
Grimer(JP) is a species of Pokémon in the series of the same name. It is a Poison-type Pokémon that made its first appearance in the first generation games Red and Blue. In Alola, it gains a Dark typing.

Physiology and Behavior[]

Grimer is a slimy, amorphous Pokémon, born from sludge in dirty streams or seabeds that are exposed to lunar radiation. It has two large eyes with beady pupils and a gaping mouth with a gray tongue. While it lacks any visible legs, it does have two arms with three digits on each hand. Its purple sludge body contains a variety of pungent bacteria, which are so potent that it renders soil barren and incapable of supporting plant life. It is constantly oozing a bacteria-rich fluid from all parts of its body. Should it run out of internal germs, Grimer will die. Pieces of it often break off during travel and go on to become new Grimer. When combined with another Grimer, it produces new poisonous compounds.

Due to its lack of a solid form, Grimer is capable of squeezing into any space or crevices with relative ease. It uses this to penetrate sewage pipes and feed off of the filthy wastewater inside. Its population fluctuates based on the availability of waste, which is Grimer's main diet. It can be found in polluted lakes and streams, as well as within cities and factories where trash and industrial waste can be found. In recent years, thanks to efforts in environmental improvements and a decrease in their food source of waste, Grimer is now facing extinction.

Alolan Grimer[]

Grimer was brought to Alola to deal with the excess waste generated by the region's increased population. Alolan Grimer eats solid garbage instead of sludge; this new diet has caused its body composition and form to change. Alolan Grimer's body is green with a line of yellow sludge along its lower lip that extends around behind its head, a bright blue tongue, and small black crescent-shaped spaces behind its eyes. It also has two blunt "teeth" in its upper jaw, which are actually crystallized toxins formed by its diet. It is not known how to break down these toxic crystals, but direct contact with them is known to be dangerous. Lethal poisons leak out of Alolan Grimer's body when these crystals fall out. Because it produces and stores toxins within its body, Alolan Grimer does not produce a foul stench like Kantonian Grimer.

There are usually about one hundred Alolan Grimer found living near waste-disposal sites in Alola, assisting people in dealing with garbage. Alolan Grimer is widely used and a very popular Pokémon used in garbage disposal facilities around the world. Alolan Grimer is perpetually hungry and must constantly eat trash. If no trash is readily available, it will eat other manufactured products instead. In addition to garbage, Alolan Grimer preys on Trubbish and Garbodor; its introduction to Alola caused their populations to decrease in the region.


Main Pokémon games[]

Other Pokémon games[]

Super Smash Bros. series[]

Trophy descriptions[]

In the anime[]

Origin and inspiration[]

In-game information[]

Pokédex entries[]

Title Entry
First Pokémon generation
Pokémon Red and Blue Appears in filthy areas. Thrives by sucking up polluted sludge that is pumped out of factories.
Pokémon Yellow Made of hardened sludge. It smells too putrid to touch. Even weeds won't grow in its path.
Pokémon Stadium Sludge that was transformed when exposed to X-rays from the moon. Loves sludge, industrial waste and other refuse.
Second Pokémon generation
Pokémon Gold As it moves, it loses bits of its body from which new Grimer emerge. This worsens the stench around it.
Pokémon Silver Wherever Grimer has passed, so many germs are left behind that no plants will ever grow again.
Pokémon Crystal When two of these Pokémon's bodies are combined together, new poisons are created.
Third Pokémon generation
Pokémon Ruby Grimer's sludgy and rubbery body can be forced through any opening, however small it may be. This Pokémon enters sewer pipes to drink filthy wastewater.
Pokémon Sapphire Grimer emerged from the sludge that settled on a polluted seabed. This Pokémon loves anything filthy. It constantly leaks a horribly germ- infested fluid from all over its body.
Pokémon Emerald Born from polluted sludge in the sea, Grimer's favorite food is anything filthy. They feed on wastewater pumped out from factories.
Pokémon FireRed Sludge exposed to X rays from the moon transformed into Grimer. It loves feeding on filthy things.
Pokémon LeafGreen Appears in filthy areas. It thrives by sucking up polluted sludge that is pumped out of factories.
Fourth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Diamond It was born when sludge in a dirty stream was exposed to the moon's X-rays. It appears among filth.
Pokémon Pearl It was born when sludge in a dirty stream was exposed to the moon's X-rays. It appears among filth.
Pokémon Platinum It was born when sludge in a dirty stream was exposed to the moon's X-rays. It appears among filth.
Pokémon HeartGold As it moves, it loses bits of its body from which new Grimer emerge. This worsens the stench around it.
Pokémon SoulSilver Wherever Grimer has passed, so many germs are left behind that no plants will ever grow again.
Fifth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Black It was born when sludge in a dirty stream was exposed to the moon's X-rays. It appears among filth.
Pokémon White It was born when sludge in a dirty stream was exposed to the moon's X-rays. It appears among filth.
Pokémon Black 2 Born from sludge, these Pokémon now gather in polluted places and increase the bacteria in their bodies.
Pokémon White 2 Born from sludge, these Pokémon now gather in polluted places and increase the bacteria in their bodies.
Sixth Pokémon generation
Pokémon X Sludge exposed to X-rays from the moon transformed into Grimer. It loves feeding on filthy things.
Pokémon Y Appears in filthy areas. It thrives by sucking up polluted sludge that is pumped out of factories.
Pokémon Omega Ruby Grimer's sludgy and rubbery body can be forced through any opening, however small it may be. This Pokémon enters sewer pipes to drink filthy wastewater.
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Grimer emerged from the sludge that settled on a polluted seabed. This Pokémon loves anything filthy. It constantly leaks a horribly germ- infested fluid from all over its body.
Seventh Pokémon generation
Pokémon Sun Its main source of food is the slimy industrial waste of factories. This Pokémon's numbers have been decreasing in recent years.
Pokémon Moon It was born from sludge transformed by exposure to X-rays from the moon. When its internal load of germs decreases, it dies.
Pokémon Ultra Sun It was born from sludge on the ocean floor. In a sterile environment, the germs within its body can't multiply, and it dies.
Pokémon Ultra Moon The wastewater coming from factories is clean these days, so Grimer have nothing to eat. They're said to be on the verge of extinction.
Pokémon Let's Go
Made of congealed sludge. It smells too putrid to touch. Even weeds won't grow in its path.
Pokémon Let's Go
Made of congealed sludge. It smells too putrid to touch. Even weeds won't grow in its path.
Eighth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond It was born when sludge in a dirty stream was exposed to the moon's X-rays. It appears among filth.
Pokémon Shining Pearl It was born when sludge in a dirty stream was exposed to the moon's X-rays. It appears among filth.
Ninth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Scarlet Born from sludge, these Pokémon now gather in polluted places and increase the bacteria in their bodies.
Pokémon Violet When two of these Pokémon's bodies are combined together, new poisons are created.


Title Entry
Seventh Pokémon generation
Pokémon Sun A Grimer, which had been brought in to solve a problem with garbage, developed over time into this form.
Pokémon Moon The crystals on Grimer's body are lumps of toxins. If one falls off, lethal poisons leak out.
Pokémon Ultra Sun There are a hundred or so of them living in Alola's waste-disposal site. They're all hard workers who eat a lot of trash.
Pokémon Ultra Moon Brought to Alola to solve the garbage problem, Grimer seems to relish any and all kinds of trash.
Pokémon Let's Go
It has a passion for trash above all else, speedily digesting it and creating brilliant crystals of sparkling poison.
Ninth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Scarlet They store their toxins inside their bodies, so unlike Grimer from other regions, they don’t smell bad even up close.
Pokémon Violet Alolan Grimer will gladly gobble up any kind of trash, making it a widely used and popular Pokémon at garbage disposal facilities.

Game locations[]

Title Location(s)
First Pokémon generation
Pokémon Red and Blue
Pokémon Mansion
Pokémon Yellow
Pokémon Mansion, Power Plant
Second Pokémon generation
Pokémon Gold
Routes 16, 17, and 18
Celadon City (Surfing)
Pokémon Silver
Routes 16, 17, and 18
Celadon City (Surfing)
Pokémon Crystal
Routes 16, 17, and 18
Celadon City (Surfing)
Third Pokémon generation
Pokémon Ruby
Fiery Path
Pokémon Sapphire
Fiery Path
Pokémon Emerald
Fiery Path
Pokémon FireRed
Pokémon Mansion
Celadon City (Super Rod)
Pokémon LeafGreen
Pokémon Mansion
Celadon City (Super Rod)
Fourth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Diamond
Route 212 (Poké Radar)
Pokémon Pearl
Route 212 (Poké Radar)
Pokémon Platinum
Route 212 (Poké Radar)
Pokémon HeartGold
Routes 16, 17, and 18, Safari Zone
Celadon City, Safari Zone (Surfing)
Pokémon SoulSilver
Routes 16, 17, and 18, Safari Zone
Celadon City, Safari Zone (Surfing)
Fifth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Black
Pokémon Black 2
Castelia Sewers (walking/ surfing/ fishing Spr/Sum)
Pokémon White 2
Castelia Sewers (walking/ surfing/ fishing Spr/Sum)
Sixth Pokémon generation
Pokémon X
Breed Muk
Pokémon Y
Breed Muk
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Fiery Path
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Fiery Path
Seventh Pokémon generation
Pokémon Sun
Route 1, Hau'oli City, Malie City (Alolan form)
Pokémon Moon
Route 1, Hau'oli City, Malie City (Alolan form)
Pokémon Ultra Sun
Route 1, Hau'oli City, Malie City (Alolan form)
Pokémon Ultra Moon
Route 1, Hau'oli City, Malie City (Alolan form)
Pokémon Let's Go
Pokémon Mansion, Power Plant (Kantonian Form)
Trade Kantonian Grimer at Cinnabar Island (Alolan Form)
Eighth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond
Route 212 (Poké Radar)
Grand Underground - Swampy Cave, Dazzling Cave, Stargleam Cavern, Bogsunk Cavern
Pokémon Shining Pearl
Route 212 (Poké Radar)
Grand Underground - Swampy Cave, Dazzling Cave, Stargleam Cavern, Bogsunk Cavern
Ninth Pokémon generation
Pokémon Scarlet
South Province: Cortondo (Kantonian Form)
East Province: Area Two (Kantonian Form)
West Province: Area Two (Kantonian Form)
Coastal Biome, Torchlit Labyrinth (Alolan Form)
Pokémon Violet
South Province: Cortondo (Kantonian Form)
East Province: Area Two (Kantonian Form)
West Province: Area Two (Kantonian Form)
Coastal Biome, Torchlit Labyrinth (Alolan Form)


Reach level 38.
Reach level 38.
Alolan Muk

Base Stats[]

Base Stats
HP 80
Attack 80
Defense 50
Sp. Attack 40
Sp. Defense 50
Speed 25
Total 325


Main article: Grimer/moveset



Red Green
Red Blue

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Ruby Sapphire

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Fire Leaf
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Diamond Pearl

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Heart Soul
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Black White

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Black 2 White 2
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Pikachu Eevee

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Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl

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Scarlet Violet

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Sun Moon

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Pikachu Eevee

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Scarlet Violet

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