My Gym Partner's a Monkey Wiki
Oh, Henry!
Season 4, Episode 2
Episode guide
The Hyena and the Mighty
My Feral Lyon
Oh, Henry! is the second episode of season four.


A white tiger named Alistair is about to return to Charles Darwin Middle School, which is forcing Henry to go back his home in Greenland, and if Henry leaves, Adam is going to go against his will to Siberia. So Adam now has to get his other students to help convince Henry to stay at Charles Darwin




Production Music[]

  • Bush Trail (B) – Sam Sklair (title card)
  • On the Trail Again – Guido De Angelis, Maurizio De Angelis (opening)
  • Satin Sounds – Dick Walter (in Principal Pixiefrog’s office)
  • Electro Knights – Thomas Kane, Colin Baldry (Pixiefrog remembers Alistair)
  • Satin Sounds – Dick Walter (conversation continues)
  • Jungle Baby – Hans Ehrlinger (Adam is fuming)
  • Intermission – Ronald Hanmer (a Hooray for Henry! party)
  • Electro Knights – Thomas Kane, Colin Baldry (Bull remembers Alistair)
  • Frisco Nights – Benjamin Ringham, Maximilian Ringham (Bull’s dance)
  • Bolackarpolkett – Mats Wester, Olov Johansson, Inge Henriksson (dramatization of how Henry’s ancestors settled in Greenland)
  • Swinging Pizzicato – Gerhard Narholz (what REALLY happened)
  • Chi Chi Cha Cha – Mario Nascimbene (the next day)
  • Frozen Steam – Alan Parker (conflict in the cafeteria)
  • Banjo Breakdown – Leon Hunt (Henry on the run)
  • Bubba Dub Bossa – Robby Poitevin (Pixiefrog congratulates Adam)
  • Walenki – Aleksejewitsch Karasjow (now arriving in Siberia)
  • Electro Knights – Thomas Kane, Colin Baldry (ending)
  • Walenki – Aleksejewitsch Karasjow (end credits scene)


  • It's revealed that Henry Armadillo is a foreign exchange student from Greenland, switching places with Alistair White Tiger. The school was glad to get rid of Alisair, since white tigers were obnoxious. After he left, the school established an "Orange Only" policy for tiger students. The only other tiger at the school, Kaku Tiger, happens to be orange.
  • Henry says that he likes being abused by other students, cuz it makes him feel more "at home" when he's at Charles Darwin Middle School.
  • Billboard Gag: Come see our gnu facilities.
  • Credits Gag: Principal Pixiefrog taking an uncomfortable hot tub sit with Alistair and Oxanna.
  • Ending Tagline: "Good Night, Lupe, Good Night, Adam! - Adam Lyon and Lupe Toucan

Cultural References[]

  • The title of this episode is a pun on O. Henry, which was the pen name for writer William Sidney Porter.
  • Bull Sharkowski's dance is a parody on the dance scene from Napoleon Dynamite. Bear Ted also criticizes the dance, saying "How 2004", which is the year Napoleon Dynamite came out.



  • Apparently, there's a jackrabbit student at the school, despite it being made clear in "The Big Field Trip", that the school didn't allow for rabbits to attend.
  • Windsor claims that "Datah Tey" (pronounced "Daw-Duh-Tay") is the Apache word for "Hello". This is incorrect as the two greetings to serve as "Hello" in Apache would be "Da'anzho" (Daw-Ahn-Zoe) or "Ya'ateh". (Yah-Ah-Tay). Apparently, Windsor erronously combined the two of them.