
Bubsy is a video game character who has appeared in several games from 1993 to 1996, with his fourth game, Bubsy 3D, ending his game franchise (and even the company, Accolade) for 21 years. He later revived in 2017 with Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back. He later appeared in Bubsy: Paws on Fire in 2019.


Bubsy is an orange bobcat with a yellow stomach and mouth. He has a white shirt on with an exclamation point on it. While Accolade attempted to make him act like a real cat does by making him obsessed with yarn, be afraid of water, and other things, they included elements like flying as well.

Bubsy was nominated in a Nintendo Power contest for the best video game hero. While he didn't win to characters like Kirby and Link, he surprisingly beat Mega Man and even Mario.

In popular culture[]

The game and its 3D sequel have been the subject of various internet reviews. A popular one is from JonTron, in which Jon is shocked to discover falling damage in a 2D platformer.
