
Hitmonlee (JP) is a species of Pokémon in the series of the same name. It is a Fighting-type Pokémon that made its first appearance in the first generation games Red and Blue. It evolves from Tyrogue starting at level 20 when its attack is higher than its defense.

Physiology and Behavior[]

Hitmonlee is a humanoid Pokémon with an ovoid body. Lacking a distinct neck and head, its upper torso has almond-shaped eyes with black space around them and appears to lack a nose and mouth. Primarily brown, it has cream-colored, segmented arms and legs. Each hand has three fingers and each foot has three clawed toes. The soles of its feet and its ankles have circular, yellow pads. Hitmonlee is an exclusively male species with no female counterpart.

Hitmonlee's legs freely contract and stretch similar to a coiled spring (and one particular Hitmonlee can do this with its arms as well). The source of its power comes from the ligaments in its legs that Hitmonlee can fully control. This flexibility allows Hitmonlee to run with lengthy strides, giving it greater reach for its kicks. Its excellent sense of balance enables it to kick in succession from any position. Hitmonlee's kicking strength is incredibly powerful owing to its diamond-like soles. Right before kicking an opponent, Hitmonlee will harden the muscles on the sole of its foot, allowing it to maximize the full power of its kick. It has sometimes been nicknamed the Kick Master. After battling, it rubs down its legs to relax the tight muscles. Rarely found in the wild, it is primarily found in urban areas. It has been seen competing with either Hitmonchan, or Hitmontop.


Main Pokémon games[]

Other Pokémon games[]

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness: Hitmonlee, together with Bronzong and Regigigas, are the statues that came alive to battle the player in Aegis Cave.

Super Smash Bros. series[]

Trophy descriptions[]

In the anime[]

Origin and inspiration[]

Based on its Japanese name and kicking attribute, Hitmonlee may represent Japanese kickboxer Tadashi Sawamura. Hitmonlee may be a personification of martial arts that focus on kicking, such as kickboxing, savate, Muay Thai, and Taekwondo. Due to its lack of a head, Hitmonlee's design bears a resemblance to mythical headless men such as the Xingtian and the Hindu demon Kabandha. Hitmonlee's legs are stretchy and can act like a spring which reminds of cartoonish concept of punching glove on a spring.

Hitmonlee is named after Bruce Lee and may additionally involve a combination of hit and monster.

Sawamular may be derived from Tadashi Sawamura, a famous kickboxer.

In-game information[]

Pokédex entries[]

Title Entry
First Pokémon generation
Pokémon Red and Blue When in a hurry, its legs lengthen progressively. It runs smoothly with extra long, loping strides.
Pokémon Yellow When kicking, the sole of its foot turns as hard as a diamond on impact and destroys its enemy.
Pokémon Stadium Repeatedly kicks its enemy with legs that freely stretch and contract. Some people refer to it as the "kicking master."
Second Pokémon generation
Pokémon Gold This amazing Pokémon has an awesome sense of balance. It can kick in succession from any position.
Pokémon Silver If it starts kicking repeatedly, both legs will stretch even longer to strike a fleeing foe.
Pokémon Crystal It is also called the Kick Master. It uses its elastic legs to execute every known kick.
Third Pokémon generation
Pokémon Ruby Hitmonlee's legs freely contract and stretch. Using these springlike legs, it bowls over foes with devastating kicks. After battle, it rubs down its legs and loosens the muscles to overcome fatigue.
Pokémon Sapphire Hitmonlee's legs freely contract and stretch. Using these springlike legs, it bowls over foes with devastating kicks. After battle, it rubs down its legs and loosens the muscles to overcome fatigue.
Pokémon Emerald Its legs freely stretch and contract. Using these springlike limbs, it bowls over foes with devastating kicks. After battle, it rubs down its tired legs.
Pokémon FireRed The legs freely contract and stretch. The stretchy legs allow it to hit a distant foe with a rising kick.
Pokémon LeafGreen When in a hurry, its legs lengthen progressively. It runs smoothly with extra-long, loping strides.
Fourth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Diamond Its legs can stretch double. First-time foes are startled by its extensible reach.
Pokémon Pearl Its legs can stretch double. First-time foes are startled by its extensible reach.
Pokémon Platinum Its legs can stretch double. First-time foes are startled by its extensible reach.
Pokémon HeartGold This amazing Pokémon has an awesome sense of balance. It can kick in succession from any position.
Pokémon SoulSilver If it starts kicking repeatedly, both legs will stretch even longer to strike a fleeing foe.
Fifth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Black Its legs can stretch double. First-time foes are startled by its extensible reach.
Pokémon White Its legs can stretch double. First-time foes are startled by its extensible reach.
Pokémon Black 2 Its legs can stretch double. First-time foes are startled by its extensible reach.
Pokémon White 2 Its legs can stretch double. First-time foes are startled by its extensible reach.
Sixth Pokémon generation
Pokémon X The legs freely contract and stretch. The stretchy legs allow it to hit a distant foe with a rising kick.
Pokémon Y If it starts kicking repeatedly, both legs will stretch to strike a fleeing foe.
Pokémon Omega Ruby Hitmonlee's legs freely contract and stretch. Using these springlike legs, it bowls over foes with devastating kicks. After battle, it rubs down its legs and loosens the muscles to overcome fatigue.
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Hitmonlee's legs freely contract and stretch. Using these springlike legs, it bowls over foes with devastating kicks. After battle, it rubs down its legs and loosens the muscles to overcome fatigue.
Seventh Pokémon generation
Pokémon Let's Go
When kicking, the sole of its foot turns as hard as a diamond on impact and destroys its enemy.
Pokémon Let's Go
When kicking, the sole of its foot turns as hard as a diamond on impact and destroys its enemy.
Eighth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Sword This amazing Pokémon has an awesome sense of balance. It can kick in succession from any position.
Pokémon Shield The legs freely contract and stretch. The stretchy legs allow it to hit a distant foe with a rising kick.
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond Its legs can stretch to double their length. First-time foes are startled by Hitmonlee's extensible reach.
Pokémon Shining Pearl Its legs can stretch to double their length. First-time foes are startled by Hitmonlee's extensible reach.
Ninth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Scarlet At the exact moment it lands a kick on its target, Hitmonlee hardens the muscles on the sole of its foot, maximizing the power of the kick.
Pokémon Violet It has complete control over the ligaments in its legs, expanding and contracting them to double the reach of its kicks.

Game locations[]

Title Location(s)
First Pokémon generation
Pokémon Red and Blue
Fighting Dojo (choice between it and Hitmonlee)
Pokémon Yellow
Fighting Dojo (choice between it and Hitmonlee)
Second Pokémon generation
Pokémon Gold
Evolve Tyrogue
Pokémon Silver
Evolve Tyrogue
Pokémon Crystal
Evolve Tyrogue
Third Pokémon generation
Pokémon Ruby
Pokémon FireRed
Fighting Dojo (choice between it and Hitmonlee)
Pokémon LeafGreen
Fighting Dojo (choice between it and Hitmonlee)
Fourth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Diamond
Evolve Tyrogue
Pokémon Pearl
Evolve Tyrogue
Pokémon Platinum
Evolve Tyrogue
Pokémon HeartGold
Evolve Tyrogue
Pokémon SoulSilver
Evolve Tyrogue
Fifth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Black
Evolve Tyrogue
Pokémon White
Evolve Tyrogue
Sixth Pokémon generation
Pokémon X
Evolve Tyrogue
Pokémon Y
Evolve Tyrogue
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Evolve Tyrogue
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Evolve Tyrogue
Seventh Pokémon generation
Pokémon Sun
Pokémon Bank
Pokémon Moon
Pokémon Bank
Pokémon Ultra Sun
Pokémon Bank
Pokémon Ultra Moon
Pokémon Bank
Pokémon Let's Go
Received from the master of the Fighting Dojo in Saffron City (choice between it and Hitmonchan)
Victory Road
Pokémon Let's Go
Received from the master of the Fighting Dojo in Saffron City (choice between it and Hitmonchan)
Victory Road
Eighth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Sword
Dusty Bowl
Rolling Fields, South Lake Miloch, Stony Wilderness (Max Raid Battle)
Pokémon Shield
Rolling Fields, South Lake Miloch, Stony Wilderness (Max Raid Battle)
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond
Evolve Tyrogue
Pokémon Shining Pearl
Evolve Tyrogue
Ninth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Scarlet
Canyon Biome
Pokémon Violet
Canyon Biome


Reach Lv. 20
(Attack > Defense).

Base Stats[]

Base Stats
HP 50
Attack 120
Defense 53
Sp. Attack 35
Sp. Defense 110
Speed 87
Total 455


Main article: Hitmonlee/moveset



Red Green
Red Blue

Image Needed

Image Needed

Image Needed

Image Needed

Image Needed

Ruby Sapphire
Image Needed

Image Needed

Image Needed

Image Needed

Fire Leaf
Image Needed

Image Needed

Diamond Pearl

Image Needed

Image Needed

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Heart Soul
Image Needed

Image Needed

Black White

Image Needed

Black 2 White 2
Image Needed

Image Needed


Image Needed

Pikachu Eevee

Image Needed

Sword Shield

Image Needed

Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl
Image Needed

Image Needed

Scarlet Violet

Image Needed


  • Hitmonlee has more former signature moves than any other Pokémon, with a total of four.