motto ‘Indivisibiliter Ac Inseparabiliter’ in the branches Or.
Datum 19 mei 2020
Lorin sdq
Bron Eigen werk


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Герб Австро-Венгрии

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huidige versie25 aug 2023 18:18Miniatuurafbeelding voor de versie van 25 aug 2023 18:18524 × 350 (4,58 MB)PelicaneggReverted to version as of 13:16, 31 July 2023 (UTC)
5 aug 2023 21:27Miniatuurafbeelding voor de versie van 5 aug 2023 21:27748 × 468 (3,74 MB)Михаил ФилинReverted to version as of 02:58, 10 May 2023 (UTC)
31 jul 2023 14:16Miniatuurafbeelding voor de versie van 31 jul 2023 14:16524 × 350 (4,58 MB)Pelicaneggminor fix
31 jul 2023 14:11Miniatuurafbeelding voor de versie van 31 jul 2023 14:11524 × 350 (4,58 MB)Pelicaneggadjusted order of Maria Theresia
28 jul 2023 09:52Miniatuurafbeelding voor de versie van 28 jul 2023 09:52524 × 350 (4,58 MB)Pelicaneggchanged neon green and adjusted slavonia
9 jul 2023 19:13Miniatuurafbeelding voor de versie van 9 jul 2023 19:13512 × 342 (4,46 MB)Felipe Fidelis TobiasReverted to version as of 17:21, 26 March 2023 (UTC)
10 mei 2023 03:58Miniatuurafbeelding voor de versie van 10 mei 2023 03:58748 × 468 (3,74 MB)Wrg6jcstbwtcuReverted to version as of 12:22, 6 November 2022 (UTC)
26 mrt 2023 18:21Miniatuurafbeelding voor de versie van 26 mrt 2023 18:21512 × 342 (4,46 MB)Felipe Fidelis Tobiasseveral things
6 nov 2022 13:22Miniatuurafbeelding voor de versie van 6 nov 2022 13:22748 × 468 (3,74 MB)Sr.graph030optimized
19 mei 2020 17:14Miniatuurafbeelding voor de versie van 19 mei 2020 17:14748 × 468 (7,71 MB)Lorin sdqUploaded own work with UploadWizard

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