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Mr. Charles Montgomery Plantagenet Schicklgruber Burns is the overarching antagonist of "The Shinning" segment of The Simpsons Halloween special episode "Treehouse of Horror V".

Like his original version, he was voiced by Harry Shearer.


The Shinning[]

The Simpson family has cared for Mr. Burns' haunted resort throughout its seasonal closure. Groundskeeper Willie discovers that Bart can see his thoughts, revealing that he has the "Shinning."

Homer falls into homicidal mania and insanity due to Mr. Burns' removal of cable TV and alcohol from the lodge to encourage caretakers' diligence, which led Moe's apparitional appearance who says he will only let him have a beer if he murders his family.

Homer suddenly feels dreadful when he sees his reflection in a mirror after Marge defeats an unidentified menace. Marge confines him in the pantry to calm him. Homer finds comfort in snack food after emotional distress. However, Moe and a group of threatening people force Homer to leave the pantry to damage his family. Bart uses his "Shinning" powers to summon Willie, who gives up his portable TV in the winter to help the family. Homer stops While by axing him in the back and pursues the family.

Lisa gives Homer Willie's TV, which reduces his mental instability as the family watches TV. Homer's violent tendencies return when the Tony Awards air after he and the family becomes immobile frozen.


               Simpsons Logo Neutrals

Simpson Family
Orville Simpson | Yuma Simpson | Chet Simpson | Tyrone Simpson | Hiram Simpson | Abraham Simpson I | Eliza Simpson

Recurring Characters
Daphne Burns | Eddie Muntz | Mrs. Muntz | Postage Stamp Fellow | Disco Stu | Alex Whitney | Gil Gunderson Sophie Jensen | Jasper Beardly | Sarah Wiggum | Tabitha Vixx | Titania | Arnie Gumble | Sheldon Skinner | Milton Haas | Griff McDonald | Etch Westgrin | Asa Phelps | Iggy Wiggum | Duffman

Jacqueline Bouvier | Clancy Bouvier | Wendell Borton | Larry Dalrymple | Iris Dalrymple | Sam | Alice Glick | Don Brodka

Treehouse of Horror
Mr. Burns (The Shining)
