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From Fozzie's Funnies

The Muppets comic strip 1983-07-29

From The Muppets comic strip.

The fly in my soup joke is a long established gag wherein a restaurant patron complains to the waiter, pointing out the insect's presence ("There's a fly in my soup!") leading to one of several possible joke responses (i.e. "Not so loud, everyone will want one" or "It won't drink much.") A variation asks it as a sharp question ("What's this fly doing in my soup?") The waiter responds with "the backstroke" or something similar.

The earliest print incarnation of the joke can be found in the 1870s, repeated verbatim through the 1880s in magazines such as Harper's Bazaar and Life. This version initially stressed how the dead fly came to be in the soup, and the waiter pondering at length how the bug met its demise. The joke was gradually simplified to the more familiar form and remained a staple of magazines, reader contribution columns, and standard joke books through the decades.

Inevitably, the fly has shown up in Muppet-served soup on many occasions.


  • A Sesame Street sketch has Mr. Johnson complaining about the fly in his soup. Grover looks everywhere except in the soup, and then takes a different approach than usual by blaming the customer for not requesting no flies.
  • A waiter apologizes and rushes to replace Fozzie's soup with a fly in it, thus ruining Fozzie's joke in the July 29, 1983 installment of The Muppets comic strip.
  • A variant of the joke is done in Episode 3181 of Sesame Street, when Slimey lands into Maria's bowl of soup; Gina responds that he's doing the backstroke afterward.