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Sesame Street
Air date January 6, 1984
Season Season 15 (1983-1984)
Written by Nancy Sans
Directed by Emily Squires
Production October 6, 1983
Sponsors P, R, 11


Picture Segment Description

SCENE 1 Big Bird is watching Hooper's Store while David is out for a moment. He wraps up dusting the whole store, save for a carton of eggs. As he picks one up to clean it, the egg slips from his wing and smashes on the counter. Big Bird fears that David will be angry with him, so he covers up the mess and replaces the egg in the carton with a similar-looking onion. When David returns, he proposes making some eggs for breakfast, but Big Bird tries to sway him away from this before splitting the scene all together. David notices the onion in the carton, then the splattered egg under the dust rag, and pieces together why Big Bird is acting so strange.

SCENE 1 cont'd Outside the store, Big Bird paces around in despair. David comes outside and Big Bird gets on his knees for forgiveness. David is very understanding about the situation and brings Big Bird back inside for a game. They observe the carton of eggs and find what item doesn't belong (the onion). David then admits he too made an egg-related mistake earlier today: he dropped a whole carton of eggs as he put them away, leaving only one egg unshattered. This works out perfectly, as it can now occupy the space left by the egg Big Bird dropped.
Cartoon The man is only afraid of one thing: FEAR.
(First: Episode 0816)
Muppets Captain Breakfast unsuccessfully encourages a little girl to eat breakfast, the most important meal of the day.
(First: Episode 1492)
Cartoon R is for Rooster, Robber, and Rake...
Artist: Fred Calvert
(First: Episode 0011)
Film Body Parts vs. Heavy Equipment: Three boys (including Brian Henson) pretend to be steam shovels, playing in the dirt. This segues into footage of real construction vehicles. A parallel is drawn between the machinery and how the boys' arms and mouths work.
(First: Episode 0003)
Cartoon Men in boxes sound out the word RUN.
(First: Episode 0369)
Cast Maria and Gordon sort shapes by type and color.
(First: Episode 1244)
Cartoon An ostrich is born on a football field, and learns that he can't fly. He saves the game by scoring the winning touchdown.
Film Kids ride horses.
Music: Joe Raposo
(First: Episode 0541)
Cartoon A boy's friends bring him flowers to cheer him up, not knowing that he's allergic to them.
(First: Episode 1524)
Celebrity Lily Tomlin performs "Sing" while signing the lyrics for a pair of deaf children.
(First: Episode 0901)
Cartoon A painter pops out of a box and paints a lion, then hangs a "wet paint" sign on it.
(First: Episode 1397)
Film A wall painter on a high-rise spells and paints the word "WET PAINT" in red, but accidentally puts his hand on one of the painted letters and looks at his hand, all painted red, and shouts, "WET PAINT!"
(First: Episode 1036)
Cartoon Sign Sounds: BINGO
(First: Episode 1171)
Muppets Cookie Monster does a taste test to compare square shaped cookies, triangle shaped cookies, and circle shaped cookies.
(First: Episode 1750)
Film Kids paint P-word animals on glass.
(First: Episode 0119)
Insert Oscar the Grouch caters to Maria and David at "Chez Oscar" in front of his trash can.
(First: Episode 1215)
Cartoon P for Penguin
Artist: Jeff Hale
(First: Episode 1190)
Muppets A baby Honker hatches from an egg and learns to honk like all the Honkers.
(First: Episode 1616)
Film How a steel drum is made
(First: Episode 0828)
Pinball 11
Cartoon Pinball Number Count #11
Artist: Jeff Hale
(First: Episode 0988)
SCENE 2 Telly's mom is going to have a new baby soon, so Telly has bundled up all his things and intends to move into Oscar's trash can. He explains to Olivia that the baby will no doubt need his bed, thus leaving him nowhere to sleep. Olivia helps set him straight on the issue by explaining how a new baby (referring to herself) affected her brother Gordon when he was younger, and how he adapted and came to like the new sibling. Telly rushes home in glee, and Oscar is fine with this as he knows his pet pig Spot doesn't like sharing his space: "He's used to being an only pig!"
Film Kids narrate a film of themselves at home with their younger siblings.
(First: Episode 1722)
Cartoon A woman fixes her car by putting a letter r under the hood, and it goes "Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!"
(First: Episode 0410)
Muppets Ernie and Bert: Sharing a CookieBert refuses to share his cookie with Ernie.
(First: Episode 0472)
Animation Sand R/r
(First: Episode 0635)
Muppets Sesame Street News Flash: Jack Be NimbleJack struggles to make his way over the candlestick.
(First: Episode 0723)
SCENE 3 Big Bird assists "The Amazing Barkley" and Tania as they do their famous "over, under, and around" trick in the yard.
Film Old Time Movies: Anne Meara observes wondering if the dashing hero will go over or under.
(First: Episode 0517)
Muppets Polly Darton sings "Wavin' Goodbye to You with My Heart."
(First: Episode 1475)
Cartoon It's a squirrel
Artist: Ishu Patel
(First: Episode 1736)

SCENE 4 Big Bird has an important message for Bob, who is too wrapped up in listening to his music to notice Big Bird's presence. He taps Bob to get his attention and relays his message - it's time to say goodbye. Bob waves goodbye, and resumes listening to his music as Olivia announces the sponsors and the credits follow.

Previous episode: Next episode:
Episode 1869 Episode 1871