Muppet Wiki


Muppet Wiki
Muppet Wiki
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Muppet Wiki covers official productions authorized by each property's rights holders. Fan fiction is not allowed (see Notability).

To help editors determine how much Muppet Wiki covers (and doesn't cover) for a given franchise, we've put together this document to outline the consensus that has been agreed upon by admins and seasoned editors over the years as discussed in the Forum:Index, archived discussions, and other sources.

Note that "Henson Company" and "Creature Shop" are not interchangeable. The Creature Shop has done work for non-Henson Company projects, and Henson Company projects have used puppets that wouldn't necessarily be considered products of their Creature Shop.

Also note that a distinction is made for projects made before and after 1990 with the passing of Jim Henson; and again in 2004 when the Henson Company sold the Muppets. The exception for post-1990 and post-2004 coverage is when a project is part of a franchise established prior to the cut-off date of the coverage, i.e. The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance and The StoryTeller comics (because they are extensions of The Dark Crystal and The StoryTeller, respectively).

Examples are not meant to be a comprehensive list; they are examples. Coverage descriptions contain some nuance per each listing, but generally speaking: green is mostly everything, red is mostly one article per production, and yellow is somewhere in between. Be sure to read the full description and ask in the forums if there are any clarifications needed.

Muppet productions

Cross-franchise properties that have at one time constituted characters perceived as Muppets.

Core productions


The Muppet Show, Sesame Street, Fraggle Rock, Muppets Tonight, Jim Henson Hour, Muppet/Sesame movies, International Sesame Street


Everything: Characters, Episodes, Performers, Locations, Songs, Merchandise, Culture, etc.

Secondary productions, pre-1990

"Muppet" is defined here using the Muppets vs Creatures distinction -- symbolic, puppety characters. Also crossover productions with core Muppet franchises, like Muppet Babies and animated Fraggle Rock.


The Christmas Toy, Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas, Fraggle Rock (animated), The Ghost of Faffner Hall, Little Muppet Monsters, Mother Goose Stories, Muppet Babies, Muppet commercials, Sam and Friends, The Tale of the Bunny Picnic


Everything: Characters, Episodes, Performers, Locations, Songs, Merchandise, Culture, etc.

Secondary productions, 1991-2004


Animal Jam, The Animal Show, Bear in the Big Blue House, Breakfast with Bear, Big Bag, CityKids, Construction Site, Dog City, The Hoobs, Mopatop's Shop, Mr. Willowby's Christmas Tree, Panwapa, Play with Me Sesame, The Secret Life of Toys, Telling Stories with Tomie dePaola, The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss


Pretty much everything, but avoiding random stubs and consolidating where possible. Mopatop's Shop is an example -- episode pages only for episodes that we have good info on.

Henson Company

Puppet productions

Henson Company puppet productions post-2004.


Pajanimals, Puppet Up!, Tinseltown, S.U.D.S., Alt/Reality, Late Night Buffet with Augie and Del


One article per production.

Productions with no puppets or Creatures

Henson Company productions with no puppets or Creature Shop involvement, post-1990.


Dinosaur Train, Family Rules, The Fearing Mind, Good Boy!, Jim Henson Discoveries, Sam Plenty, Unstable Fables


One article per production only.

Jim Henson films and shorts


The Cube, Time Piece, Youth 68



Creature Shop

Puppet productions

Projects with a mix of Creature Shop/puppet sensibility.


Aliens in the Family, Dinosaurs


Pretty much everything, but avoiding random stubs and consolidating where possible.

Productions for Henson Company pre-1990

Projects produced by the Henson company with Creature Shop puppets, during Henson's lifetime.


The Dark Crystal, Labyrinth, Lighthouse Island, Living with Dinosaurs, Monster Maker, The StoryTeller, The Witches


Pretty much everything, but avoiding random stubs and consolidating where possible

Productions for Henson Company post-1990

Projects produced by the Henson company with Creature Shop puppets, after Henson's death but before Henson Co sold the Muppets.


Brats of the Lost Nebula, Buddy, Farscape, Gulliver's Travels, Jack and the Beanstalk: The Real Story, Rat


Characters, cast, crew, locations, etc. again as long as they make for decent stand-alone pages

Digital performance productions for Henson Company

Henson Company Digital Performance productions post-2004.


Frances, Sid the Science Kid, The Skrumps


One article per production only.

Non-Henson Company puppets

Not produced by the Henson company; creatures by the Creature Shop.


101 Dalmatians, Babe, The Bear, The Country Bears, Dr. Dolittle, Dreamchild, The Flintstones, George of the Jungle, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Lost in Space, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Where the Wild Things Are


One article per production, articles for cast and crew who worked directly with the creatures, stand-alone pages for Creatures when there's enough information.

Non-Henson Company digital effects

Not produced by the Henson company - digital effects by the Creature Shop.


Arabian Nights, Around the World in 80 Days, Batman Begins, Gosford Park, Pride


One article per production. Actors get pages only if they interacted with or voiced a digital character (or have other reasons to be on the Wiki).

Non-Henson Company digital puppets

Not produced by the Henson company - digital performance characters by the Creature Shop.


NVidia demos, Are We There Yet?, Tomorrow's World, Loch Ness, Livin' It Up with the Bratz, Global Zone


One article per production only.

Non-Muppet/Henson productions

Productions unrelated to the Muppets, Sesame Street, and Henson are covered on the wiki if the Muppets referenced something else, or something else mentioned the Muppets. The way in which we cover these topics is laid out as follows, and are allowed a list of cast/crew connections (discussed here).


A movie, TV show, documentary, etc, that mentions the Muppets get an article if the mention meets the following criteria: (Thread:244096)

  • Any single significant visual mention (please provide a screenshot).
  • Three or more minor verbal mentions in dialogue.
  • Two verbal mentions plus ten or more cast/crew connections.
  • One verbal mention so long as it significantly features in the plot or can be described in more than a single sentence.

Anything else should be listed in Minor Movie Mentions, Minor TV Mentions, Minor Commercials Mentions, Minor Audio Mentions, Minor Documentary Mentions, Minor Book Mentions, Minor Video Games Mentions, Minor Internet Mentions, Minor Comics Mentions, or Minor Music Mentions

Any "these are kind of like Muppets or the name sounds sorta like something" instances don't get entries unless a strong case can be made in the forums.


Anything referenced by Muppets, Sesame Street, and Henson get their own article in the appropriate sub-category of Category:References (or added to existing articles for other reasons).

