Close Ups are recurring visual components of My Gym Partner's a Monkey. They are still frames of very detailed pictures, that center around a certain subject in a scene. They're usually used to emphasize gross and/or disturbing imagery.
Animal Testing[]
- Two close ups of Adam's person exaggerated his nerdy attire.
Bad News Bear[]
- Jake photocopies his butt. The photo of his butt includes small hairs and a red pimple.
Me Adam, You Jake[]
- Adam tears off his clothes in public and a close up features his Captain Clowny underwear.
- Jake's hands get dry and a close up shows his hands, having small cuts on his fingers.
- Adam insults Jake's appearance and close ups elucidate Jake's snaggletooth, hairy butt, and crossed eyes.
Grub Drive[]
- Mrs. Tusk exposes the hair in her trunk nostrils.
- A close up of the box of Chocolate Covered Grubs.
Law and Odor[]
- Jake holds up a detailed Dirtnut, with an animated dead fly falling off of it.
It's the Scary Old Custodian, Adam Lyon[]
- Old Joe tells stories of numerous scary story villains. Each one is accompanied by a detailed visual. These characters include Hook Hand, Fork Tongue, Claw Toe, Donut Head, and Can of Beans for a Brain. The latter includes an animated Harry Bat flying though the donut hole.
Two Tons of Fun[]
- A close up of The Complete Guide to Mating With Animals.
- Mrs. Tusk shows how her hand is too thick and stubby to wear a wedding ring.
- Jake looks at his teeth in the mirror and we get a detailed look of his rotten, holey teeth, and black gums. This also includes animated worms and stink lines.