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Sesame Street
Baby Bear invents a porridge cooler
Air date January 10, 1995
Season Season 26 (1994-1995)
Written by Lou Berger
Production August 30, 1994
September 9, 1994
Sponsors G, P, 0


Picture Segment Description
SCENE 1 Baby Bear has breakfast at Hooper's Store, but his porridge is too hot. At Goldilocks' suggestion, he tries blowing on it but it doesn't work. Mr. Handford suggests he go for a walk while it cools, but that's what Baby Bear always does. He gets an idea for a porridge-cooling machine, though Goldilocks has another idea to cool porridge. Baby Bear doesn't care, and wants to come up with his own idea instead.
Song "Hot in the City"
(First: Episode 2751)
Cartoon "Water Conservation": Frank the fish calls Carl and tells him not to leave the water running while brushing his teeth, otherwise the lake will be dry.
Artist: Peter Chung
(First: Episode 2689)
Song David sings "I'm Pretty" over a film of fish and other sea creatures.
Refilmed version
(First: Episode 2490)
Muppets Big Bird: "That was great! Makes you proud to be an animal, doesn't it?"
(First: Episode 3159)
Film Alphaquest: P
A pack of painted purple penguins practicing a pop song in a pine tree park, and a pink pig with a parachute.
(First: Episode 2711)
Celebrity John Moschitta, Jr. plays Porter Pepper of Peter Piper's P Products, which produces products that begin with the letter "P". He mentions that two of his clients were Peter Pan and Pablo Picasso until Peter Piper, the boss, gives him a phone call. Pepper now presents a new problem: Peter Piper's "P" Products has been purchased, and is now Sam Singer's "S" Stuff Store. Pepper, without stalling, summons his staff to stand by, switches his products to stuff, and searches for snacks and saucers.
(First: Episode 2061)
Cartoon P is for Pillow
(First: Episode 0374)
SCENE 2 Baby Bear shows Mr. Handford his invention: he turns a crank, which powers a pinwheel that blows air onto the porridge. He gives it a test run but his porridge is still too hot to eat afterward. Mr. Handford blames it on the small pinwheel, which only makes a small amount of air. Baby Bear begins brainstorming, ignoring Goldilocks' suggestions of a better method once more.
Film Kids narrate footage of toddlers learning to walk.
(First: Episode 3025)
Film Paper crumples to reveal G, g, and Gg.
(First: Episode 3128)
Animation Computer G / g
(First: Episode 3112)
Cartoon G for Gorilla
(First: Episode 2491)
Muppets "Fat Cat"
(First: Episode 0536)
Cartoon A cat desperately tries to open a can of cat food by himself while his mistress is on the phone.
Animation by Dan Haskett
(First: Episode 2151)
SCENE 3 In the park, Bob watches Zoe while her mother is away. Zoe wonders how she'll know when her mom is back, and Bob sings "She'll Call 'Zoe'."
Cartoon All the instruments in Sousaville love Mr. Tuba's music, but when he plays with them, he doesn't play the same music they're playing.
Artist: ArtistMike
(First: Episode 2829)
Film A girl helps her father train for a wheelchair race.
(First: Episode 3275)
Song "Zero Song": A female voiceover sings about the food that keeps being taken away to make 0.
Arist: Jane Aaron
(First: Episode 3003)
Muppets Ernie and Bert: Ernie Catches All the FishBert can't seem to catch fish with the luck that Ernie has.
(First: Episode 3199)
Cartoon A boy counts down to 0 as he eats his soup.
(First: Episode 2283)
Film A girl narrates a film of herself taking the bus home with her dad. They play a game where she points to things and identifies them.
Animation The word BUS is displayed, followed by a graphic of a school bus leaving.
(First: Episode 3052)

SCENE 4 Baby Bear unveils his new and improved porridge cooler outside Hooper's Store - a larger version of his first machine, with a much larger pinwheel. Mr. Handford cranks it up, but the force of the air from the device is so strong it ends up blowing both Baby Bear and his porridge away (narrowly missing Maria). Baby Bear isn't satisfied, sampling the now-spilled porridge on his head and still finds it too hot.
Cartoon Dr. Annie Eyeball looks at air.
Artist: Bruce Cayard
(First: Episode 2592)
Film A zydeco band plays "Bayou Pon Pon" while people dance and the townspeople of New Orleans wave at the camera.
(First: Episode 2502)
Cast Elmo, Big Bird and Gordon star in a commercial for the Alphabet (as if it were a bank).
(First: Episode 2972)
Cartoon P for Planet
(First: Episode 2008)
Film P for party, picture and puzzle.
(First: Episode 3267)
Muppets Grover goes to the doctor for a check-up, and describes to the viewer what the doctor is doing. Grover gets scared when it's time for a booster shot, but is so scared that he doesn't notice when he gets it.
(First: Episode 1968)
Animation Arrows give a presentation of the human body.
(First: Episode 2839)
SCENE 5 Baby Bear is upset none of his inventions have worked, but Mr. Handford thinks he should be proud of the work he's done; one day, he might be a good inventor. Baby Bear finally relents and hears Goldilocks' idea - put a little milk in their porridge, cooling it down. Baby Bear gives it a try and finds it works nicely, but then angrily asks Goldilocks why she didn't tell him sooner!
Film On the farm, a boy enjoys a glass of MILK.
(First: Episode 3277)
Cartoon A brief animation of pouring milk in a glass, coupled with the word milk.
(First: Episode 3012)
Muppets / Celebrity Kevin Kline and Phoebe Cates sing a song about measuring, while The Count uses a ruler to do so.
(First: Episode 3105)
Cartoon An orange creature shows things that measure.
(First: Episode 1969)
Film Wegman's dogs re-enact "Goldilocks and the Three Bears."
(First: Episode 3269)
Cartoon Mary Shaboom reluctantly moves to a new house, and muses about the consequences. (new music and sound effects added)
(First: Episode 2959)
SCENE 6 Baby Bear has made his larger porridge cooler a "Mr. Handford cooler," who rests in a beach chair and announces the sponsors. Baby Bear and Goldilocks start another argument when Goldilocks jokingly comments that Baby Bear should pour some milk on Mr. Handford's head to cool him off, and the two don't notice when the cooler blows Mr. Handford, his chair, and the in-credit logo away.


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