Sesame Street | |||||||||
Big Bird, Snuffy and Telly learn about the new computer; Oscar has his own grouch computer | |||||||||
Air date | April 4, 1984 | ||||||||
Season | Season 15 (1983-1984) | ||||||||
Written by | Judy Freudberg | ||||||||
Picture | Segment | Description |
SCENE 1 | In song, Big Bird wishes he could see the plant in his window grow. Olivia explains to him that growing takes time. | |
Cartoon | Two hippie kids wonder how to make their droopy plant grow. (First: Episode 1484) | |
Song | Joe Raposo sings "Little Things." (First: Episode 0655) | |
Cartoon | A man displays the capital and lowercase A, and explains what an alligator is. (First: Episode 0006) | |
Muppets | Kermit explains the importance of listening, using the Two-Headed Monster as an example. (First: Episode 1767) | |
Cartoon | A showcase of things that begin with A, ending with avalanche and ambulance. Artist: Cliff Roberts (First: Episode 0132) | |
Film | A little girl gets herself a glass of AGUA. (First: Episode 0929) | |
Cast | In the desert, Luis desperately searches for AGUA, but all the pumps are dry. (First: Episode 0680) | |
Cartoon | An orchestra conductor asks "May I have an A, please?" at which point a giant letter A falls from the sky. (First: Episode 0770) | |
Film | A gazelle runs fast across a plain. Music: Joe Raposo (First: Episode 0478) cut from the Noggin version | |
Cartoon | A for Ape (who crashes into a tree and forms a SHAPE) (First: Episode 0602) | |
Video | Scanimate kids intro (First: Episode 0798) | |
Insert | Luis plays a game of "Musical Chairs" with some disabled kids. Grover gives each one of them a hug whenever they drop out of the game. (First: Episode 0958) | |
Cartoon | The Ringmaster displays eleven purple pooches. Artist: Jeff Hale (First: Episode 1347) | |
Muppets | Polly Darton sings "Counting One to Five." (First: Episode 1810) | |
Cartoon | Todo el mundo necesita agua (First: Episode 0780) cut from the Noggin version | |
Film | Building a log cabin (First: Episode 0602) | |
Cartoon | Two kids argue over a cat and a dog, who chase each other around the fence. (First: Episode 1210) | |
SCENE 2 | Big Bird tells Snuffy about the new computer that everybody chipped in to buy and use, located in the Fix-It Shop. Inside the shop, Olivia, Maria, and Bob are learning how to use it, but Big Bird decides not to introduce Snuffy to the adults for concern that something might go wrong as usual. Instead, Big Bird watches them and asks questions about the computer, then repeats to Snuffy what he sees as the latter silently watches. The two observe as Olivia successfully opens up a disk into its drive; by this point the adults have no more questions to answer, only for them to notice that Big Bird hasn't asked them to turn around to introduce whom he's been relating the information to. Since Snuffy has already left, Big Bird states that it wouldn't matter anyway. | |
Film | Kids learn how to use a computer at a public school. (First: Episode 1853) | |
Muppets | An Anything Muppet girl shows the viewers that the number 11 is the same right side up and upside down. (Spanish version) (First: Episode 0362) cut from the Noggin version | |
Film | A kid marching band forms a circle. (First: Episode 0517) | |
Cartoon | Pinball Number Count #11 Artist: Jeff Hale (First: Episode 0988) | |
Muppets / Celebrity | Cab Calloway sings "Jumpin' Jive" when the Two-Headed Monster can't decide whether to jump or jive. (First: Episode 1575) | |
Cartoon | A mysterious little box on a tightrope entraps a bird, a train, and a cat, which can still be heard. A large frog eats the box, and makes all of the sounds inside. (First: Episode 1518) cut from the Noggin version | |
SCENE 3 | Oscar shows Bob his new Grouch computer (which he emphasizes is "user-grouchy" instead of user-friendly), the Worm II. Bob compares how the parts of the computer look much like the one at the Fix-it Shop, only in much more shabbier condition. Bob wonders how a computer can be grouchy, and upon Oscar's request Bob pushes the Return button: the screen reads "GET LOST. GO AWAY. KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF MY COMPUTER... AND THAT MEANS YOU!" | |
Animation | Where does the triangle fit? (First: Episode 1883) cut from the Noggin version | |
Film | Finding round things in a supermarket (David voiceover) (First: Episode 0434) | |
Cartoon | Black cat, white cat, orange cat, marmalade cat, mouse cat, bird cat, chasing balls of string cat. Artist: Jeff Hale (First: Episode 1141) | |
Muppets | Sesame Street News Flash: Holiday Mix-Up — Kermit interviews a witch, the Easter Bunny, and Santa Claus. (First: Episode 0711) | |
Cartoon | A man gets a letter C in the mail. (First: Episode 0294) | |
SCENE 4 | Telly observes the new computer, but doubts he'll ever know how to use it. Maria explains that she doesn't know how to use it herself, so they can learn together. She helps him turn it on, then shows him how to play a game that helps him make a grouchy face for Oscar. | |
Cartoon | Words that rhyme with BALL (voices of Bob Arbogast and Daws Butler) (First: Episode 0773) | |
Muppets | Instead of cookies, Cookie Monster recites a poem about galoshes -- or at least he tries. (First: Episode 1626) | |
Cartoon | Igor listens as Dr. Frankenstein names body parts in creating another Igor. Artist: Irra Verbitsky (First: Episode 1637) cut from the Noggin version | |
SCENE 5 | Telly continues having fun making faces with the computer as Bob and Olivia wait for him to finish. Telly tells Bob, "You know, you really should learn how to use a computer - it's gonna be the thing of the future!" Oscar announces the sponsors. |
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