Sanjay and Craig Wiki
SC Stasi
Name Stasi
Gender Female
Gender Female
Age 14
Species Human
Occupation Stuntwoman
Relatives Stasi's Mom
Stasi's Dad
Introduced in Stunt School Special
Voiced by Janet Varney
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Stasi is a stuntwoman and former Sanjay's antagonist, voiced by Janet Varney. She was first introduced in the episode "Stunt School Special" as a famous student, with her mom and dad as the founders of the Stuntman School.


She passes her life at the Stuntman School as the most famous student and receives help from Sanjay. In a lie to Sanjay, she tells him that if he continued to help her as her best friend, he would keep her (unreal) family a secret. During the episode, it is claimed that her parents' stress caused her popularity. In the end, she apologized to her parents that their behavior around her isn't good and she then decides to work on her other talent, stand-up comedy.
