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Goblin photo

Goblins ready for battle

Goblin tower

The Goblins appear in the 1986 film Labyrinth. They were designed by Brian Froud and built by Jim Henson's Creature Shop. There are a number of different types of goblins featured in the movie, including a cyclops goblin.

The goblins are described in a book called Goblins of the Labyrinth, written by Froud and Terry Jones.

Goblin Puppeteers[]

Donald Austen, Michael Bayliss, Martin Bridle, Fiona Beynor Brown, Simon Buckley, David Bulbeck, Sue Dacre, Geoff Felix, Trevor Freeborn, Christine Glanville, David Greenaway, Brian James, Jan King, Ronnie Le Drew, Terry Lee, Christopher Leith, Kathryn Mullen, Angie Passmore, Mike Petersen, Nigel Plaskitt, Judy Preece, Michael Quinn, Gillie Robic, David Rudman, David Showler, Robin Stevens, Ian Tregonning, Mary Turner, Rob Tygner, Mak Wilson, Francis Wright

Goblin Voices[]

Michael Attwell, Sean Barrett, Timothy Bateson, Douglas Blackwell, John Bluthel, Brian Henson, Anthony Jackson, Peter Marinker, Ron Mueck, Kerry Shale, David Shaughnessy

Goblin Corps[]

Marc Antona, Kenny Baker, Michael Henbury Ballan, Danny Blackner, Peter Burroughs, Toby Clark, Tessa Crockett, Warwick Davis, Malcolm Dixon, Anthony Georghiou, Paul Grant, Andrew Herd, Richard Jones, John Key, Mark Lisle, Peter Mandell, Jack Purvis, Katie Purvis, Nicholas Read, Linda Spriggs, Penny Stead, Albert Wilkinson


  • In a behind-the-scenes photo, Jim Henson is seen performing a goblin alongside his son, Brian Henson.