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Rose's Thorns (JP) (Thorn of the Rose in the German version) is a skill introduced in Fire Emblem Fates and is the Personal Skill of Camilla that deals 3 more damage points and receive 1 less damage point from enemy attacks, but Camilla herself wont receive any of the benefits.
Game | Icon | Effect | Activation | Capacity | Notes |
Fates | ![]() |
Adjacent allies get +3 damage dealt and -1 damage received | -- | -- | -- |
Fire Emblem Fates[]
Units | Camilla |
- The damage value changes for this skill is the inverse of Lily's Poise, Elise's personal skill.
- The skill is based on Camilla's alluring appearance, as well as her caring and brutal personality.
Fire Emblem Character Skills: | |
Introduced in Genealogy of the Holy War | Pavise | Dance | Critical | Wrath | Pursuit | Continue | Charisma | Steal | Nihil | Prayer | Ambush | Charge | Astra | Luna | Sol | Life | Elite | Bargain |
Introduced in The Sacred Stones | Lethality | Pick | Magic Seal | Sure Strike | Slayer | Summon |
Introduced in Path of Radiance | Aether | Blossom | Boon | Celerity | Colossus | Corrosion | Counter | Daunt | Discipline | Flare | Fortune | Gamble | Guard | Insight | Lumina | Mantle | Parity | Provoke | Reinforce | Resolve | Roar | Savior | Serenity | Shade | Shove | Smite | Stun | Tempest | Vigilance | Vortex |
Introduced in Radiant Dawn | Aurora | Bane | Beastfoe | Birdfoe | Blood Tide | Corona | Critical + | Deadeye | Disarm | Dragonfoe | Eclipse | Flourish | Formshift | Galdrar | Glare | Howl | Imbue | Impale | Ire | Maelstrom | Mercy | Night Tide | Nullify | Pass | Quickclaw | Rend | Sacrifice | Savage | Shriek | Stillness | Tear | White Pool | Wildheart |
Introduced in Awakening | Acrobat | Aegis | Aegis+ | Aggressor | All Stats +2 | Anathema | Aptitude | Armsthrift | Axebreaker | Axefaire | Beastbane | Bond | Bowbreaker | Bowfaire | Conquest | Defender | Deliverer | Demoiselle | Despoil | Dragonskin | Dual Guard+ | Dual Strike+ | Dual Support+ | Even Rhythm | Focus | Galeforce | Hawkeye | Healtouch | Hex | Hit Rate +10 | Hit Rate +20 | HP +5 | Ignis | Indoor Fighter | Iote's Shield | Lancebreaker | Lancefaire | Lifetaker | Limit Breaker | Lucky Seven | Luna+ | Odd Rhythm | Outdoor Fighter | Patience | Pavise+ | Prescience | Quick Burn | Rally Defense | Rally Heart | Rally Luck | Rally Magic | Rally Movement | Rally Resistance | Rally Skill | Rally Spectrum | Rally Speed | Rally Strength | Relief | Rightful God | Rightful King | Shadowgift | Slow Burn | Solidarity | Special Dance | Swordbreaker | Swordfaire | Tantivy | Tomebreaker | Tomefaire | Underdog | Vantage+ | Vengeance | Veteran | Wyrmsbane | Zeal |
Introduced in Fates | Aching Blood | Bibliophile | Bloodthirst | Born Steward | Bushido | Calm | Capture | Chivalry | Collector | Competitive | Countercurse | Daydream | Devoted Partner | Divine Retribution | Draconic Heir | Evasive Partner | Fancy Footwork | Fearsome Blow | Fierce Counter | Fierce Mien | Fierce Rival | Fiery Blood | Forager | Forceful Partner | Fortunate Son | Gallant | Goody Basket | Guarded Bravery | Haiku | Healing Descant | Highwayman | In Extremis | Icy Blood | Kidnap | Lily's Poise | Lucky Charm | Make a Killing | Miraculous Save | Mischievous | Misfortunate | Morbid Celebration | Noble Cause | Nohr Enmity | Optimist | Optimistic | Opportunist | Peacebringer | Perfect Pitch | Perfectionist | Perspicacious | Playthings | Pride | Pyrotechnics | Pragmatic | Prodigy | Puissance | Quiet Strength | Rallying Cry | Reciprocity | Rose's Thorns | Sisterhood | Shuriken Mastery | Supportive | Sweet Tooth | Triple Threat | Unmask | Vendetta | Vow of Friendship | Wind Disciple | Air Superiority | Amaterasu | Armored Blow | Awakening | Better Odds | Camaraderie | Certain Blow | Clarity | Countermagic | Dancing Blade | Darting Blow | Death Blow | Draconic Hex | Dragon Fang | Dragon Ward | Dual Striker | Dual Guardsman | Duelist's Blow | Elbow Room | Even Better | Even Keel | Evenhanded | Foreign Princess | Future Sight | Gentilhomme | Golembane | Good Fortune | Grisly Wound | Heartseeker | Heavy Blade | Hoshidan Unity | Household Cure | Inspiration | Inspiring Song | Iron Will | Life and Death | Live to Serve | Lunge | Malefic Aura | Natural Cover | Nobility | Nohrian Trust | Odd Shaped | Opportunity Shot | Poison Strike | Potent Potion | Profiteer | Quick Draw | Quixotic | Rend Heaven | Replicate | Rifled Barrel | Savage Blow | Salvage Blow | Seal Defense | Seal Magic | Seal Resistance | Seal Speed | Seal Strength | Shelter | Shurikenbreaker | Shurikenfaire | Speedtaker | Spendthrift | Strengthtaker | Strong Riposte | Swap | Surefooted | Survey | Tactical Advice | Trample | Toxic Brew | Veteran Intuition | Voice of Peace | Warding Blow | Wary Fighter | Witch's Brew |
Introduced in Shadows of Valentia | Absolve | Anti-Armor | Anti-Cavalry | Anti-Fliers | Anti-Terrors | Apotrope | Archballista | Armorcrush | Armored | Banish | Bowrange +1 | Bowrange +2 | Bowrange +3 | Celestial Bow | Coral Cover | Crosswise Cut | Curved Shot | Dark Spikes | Death Blow | Defensive | Deicide | Destreza | Divide | Double Lion | Dragon (skill) | Dragonhaze | Duelist Sword | Duma’s Gift | Earth's Boon | Earth’s Kiss | Eerie Screech | Encloser | Evade Critical | Flamberge | Flier | Foudroyant | God (skill) | Great Terror | Grounder | Halve Axes | Halve Lances | Halve Swords | Heavy Armor | Heavy Draw | Hexblade | Hunter Volley | Incarnation | Influence | Knightkneeler | Lionine Poise | Longearche | Lunar Flash | Magic +5 | Mistdancer | Mounted | Null Defense | Nullify Ailments | Overrun | Pact | Penetrate | Phalanx | Phantasm | Ragnarok Ω | Reconstruct | Recovery | Res +5 | Sanctuary | Scendscale | Shadow Gambit | Solar Thrust | Soothing Light | Sophisticate | Speculum | Subdue | Sunder | Teleportation | Tempest Lance | Terror | Thunderclap (Fire Emblem) | Tigerstance | Trance Shot | Transmute | Tri-affliction | Triangle Attack | Upheaval | Vengeful Cry | Ward Arrow | Wildfire | Wrath Strike |