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Kids' Favorite Songs (CD)
Songs from Sesame Street
Released 1997
Format CD
Label Sony Wonder
Cat no. LK 67853
LK 67854

CD booklet credits

Kids' Favorite Songs is an album that was first released on CD and cassette in 1997. The album was reissued by Koch Records on March 4, 2008. The re-released album included the same track listing; however, it featured new cover art and a CD booklet containing the lyrics.

Track listing[]

  1. The Farmer in the Dell - Big Bird and the Kids
  2. John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt - Elmo and the Kids
  3. Ring Around the Rosie/Skip to My Lou - Prairie Dawn and the Kids
  4. She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain/Turkey in the Straw - Big Bird, Elmo, Polly Darton, and the Kids
  5. The Grouch Medley: Jack and Jill/Little Miss Muffet/Mistress Mary - Oscar the Grouch
  6. In the Evening by the Moonlight - Hoots the Owl
  7. ABC Medley: The Alphabet Song/Baa Baa Black Sheep/Twinkle Twinkle Little Star - The Count, Big Bird, and Prairie Dawn
  8. Row, Row, Row Your Boat - Elmo and Snuffleupagus
  9. Old MacDonald - Big Bird, Elmo, The Count, Oscar, and the Kids
  10. I've Been Working on the Railroad - Zoe, Cookie Monster, and the Kids
  11. Eensy Weensy Spider - The Count and the Kids
  12. Oh, Dear, What Can the Matter Be? - Telly with Big Bird and Elmo
  13. Oh! Susanna - Noel Cowherd and the Kids
  14. Home on the Range - Elmo
  15. This Little Pig Went to Market - The Oinker Sisters



  • Tom Armbruster (keyboards), Charlie Brissette (bass), Tim Divers (trumpet), Jim Lum (guitars and banjo), Jim McCarty (drums), Norman Henry Mamey (keyboards), Frank Marocco (accordion), Ed Mitchell (keyboards and percussion), Dave Thomasson (sax, flute and clarinet), Mickey Wells (steel pedal guitar)
  • Album conceived and produced by Ed Mitchell
  • Associate Producers: Christopher Cerf and Charlie Brissette
  • Songs arranged by Charlie Brissette, Tom Armbruster, Norman Henry Mamey, and Ed Mitchell
  • Project Coordinator: Benedetta Campisi
  • Art Director for CTW: Bonnie Erickson
  • Special thanks to: Thom Cadley, Janelle Courts, Mark Enclert, Danny Epstein, Tina Funcaldo, Ryan Hewitt, Stephen Lazlo, Backy Mancuso-Winding, Anne Marie Kearns, and Renee Rachelle, John Phillips and Chuck Nankiwell


In 2001, Sony released a promo CD titled The Best of Kids' Favorite Songs. It featured three tracks from the album.


  1. Old MacDonald - Big Bird, Elmo, The Count, Oscar the Grouch, and the Kids
  2. ABC Medley: The Alphabet Song/Baa Baa Black Sheep/Twinkle Twinkle Little Star - The Count, Big Bird, and Prairie Dawn
  3. Row, Row, Row Your Boat - Elmo and Snuffleupagus

Other releases[]

International releases[]

See also[]
