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Sesame Street
Big Bird plays checkers with Mr. Hooper
Air date March 16, 1977
Season Season 8 (1976-1977)
Sponsors M, Y, 2


Picture Segment Description
Muppets Here Is Your Life: A loaf of bread is profiled.
(First: Episode 0709)
Film The Mad Painter #2
(First: Episode 0309)
Cartoon An old woman goads a man into guessing who she met today. Through the clues she gives, he soon finds out she's referring to him.
Artist: Bruce Cayard
(First: Episode 0798)
Video Scanimate kids intro
(First: Episode 0798)
SCENE 1 The kids cooperate to put on a record, then dance to some rock music.
Muppets Ernie & BertErnie pretends to be a dog and a duck. Bert then pretends to be a train, and does it so well that a train conductor and passengers come through the apartment.
(First: Episode 0645)
Cartoon Speech Balloon: M for Mail
(First: Episode 0013)
Film Kids ride horses.
Music: Joe Raposo
(First: Episode 0541)
Film Things that start with M
(First: Episode 0620)
SCENE 2 Maria has lost to Mr. Hooper at checkers for the ninth time in a row; Mr. Hooper attributes this to how long he has been playing the game. As she prepares to leave, Big Bird comes by and wishes to play. He states his friend Chirpley taught him how to play, but admits he's not very good. He settles down to play and starts wasting time figuring out which of his pieces to move.
Film Slide puzzle - truck
(First: Episode 0403)
Cookie Ernie hat boxes
Muppets Ernie & BertErnie purchases a straw hat for Bert, and asks Cookie Monster which box the hat will go in.
(First: Episode 0438)
Cartoon A man takes advantage of his television appearance to display his giant ME sign.
(First: Episode 0781)
SCENE 3 Big Bird has lost three games to Mr. Hooper so far, leaving him a bit testy. Mr. Hooper tries to quell his negative attitude, saying that he's just more experienced at the game than Big Bird is. Big Bird asks for another rematch.
Cartoon Y for yawn
(First: Episode 0301)
0316 giraffes
Film Sesame Street Animal Films: a herd of giraffes move their way through a field.
(First: Episode 0316)
Cartoon Y is for Yo-Yo
(First: Episode 0036)

SCENE 4 Big Bird has lost yet another checkers game with Mr. Hooper. He gets fed up with the game and leaves in a huff. He then runs into Marty nearby, who invites him to play a bean-bag tossing game where they try to toss the bags into a target. Big Bird is pleased when he finds that he's much better at this game than checkers and keeps hitting the target every time, though Marty seems a little disappointed.
Cartoon The weary traveler asks the Wise Man to demonstrate "here" and "there." He does so by throwing his household items off the cliff.
(First: Episode 0769)
Film A talking tree tells a boy about the difference between here and there, near and far, and close and next to. ("here and there" section only)
(First: Episode 0111)
Cartoon Two cowboy rattlesnakes discuss the difference between here and there, while trying to avoid a sneezing rabbit.
Artist: Bud Luckey
(First: Episode 0796)
SCENE 5 Big Bird continues to excel at the game while Marty keeps losing. Marty goes into a tirade similar to Big Bird's from earlier and starts asking around for someone else to play with. Big Bird wonders why he's being such a poor sport, then realizes he was acting just the same before. He goes over to Mr. Hooper on his delivery cart to apologize, adding, "You can beat me at checkers any old time." Mr. Hooper accepts the apology with a kiss.
Cartoon A lost man in the desert asks a stranger for directions to the city. He builds a pretend city out of sand to show what it looks like. As it turns out, the stranger is an alien.
(First: Episode 0763)
Muppets Roosevelt Franklin Elementary School: Roosevelt Franklin teaches the class the difference between "here" and "there". He demonstrates by having a letter for Hardhead Henry Harris (here), and delivering it to him (over there), with Smart Tina portraying a mailbox, and Baby Breeze taking it to him. Upon reading the letter, Harris is insulted and chases Roosevelt.
(First: Episode 0713)
Cartoon A boy points to himself and says, "ME."
(First: Episode 0857)
Muppets Muppet & Kid MomentGrover asks Brian to explain which of them is "you" and which is "me."
(First: Episode 0294)
Animation Shape organization, part 1
(First: Episode 0419)
Film Alone Song
(First: Episode 0921)
Animation Shape organization, part 2
(First: Episode 0419)
Muppets Harvey Kneeslapper is bouncing on a pogo stick. He asks a man if he'd like to try it, and the man replies, "I'd love to!" Harvey then slaps a big number 2 on the man's chest.
(First: Episode 0417)
Animation Shape organization, part 3
(First: Episode 0419)
Song "Paying Attention Song" (Charlie Tyson)
(First: Episode 0934)
Animation Shape organization (all formations review), part 4
(First: Episode 0419)
Insert Olivia sings "Quiet Is."
(First: Episode 0916)
Cartoon La letra M es para Miguel, musica, mariposa, marinero, molino, marciano, maroma y mono
(First: Episode 0464)
Muppets The Count sings "The Song of the Count."
(First: Episode 0469)
George countofour
Film No matter how they're arranged, George the Farmer always has three barrels, four milk jugs, and five cartons.
(First: Episode 0278)
Animation Sand M/m
(First: Episode 0620)
Grover mountain
Muppets Grover climbs a mountain and counts from one to ten with his own echo.
(First: Episode 0949)
Cartoon Y for yawn (repeat)

SCENE 6 The Amazing Mumford poofs himself to the Fix-It Shop, where Maria, having wasted time on checkers earlier, is frantically trying to catch up on many things - fixing a mixer for Mrs. Carver, eating lunch, and doing her homework before class starts soon. Mumford waves his wand and magically fixes the item, completes her homework, and finishes her lunch (as well as cleaning the bowl). She thanks him for the thought, but wants him to undo the trick; she can't get paid if she doesn't do the work herself, she won't learn anything if she doesn't do the homework, and she's still hungry even though the food is gone. Mumford reverses the trick, but still wishes he could help her in some manner. He instead poofs up a vase of pretty flowers to make Maria's job a little more pleasant.
Film Things that start with M (repeat)
Muppets Ernie & BertBert finds it difficult to listen to Pigeons in the News while Ernie and the Sesame Street Citizens' Band are outside practicing. In yet another case of miscommunication between the two, since Bert doesn't like it when they practice outside, Ernie leads the band into the apartment so they can practice inside.
(First: Episode 0982)
Cartoon Speech Balloon: M for Mail (repeat)
SCENE 7 The kids continue dancing to their music as Mumford announces the sponsors, adding, "Remember, a smile is the best magic."

CLOSING SIGNS Maria holds the Sesame Street sign, and Ernie and Bert hold the CTW sign.


  • Mumford does not wear his trademark cape in this episode.

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