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Sesame Street
Air date January 23, 1981
Season Season 12 (1980-1981)
Directed by Robert Myhrum
Production October 9, 1980
Sponsors N, R, 5


Picture Segment Description
SCENE 1 Linda greets the viewer, saying, "Hi, welcome to Sesame Street," in sign language. Bob joins her and the two show how to do the signs, with Bob explaining how Linda isn't able to hear the words he's saying.
Muppets Kermit tests two blindfolded monsters and asks them which number they're feeling. Herry Monster minus his blindfold describes how he knew the number was a five and in the process breaks the five into pieces. Cookie Monster attempts to feel the number and Kermit tells him that he can't since its broken. Cookie Monster devours the pieces and tells Kermit it tastes like a five.
(First: Episode 1200)
Cartoon The Ringmaster #5: Five fantastic floating fools fall from the big blue blimp.
(First: Episode 1310)
(First: Episode 0935)
Cartoon Five Swans
Artist: Owe Gustafson
(First: Episode 1460)
Muppets Clementine finds Forgetful Jones once again in a situation where he has no memory. She has him assess the clues to remember - he's sitting in a great chair for reading, has a lamp for reading and a book. Forgetful finally remembers - Buster was reading him a book.
(First: Episode 1465)
Song Joe Raposo sings "Penguins Five."
(First: Episode 0245)
Cartoon A kid tries to push his toy house through the front door without the door closing.
Artist: Paul Fierlinger
(First: Episode 0914)

Muppets Biff and Sully move a piano. Biff tries to play a scale and talks about practice. While Biff is away, Sully plays a full concert piece.
(First: Episode 0911)
Cartoon Men in boxes sound out the word RUN.
(First: Episode 0369)
Muppets Ernie & BertErnie has a collection of Rs in a box. He shows Bert, who says that Ernie will be the laughingstock of Sesame Street if anyone else finds out. Ernie sadly throws away his Rs, and Bert asks to have the box for his J collection.
(First: Episode 0014)
JudyCollins Fishermen
Muppets / Celebrity Judy Collins sings "The Fisherman Song" with several Anything Muppets.
(First: Episode 0796)
Toon differentmes
Cartoon A boy talks about his various moods.
Artist: Bob Kurtz
(First: Episode 0772)

SCENE 2 Bob plays the electronic piano as he finishes a music lesson with Adam on his clarinet. Deena zips in with her own clarinet, and she and Adam proceed to play a Mozart duet. Afterward, Deena now wants to play with Bob - play tag, that is.
Muppets Grover and the letter R, which ROLLS, ROCKS, RUNS, and ROCKETS.
(First: Episode 0194)
Cartoon Only one of the two footprints can belong.
(First: Episode 0509)
Film A baby messes around (literally) with a chocolate cookie, as Cookie Monster (in voice-over) wishes it were for him.
(First: Episode 0407)
Cartoon The Typewriter: R for Rope
(First: Episode 0764)
Film A kid marching band forms a triangle.
(First: Episode 0531)
Cartoon A woman fixes her car by putting a letter r under the hood, and it goes "Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!"
(First: Episode 0410)
Film A voiceover lists many R words.
(First: Episode 0661)
Muppets Muppet & Kid MomentErnie and Katie find the many similarities between each other.
Film Two box-beings make each other look same and different by piling different objects on each other.
(First: Episode 0226)
SCENE 3 Maria observes Oscar pitching five of various pungent ingredients into his trash can, preparing "Five Grouch Goulash." Maria assumes it's named so because it contains five of each ingredient, but Oscar corrects her: it's called such because it feeds five Grouches. He calls out and the four remaining Grouches gallop over to dine. Maria takes a whiff and gives five rotten opinions of it, which Oscar takes as compliments.
Bert purple hand
Muppets Ernie & BertBert can't go on a trip with Ernie because his hand has purple paint on it. Ernie puts a mitten on Bert's hand to cover it, but Bert still won't go because he looks silly wearing one mitten. So Ernie completes the outfit with another mitten, a hat, a scarf, and a sled. Ernie then reveals that they are going to the beach.
(First: Episode 0386)
Film Kids have a lost-dog poster made using an old-style printing press.
(First: Episode 1222)
Cast Luis and the kids put together a fractured letter "n."
(First: Episode 0938)
Cartoon The Carrot
Artist: Bruce Cayard
(First: Episode 1132)
SCENE 4 In the yard, Telly Monster overhears Bob speaking to Aya in Japanese. He becomes worried and thinks that Bob will no longer be able to speak English, thus ending their friendship. Maria calms him down and points out that many people can speak two languages, including herself. Telly is relieved and tells Bob the good news: they can still be friends! Bob is befuddled by this statement.
Song David sings "I'm Pretty" over a film of fish and other sea creatures.
(First: Episode 0389)
Muppets Simon Soundman has the viewers guess what sound he is making. He makes the sound of a train, car, and a horse. When Simon makes the sound of the horse, a cowboy uses his lasso to capture Simon, mistaking him for a real horse.
(First: Episode 0294)
Cartoon A white furball catches a train going through a door marked EXIT.
(First: Episode 0800)
Film Wild geese (to madrigal music)
(First: Episode 0935)
More Than One Way Family song 1002
Insert Susan and Gordon sing "There's More Than One Way for a Family to Be."
(First: Episode 1002)
Cartoon N is for nose.
(First: Episode 1173)
Muppets Cookie Monster discovers Cousin Monster doesn't want cookies and would rather eat Ernie's healthy food.
(First: Episode 1240)
Cartoon Four people cooperate building a table.
(First: Episode 0537)
SCENE 5 The kids play ball in the yard as Telly announces the sponsors, and the credits roll.

CLOSING SIGNS Bob and Linda hold the Sesame Street sign, and the Count holds the Children's Television Workshop sign. (Telly: "Sayonara!")


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Episode 1489 Episode 1491