Bokoblins are recurring enemies in The Legend of Zelda series. They are small to mid-sized demonic goblins that act as foot soldiers for the demon lords of the Dark Realm. They are similar to Moblins, only smaller and more agile, typically wielding swords or clubs. Since their debut in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, they have appeared in every 3D Zelda game. They have displaced Moblins as the most basic, zako-type enemy in the series and as a result Moblins have become stronger and more dangerous in recent games. Their role was greatly expanded in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, where they were the most common enemies. They could wield many weapons, came in many colors, and were very expressive, giving a glance into their personality.
Breath of the Wild[]
Interacting with each other[]
- Wake up at dawn and throw an immediate dance party upon discovering its haunch of meat still cooking over the campfire
- Regale its buddies with stories in Bokoblin language
When provoked[]
- Pick up and throw anything at hand when threatened
- Get picked up, against its will, to be used as a projectile by a Moblin
- Chase a bird in the hopes of dropping it with an arrow, then sadly watch it escape into the air.
- Intentionally set a club on fire to boost its attack power.
- Flee screaming from bees, lightning strikes, or the grass being set on fire.
- Punt a bomb at me like a soccer ball.
- Push aside a stunned companion’s prone body in order to steal the weapon it just dropped.
- Stalk and pursue wildlife of all shapes and sizes—including shooting flaming arrows at a wild boar from horseback, accidentally setting fire to the field in the process.
- Lie flat on its belly behind rocks by roadways to ambush travelers.
- Scratch its butt, then its armpit, smell the result, and eat it.
Hyrule Compendium Descriptions[]
This common species is a nuisance all over Hyrule. Some have unified in the time following the Great Calamity and have formed factions of bandits. While not very clever, they are at least intelligent enough to hunt beasts and grill the meat for food. Though they're typically ferocious carnivores, they actually enjoy fruit as well.
Blue Bokoblin[]
This common species is a nuisance all over Hyrule. They're tougher and have stronger weapons than the red Bokoblins— and are a little more clever, as well. At the very least, they figured out that they can simply kick a Remote Bomb out of the way to avoid its blast.
Black Bokoblin[]
Although Bokoblins are generally a nuisance, the Black Bokoblins are among the most dangerous type. They're extremely resilient, and many are armed with advanced weapons.
Silver Bokoblin[]
You would be foolish to call these Silver Bokoblins a mere nuisance. They have been influenced by Ganon's fiendish magic, so they are stronger than even the Black Bokoblins. They're called "silver" not only because of their coloring but also to denote their rarity. The purple markings help them stand out even more.
Golden Bokoblin[]
With brutal strength and extreme resilience, this type of Bokoblin somehow surpasses Silver Bokoblins in sheer power. It is said they are actually Silver Bokoblins who mysteriously transformed after being struck by lightning. Perhaps that is why they have such a high tolerance for electric attacks.