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Stampa:Suttingergasse 16-18 (Döbling) I.jpg

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Das Haus Vetter bzw. Michel in der Suttingergasse 16-18 in Grinzing (Wien-Döbling).

  This media shows the protected monument with the number 41988 in Austria. (Commons, de, Wikidata)
  This media shows the protected monument with the number 41989 in Austria. (Commons, de, Wikidata)
Sors Opra proprja
Awtur Michael Kranewitter
(Użu mill-ġdid tal-fajl)
Deutsch: Dieses Foto/Illustration wurde von Michael Kranewitter erstellt und unter der untenstehenden Lizenz veröffentlicht. Das Bild kann frei verwendet werden, wenn ich als Urheber genannt und die weiteren Lizenzbestimmungen eingehalten werden. Genaueres z.B. unter Beschreibung der richtigen Lizenz

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English: This photograph/illustration was created by Michael Kranewitter and released under the license below. You are free to use it for any purpose as long as you credit me as the author and follow the terms of the license.

This means that free usage outside of Wikimedia projects under the following terms of licence is possible:

  • 1.1 The image is credited with “Michael Kranewitter, Wikimedia Commons, CC-by-sa 4.0” (instead of 4.0 please use the version number of the licence listed below if divergent)
    If this is not possible due to shortage of space, please contact me first.
  • 1.2 If possible, weblinks to the original image and to the licence would be great,for example: “Michael Kranewitter, Wikipedia, CC-by-sa 4.0

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Object location48° 15′ 06.32″ N, 16° 20′ 08.95″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View this and other nearby images on: OpenStreetMapinfo


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Items portrayed in this file

depicts Ingliż

copyrighted Ingliż

16 Settembru 2011

captured with Ingliż

Nikon D50 Ingliż

48°15'6.318"N, 16°20'8.948"E

exposure time Ingliż

0.0025 sekonda

f-number Ingliż


focal length Ingliż

18 millimetru

Kronoloġija tal-fajl

Agħfas fuq il-grupp data/ħin biex tara l-fajl biex tara kif jidher dak il-ħin.

kurrenti19:41, 18 Settembru 2011Minjatura tal-verżjoni ta' 19:41, 18 Settembru 20112,824 × 1,838 (3.25 MB)Geiserich77

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